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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. That easy to say when you got a machine shop in the back yard. lol You have the same problem I have here on the farm when someone tells me that its broken I find myself saying "challenge accepted" then spending $200.00 for the tool to fix it because you can never have to many tools. Art
  2. Sorry I got to vote for replacement. The composite plastics are tough to get bonded together. The good news is they are generally less than $100.00. Art
  3. Simply said if someone don't feel they are getting what they want from the program or it is not using your money effectively Grimace ( I am answering your question not singling you out) then don't contribute. If this was a mandatory pay association that you could not opted out on then sure you got a beef and it should be answered. A. The information is there and there are 3 ways listed for you to get it. The company does not have the time to come on and have a sit down and provide it to you in the format that you requested simple enough to read. If they do take the time and expense to do this will someone hold a witch hunt because of the accountants fees? B. Actually if you support something financially why would you not also support it whole heartily? If the local church is not doing good things with my money should I still give it to them? (no) People who voluntarily give funds to a program that they mistrust which is what a few of you all are saying in different wordings need to not support it and give up the right to complain/question/ grump what ever word they use. Then they will become the people who get the benefit with out spending a dime. No disrespect is taken your opinion is yours to have...as well is mine. The view I have of this is drawing on by my background in business as a business owner, a fund raiser, a coordinator of events and even a moderator on a few forums on the internet. So far some of the members are getting edgy because a major company has not taken the time on a weekend to get the accountants/legal department/public relations to address a question on a small public forum... how dare they..... The answer to your mild curiosity is the same answer to this question Why did I join a board in Canada which is 8 hours away 14 years ago? Then drive 6 times + for 14 hours a year to visit with members. Spending over $ 1000.00 a year to fish and camp and enjoy the wonderful outdoors you have. Then average 12 hours a week on the board giving of my free time and money to keep this board running. If you haven't guessed the answer it because I love Canada it is the best neighbor I could ever ask for. I love the resources you have with the fishing and the availability of waters that all can fish. Finally the Snow job as it has been called.... give them a break it the weekend one of the members has already taken the time to give you a place to get the answers to the general question of where does the money go? Now if you are serious about wanting to get an answer take some time off of work go to the headquarters and sit down with there accounting department. Remembering that someone has to pay for the time they are talking to you. If anyone shows me those two sacrifices then I will feel then that they are serious about wanting an answer that as of this thread never entered their mind. Grimace I am not upset if I came across as that I apologize. I however am dishearten at how fast some people have started questioning/ accusing in a round about way that an organization is ducking the question on a weekend because the answer was not immediately forth coming for free with no effort on their part. For future reference I think my deeds and actions to many members and friends I have proven that I care about both Canada and the people that live there and have every right to participate in discussions both as a participant and as a Moderator of this forum. As I wrote this I may have used the word "you" "we" "they" they are not meant personally but should be read as non specific unless a specific name was used. Art
  4. This a volunteer program no one is forced to contribute money... correct. So this volunteer program is giving from what I read a powerful voice in the management of the resources in Canada. Why are the people that are not contributing anything to the foundation trying to rip them and if you are just cancel your unhappy membership? You are getting the benefit of what they do to improve the sportsman and environment in Canada and not paying a dime. If you want better than what they are doing be the solution before you tear into the best answer you got right now. This is an outsiders opinion but it looks like a few people would rather cut their noses off despite their face. Art
  5. Good Job you got a great new buddy to share your heart and house with. Art
  6. I wish he would do a seminar down here I would even drive 3 or 4 hours to get some lessons from Dave. If he is heading down State side make sure you give us a heads up please. Art
  7. I can't seem to get into the admin section can you please send me the password. Very nice sites T.J. I got some reading to do on the F&S site. Art
  8. That is a hog for sure. The record from the waters I fish is a dinky 81 lbs.... Art
  9. So the air force does not use anchors but they are on sale in the auto parts store? I see said the blind man as he whipped out his hammer and saw.... Art
  10. sorry what happens in the chat room stays in the chat room. Art
  11. Good job Chuck there is nothing like the smell of the woods in the spring while you wait for the sun to come up turkey hunting. Art
  12. I checked he has some kind of Hockey high going and can't be bothered. lol I got to hit the dinner table ttys Art
  13. wheeew I thought I was going to have to kick some butt and take some names.. LOL Art
  14. If the plant is unsafe and you don't take action it means you would rather have an unsafe place to work rather than a safe place to be fired from. Personally no job is worth knowingly getting injured at or possibly dieing for. A decision needs to be made by each the employees either force a change as a group or get picked off one by one both have the same down side only one has the advantage of change. Grumbling with no action is counter productive it makes you feel like you are doing something without good results. Take the # Rolly has posted and pass it out if there are enough calls they will send in a team and find out whether this is a "whinefest" or an unsafe place to work. Art
  15. First off welcome aboard.... If you go with he drift sock you will find a tab at the base of the bag just tie a line to it along with the connection line. When you are want to retrieve the sock lift from the tail line and it will come in as easy as pie. Art
  16. Some really awesome photos as usual. I think the ones you have on facebook are pretty cool too. Art
  17. Nice job on the fishing trip. On a side note I am glad to see the sun glasses on the lad his eyes will have a long and healthy life if he keeps it up. Art
  18. The boat made it thru the winter with no damage after dewinterizing I turned the keys and it fired right up. I did a shake down run last week before loading people on board just in case there was an issue. The bite was good the hard part was holding the boat right with the current being tidal and a strong cross wind the drift sock was the only reason we could put any lines out. Thanks all Art
  19. Went out today and had a good day on the boat. We had Mr. Earl as the first mate and our two guest fisherman was Aymen and Kevin. Kevin with a nice 22 lb Blue Cat Aymen with a nice 11 lb Blue Cat Earl bringing up the rear with a 8 lb gar Earl holding my 12 lber I was busy snelling more hooks. A nice bass from last weekend from my super secret farm pond. Art
  20. Actually all three would be fired from my company. The first because what you do on your time is relevant on the job if it carries over into the time I employee you. If you drink on Sunday and show up with alcohol effects including "just a hangover" you are giving me less than 100% being both a moral issue and a safety issue, kind of like stealing from me. The second guy lied on his health application and can't be trusted. He is a long term workman compensation liability that will cost me in the long run. The third guy is number two who just keep his mouth shut. While these things sound like I am harsh the truth of the matter is a company can't pay the good people the money they deserve if they have all of the bills from the ones that suck up more of the resources. Suppose the company is not sharing the money they save by getting rid of the ones that cost them....why are you working there? Both sides the employer and the employee have different views on this subject because both sides have different liabilities for there actions. If an employee loses his job because he smoked a few on "his" time and it is identified on a drug test he feels injustice has been done since he is 100% not stoned on the day he got tested. The employer how ever finds the same employee who is good at work on time etc and gives him a break and does not fire him now has put the company in danger because this good employee a week later wrecks a truck and injured his helper for the day. Out comes the info that the employer did not fire a known drug user and allowed him to drive a company vehicle with a passenger man o man that is a lawyers dream come true. While this is not some thing a company takes the time to tell the employees this is some of the other side of the coin information that hopefully helps you see that business is business and it is not always personally about you. Art
  21. Cliff can you post a picture of the faucet please. The seat is specific to the faucet and depending on the seat will decide if it is a hex head or a square shank being the most popular. Since there are only two components that control the water the seat and the washer. The stem is more of a mechanical press on the older faucet that can need replacing but only after a seat and washer fail. A photo of the stem will also make it easier to I.D. the unit. Art
  22. Just a word of caution if you have an electrical claim on insurance and it is not stranded marine wire they will not pay the claim. Solid wire is a big no no it is not flexible enough and will break before stranded wire will. Art
  23. You need a wheel barrow to get the beer from the house to the dock??? Looks like a great start to the season and you ALL deserve it. Art
  24. Happy Birthday B hope you have a great day and night. Art
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