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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Since they are white and you are adding red the best your rum soaked butt will get is pink but hey it looks good on you. ( bless your little heart) Art
  2. The 50/200 has some advanced uses mostly for I.D.ing bottom hardness and looking for edges of drop offs. The larger cone size tells you about a larger radius as the water gets deeper. You will see more fish but you lose the bottom texture because it is only reading the highest point in the radius so small er is better in this case. Go ahead and spend the 55.00 it wil be worth it once you learn to read what it is telling you. I will even give you a free lesson if you bring it down here or up to lak air next year. Art
  3. Whats amatter Mark no fishE pictures to post???? I kind of like the Frampton look on one of our nations treasures. I hope you alls seasons are going well. Art
  4. Someone please bump the redneck he is skipping again like a bad record....... Art
  5. Thanks for comming out and visiting with us this year again Don, Ruth and Tyler. You all are welcome to visit/fish with us any chance you get. Art and Joe
  6. Lew my 525 low so far has not done as you descibed but it does sound as though it is a processer or chip issue. You might want to contact Lowrance with an Email and tell them that the unit is glitching just in case it turns out to be a warrentee issue then it is documented even if it is out of warrentee.
  7. Thanks all for the well wishes. We will have a nice BBQ this afternoon and then watch as the local rednecks combine alcohol and gunpowder for our entertainment. signed "8 fingered Art"
  8. While driving around the music is good while casting for fish the music is bad. Baitfishin I will have it on low so the answer is yes and no. Art
  9. Dawg you are always welcome under our roof wether it is in Canada or here in Virginia. Nice report and thanks for another year of fun and friendship. Art
  10. Happy happy to you bud hope the day goes well. Art
  11. Nice vid and good choice of music I think you might have a future in this computer thinggy stuff. Art
  12. While he may not have been the greatest fisherman he sure could chose a fishin partner. Have a good trip down memory lane Cliff I am sure it will not be that hard to remember what kind of a man he was and the joy he inspired in the people he touched. I am sorry for the loss of someone close to you all but I am comforted by the thought he still lives in your alls heart. Art
  13. To the man who brought the best saying to Lak Air I would like to nominate T.J.Q. for " Bless your little Heart " After any type of derogative, lowdown, cut you to the quick statement. ex: " Hey Art you are just the funniest lookin sot I have ever met" " bless your little heart". I still love yaa you short, furry, John Baluchi look alike. "BLESS YOUR LITTLE HEART" Art Anyone else want to post some of the Gems that people missed by not being in the right place at the right time???
  14. HA now arn't you all sorry you keep pumping that cold air down here this spring. You thought you all would be funny by keeping our summer heat hostage so us poor southerners would suffer alittle more cold weather now look at what it got you.......This will learn yaaa not to mess with the Southern Contingency. The Southern contingency local chapter 101
  15. As you can see the quote above is he wants to see....... not that it happened. However if it would raise enough money for the walleye fund next year I might consider doing it. Thanks for a great time at LA dawg I am sure you will get back into the work swing again. Art
  16. Good to meet you finally Bernie I hope to take a tour of the facilities one day. Art
  17. Good to finally meet you Jack it was way to short of a visit. I am sure I could have learned alot from you. Art
  18. Yup we had the Dawg in the house. He was just as wound up as he was the year before and one of the best roommates you could ask for. I will let him fill in the gaps with his own story and pictures. Art
  19. Looks like a nice place to kick back and rest for a little while. It is a shame it is not closer to Virginia...... Art
  20. What happened to my bribe I gave you Kevin???? O well at least it will help get DouG out of the doghouse for running away to see all of us at Lak Air. Thanks again for the time and the effort you and all of the volunteers put in the Walleye program. Art
  21. Happy Birthday Chuck I hope you have a fun day and a great year. Art
  22. Thanks for all of the fun folks we had a blast and have arrived home after 750 miles and 12 1/2 hours of driving. Unpacking can wait till tommorrow and a good scrubbin of the boat is in order to get all of the pike slime out of it. Art
  23. Yea I know another fisherman who can only catch fish when their are no witnesses...... I still think Roy and Glen are fishin with dynomite. Very nice trip thanks for the pictures. Art
  24. Glad to see you are on the road to recovery. Does this mean we will not see you at lak air this year??? Art
  25. This is a vinegar based salsa that is not overpowering . 3 tomato's seeded, chopped, strainer rinsed and patted dry. 1 large onion chopped 2 plum sized Timoteo's ( optional green mexican type vegetable) 1- 4 oz fresh cilantros, minced add to taste preference. 1/2 oz of minced chipolta if you want it spicy but try it without first. 1 oz lemon juice mix together and add to above for desired liquid content 3 oz apple vinegar set for at least 3 hours or overnight for flavor to blend.
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