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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I agree lets go get them ALL though. I personally do not use bottled water unless it is to replace the bottle I have been refilling. The legitimate use for bottled water is in disaster situations when the potable water is questionable.The tax on water based products goes into the tax base but is not earmarked for water conservation. I won't even get into mining and the contaminants and high volume of water used that kill miles of rivers because they are "overlooked" as long as they provide jobs and political financial enhancements. Art
  2. So the mining companies and the golf courses that take a larger amount of water is o.k.? If you want to save the water make sure it is all of the abusers not the ones selected for you by the people who have agendas. Art
  3. While it sounds like a good idea. Some of the mark up is to cover shipping, bad parts, wrong parts and other liabilities. You also will have the customer that is sure the part is the reason his lawnmower blew up. Sounds like a headache with little return. If you do do it 20% off is fair to both people involved. If they are a close friend then decide if you want to go deeper into your discount but keep that private. Art
  4. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82926 Please read this link. Thank you Art
  5. Anti inflammatory Aspirin to shrink swelling and fluids to thin the mucus if present. Art
  6. I'll start it. It is the government dispersing brain controlling drugs to keep people peaceful. Art
  7. Yup time for a meeting after reading this thread and others like it recently it is apparent that people have taken liberties that just are not making this site a place for everyone to be comfortable at. Art
  8. Welcome and thanks for the info we hope you enjoy it here. Art
  9. We used blousing straps the same way you are using sponge cord in the SeaBees. Google them you will find they work well and are inexpensive. Art
  10. Is this really what you want to discuss on a fishing thread? It reads like a pack of trolls talking about something that you have no say in. I am really close to locking all political threads since they seem to bring out the worst in people on this forum. Here is fair warning 2 people on this thread are going to be on modQ if they continue trolling members and fanning the flames of debate. Hopefully this is all I need to say Be CIVIL post FACTS not dribble from the internet and agree to disagree before typing an insult. Art
  11. bug suit pants wold work and not get you laughed at like pantyhoses will. Art
  12. NEVER TRUST A FUSE lol they can blow and still look good. They are the first line of defence in a short so they are the first place to look. Glad it was easy. Art
  13. Take jumper cables and go to positive pole with positive clamp. on starter and negative to ground against casing of starter motor If it spins then it is not getting the signal to the solenoid. Recheck fuses with new fuses no click means no signal in most cases. Check solenoid for loose wire, Test for voltage at solenoid post. From here it gets to complicated to stumble thru. Wish you lived closer. Art
  14. If pete would call me the next time he is in my neck of the woods I could use some of his good luck. It has been a tough year on the Blue Cats. Art
  15. Lets all go fishing these threads are getting out of hand. I am tired of people snipping at each other. If we can't all learn to discuss and debate without getting into each others faces than the political threads have a dim future. While no names are mentioned you know who you are. If you have a doubt feel free to P.M. me and we can discuss it. Thanks enjoy the fishing this summer Art
  16. Well if it is a revolver you got a chance if it is a handgun then one bullet will kill you. lol Art
  17. I have to believe it is 90% it will explain some of the content I see here.lol I personally drink a shot a night of whisky I grew up being the designated driver because alcohol makesme sleepy. Art
  18. Going to be awful lonely here on the board with 90% of the members gone.lol Art
  19. Here is a link for lund touch up paint. http://www.lundboats.com/boat-paint-codes/ Art
  20. Nothing is deleted we keep them all for legal reasons. With the right search word it will appear. Art
  21. Here you go a good read on free meat. http://www.backdoorsurvival.com/should-you-eat-roadkill-8-rules/ Art
  22. I wash my musky lures once a year and air dry them, then into a closed bucket with the silica bags and they are ready for my next trip up north. Art
  23. You can add a few silica packets to the box to keep them dry. Art
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