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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Here is a tip from your Uncle Arttie: If you are going to follow Roy around make sure you copy down his boat numbers cause he is hard to see over the gunwales. Humph tillers....who needs em. Art
  2. Very nice Paul it looks like it finally is fishing time. Art
  3. A nights sleep and a few P.M.s from some members has taken a lot of the bad taste out of my mouth from yesterday. Thanks for the P.M.s and the kind words. Rereading this this morning it still confuses me....people are mad because we treat somethings done by Mr. X one way and Mr.Y differently. It is true,and it will continue because their are cases were in the publics eye they are similar but on this side of the board behind the scenes we have received information that makes them different. If we did decide to hold everyone to the letter of the rules we would have eliminated 5 people just on this thread alone. I guess the answer is for everyone to stop comparing what Mr.X did to what Mr.Y did they are different and each and everyone of the actions the Mods make are treated as a separate but equal incident. Art
  4. Ron it was a self censor I wrote it and put it invisible to think about it to make sure it was written in a positive frame of mind. I have had a long hard day and the comments and mistrust of some here have made me question why I spend the effort here. The good news is for now the good comments outweigh the bad by a large number so my efforts are rewarded and tommorrow will be a better day. Night Art
  5. The answer is no we can not see your P.M.s. We can how ever Google your address and see what color the siding is and whether or not you cut your grass. Now if you are still scared of this site and think we are the axis of evil please contact your favorite Moderator and your account can be closed and archived. IT has been a long day and I am a little tired of the crap some of you all have accused us of. For the many ones that support us Thank you. Art
  6. Why is censorship deemed bad? If you read the rules and you post as the rules guide you then your idea will be expressed in the words you posted. I have been here 10 years and never had a mod change any of the words I have put forth. Everyone keeps saying we are here to get the numbers for advertising well look at the pages do you really see a lot of advertisers? Have you noticed that every event be it a charity or a death that the board OFC meaning all of the members here send money or flowers or something that they need to them. The spirit of this community affects all of us and it most certainly affects the Moderators here. I have over the years given to every cause behind the scenes and I decided I wanted to give something more precious than money to everyone here and that is my time and expertise. I volunteered to help Moderate this board and after a vote it was decided that I could come on board on a trial bases. The trial bases was if I wanted to stay after I saw how much time and effort I expend and the level of gratitude that it lacked. I am not looking for a hearty handshake or an attaboy for the work I have put in to this board but it does get old when you are damned when you do and damned when you don't. Why do some things fall thru the cracks ? Quite simply we don't catch all of the rules that are broken because of time you see we have to earn a living as well as keep the board from getting into legal issues, internal wars, external wars and a whole list of things that ruffle feathers. Are we perfect noo not by a long shot we will make mistakes as we go forth and me being the newest moderator I have made my share and then some already and in some cases it has made the job of the other mods harder but they have always picked me up and dusted me off and we continue going forward. The simple road would be for us to stick to the rules rigidly and carry thru with banning and other methods of eliminating people who make ripples on the board. The problem is it would eliminate people who are just having a short spell of bad karma / insanity or plain bad luck what ever the name you want to use. We give them a break and we get accused of playing favorites. The truth of the matter is we did we gave someone a break because he /she has give us years of good posts and they have a bad spell that they have not made public and don't want to make it public so without the inside information you judge us harshly. So the next time you want to judge the moderators harshly and think we are taking an action because we have the power realize the most important thing to us is keeping this board in good shape and a place were we all can meet and tell our stories for all to enjoy. The day that that objective can not be reached or the Moderators finally get beaten down from trolls or ingratitude is the day the board will be archived and a great place will be lost. Art
  7. You get all of that...man are you lucky, but after all could we expect any less from the loving wife that got you that really nice camera. Art
  8. I should have done this a year ago I got 26 visits in 35 minutes. Now if I could only figure out how to make money off it I would be golden. Art
  9. The thermo scan units will tell you surface temp only and if they get wet they are toast. The old glass ball and colored liquid can tell you water temp below the surface and getting it wet is no big deal. Besides you can buy flies and stuff with the money you save. Art
  10. Way to go Nancy your the queen of nice... Jen I hope you are feeling better soon. Art
  11. It follows the old theory that you should keep all of your records for 7 years just in case their is a question asked and you need to refer to them. Since it is so obvious to most of the people reading this I am guessing Sinker is just pulling a shenanigans on us. If he were truly serious he would have P.M.ed us and asked to have his account closed. Art
  12. O.K. you caught us Sinker here is a link to my place were all of my my secret info. The only thing missing is my I.P. address but I will be happy to P.M. to you if it will make you smile again. Art
  13. It allows us to track whether a person has opened a second account. Art
  14. Nice fish and the first photo I have seen from up North in short sleeves. Art
  15. I read the article and it looks like the native fisherman were poaching defined by the First Nations rules and justice internally was being delivered. They are attempting to police themselves but have a lack of people and funding to do it. When outside sources were requested non was available. It looks like both sides native and non native need to take a part in this to make it work. Art
  16. I am going to back up the batteries in the back. As you crack the plates they flake to the bottom ans short out the capacity of the battery. They can still read 12.6 on full charge but the CCA go down as the level goes up. This is tied into physics any battery will be damaged the higher priced battery you get the thicker the plates are or in the case of the AGM batteries the better supported the plates are. Art
  17. We are just hitting our peak on the crappie right now in Virginia Cliff so you are still prespawn right now. Art
  18. But wait theirs more we will double you order and knock 20 off if you are one of the first 500 callers...... <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GMvpAqQ0Rso" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here is a testimonial from the website "Using your Banjo Minnow, I was able to catch the biggest Muskies I ever fished in my life! I made my first cast and the musky came out of the water and exploded on the lure!" -- Nam, Apple Valley, MN Look up my other favorite lure the Flying Lure too. Art
  19. You might look at in photo one. Remove the decking and place a 90 bracket on both sides and weld them on the outside front and rear edges then bolt from outside to inside one from front to back and one right to left. That will take the load off from the thrust of the motor. This idea will only work if the core of wood is not soft if it is then their is no strength for the repair and it will fail. Art
  20. That explains the quality of the shots. Nice gift for sure from the lovely missus. Art
  21. Wow you all have Canadian geese up their too??? I thought they all had moved down South. Nice pictures what kind of camera did you get Brian? Art
  22. Actually none of the commercial planes made after 1970 have a dump valve. The regulations on emergency landing procedures do not call for dumping even when the plane is over 115% of the max rated weight ratio. The fuel dumping myth lives on though now thats not to say they won't drop a load of blue ice on you though. Art
  23. I think with all of the blending of the worlds resources and the spreading of manufacturers names few products can pass the made in Canada litmus test. Most of the ones that can are either use resources that are local to the area or the craftsman are partial to the area. To take it further what is the difference between a Canadian made boat built with parts from another nation and a Canadian store with made in China lures? My thought is when you get past the grass roots shops then it becomes immaterial as to were it is hailed from if the money is going outside of Canada back to corporate or to purchase material from abroad. If you look at the company called Moen it is a USA company that has spent millions to bring jobs to Canada and to also bring a good product name for the average consumer. Teleflex is a company that hails from Canada but has factories in both the USA and Canada and the USA accounts for 65% of its sales. It produces a fine product for both sides to enjoy and brings home a nice profit in jobs and money but it falls short of your requirements to be listed as a Canadian made company. Art
  24. You have no idea how far you are from the truth with this one folks ...... Art
  25. John it looks like you have used flicker in the past here is your link flickr Art
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