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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. It usually is answered by the few tech. people that have volunteered their time to helping people who are having issues. Some of the computer answers I have read on the main board scare me. Art
  2. did he die from methane poisoning? not that their is anything wrong with that......( now thats funny I don't care who you are) Now that I got the joke out of the way....sorry your hamster died but yea they are good muskie bait after you dig a hole and "bury" the cigar box he was in. Art
  3. Yaaa and then GOD and the devil will have a snowball fight...... Art
  4. He has some good ones their.... Art
  5. You have won my admiration and loyalty doesn't that count for something? (of course so has my dog but don't tell T.J.) he wants to feel "special". Art
  6. Thank you all for playing the winner randomly chosen by a member is DARCY HEITZNER. If you all still have some good recipes it would be nice to see them still. Art
  7. Thank you the winner of the recipe contest is Darcy Heitzer ....Please send me a P.M. with your address so I can send you the lure making kit. Art
  8. I have the drawing for the lure can one person please pick a # between 1-19 Thanks Art
  9. Actually the lakes and ponds get some ice and even the slow rivers get it on the edges. None of it is safe so we get to wish about fishin without getting to fish. The bigger rivers usually stay free so boat fishing is possible for all of the species. Art
  10. Funny we are still waiting for the hard water season. Art
  11. Wow 50 EH..... Happy Birthday again Joe Art
  12. Great Job to the Canadian Team and supporters. It was an awesome game and could not have been any closer. I guess we will use the next 4 years to bring even a bigger game stick to the Olympics next time we play Canada for the gold and silver. Art
  13. aplumma

    Hey TJ!

    Take note Monique this is what it takes to quiet our fearless leader . Art
  14. Funny thing.... Chuck Norris did a demo at our high school back in 1977. We did not know who he was then but he sure was good at martial arts. Art
  15. Sure it can if your still friends, I don't remember the exact paint scheme but I have a good idea and will get one in the makin for you. Art
  16. Her we have a contest that is for a lure carving kit It includes Sandpaper, rough suick plug,knife, hooks and hardware and the $10.00 for you to buy the paints of your choice. All's that you need to do is post your favorite recipe and hopefully with pictures for everyone to enjoy. I would like for you to include if you want to be in the drawing also. I will randomly pick a winner late next week and ship it USPS as a gift for you to carve and assemble. While it does not come with directions you can feel free to P.M. me with any questions. Art (Thanks T.J. and Mods for letting me have a contest Yall are the best)
  17. Here are a few lures that I have been gifted. They are from two different people who can speak up if they want to. ""] ""]
  18. Usually I ask if they have found them yet? I then offer a brief description of what lure and were I caught them. Mostly their response is to share the same info. Art
  19. No we don't have the Canadian Tire stores here but I think the funny money they hand out might be worth more than the US. dollar sometimes. Cliff Your application did get to the final 3 though I need to make a decision soon but solopaddler did say " please don't disown me I will be good and pay you a thousand dollars a month and name my next born Art" well actually what he really said was " " but I know what he meant. If Pete and Roy don't step up to the plate soon I am going to post a few pictures of their fine examples of Baits for them. I hope they will share I really like the look of them. Art
  20. Peter great to see you around I've missed yaaa. On another subject UMMMM isn't their something you forgot to shown us. Hope you get a chance to come to Lak Air this year. Art
  21. Does this mean we arn't brothers any more? That makes me alittle sad. I guess I will be accepting applications for a new brother/ sister since I am an equal opportunity family. Art
  22. One of the things that makes shipping cost more is that it is shipped to a foreign country although we are neighbors. The difference between calling UPS for a package to be picked up and shipped in the same country versus going to the post office wait in line for 1/2 hour and fill out 2 forms then drive back to the office is a huge amount of manpower. If the UPS option is chosen then the price and the broker make it not profitable. When ever you break out of the standard method of doing business then it will cost more....After all when it all comes down to it... profit is needed to make a living. If it helps any when I purchase from Canada it cost me more to get it shipped than it cost you. Art
  23. you mean you saw thru the eye switch ? and I thought I was sooooooo clever. Art
  24. Here is a lure I made a little bit ago but haven't water tested it. It might just spin in circles if so it will go back on the console of the big boat.
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