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Everything posted by oncogene

  1. I wonder if TSN is actually going to use the old CBC songs ... that's gona be even more weird. Maybe some bored politicians will make this a discussion topic during parliament meetings and force TSN to give the song back.... they've done similar stupid thing calling in Hockey Canada about why getting Doan as captain.... this song thing is even more important!
  2. The thing is tho, there really isn't any more water for me to cover in my usual fishing spot heh ... ok and I'm lazy to walk too much. It's just about 80m & 50m long of boat docks and the canal locks. To be honest I still haven't caught a single fish with any hard-bait yet in my life! (ok i only been fishing for 2-3 years) All these spinners, spinnerbait, crankbait, buzzbaits, spoons etc sitting in my tackle box... never caught a fish Maybe I should try other lakes/spots.... lota lakes here around Kingston... but perhaps too many lol. Tried to ask ppl where else is good but didn't get any much info really. I did try 2-3 other lakes, but didn't really produce more than my usual spot. And perhaps a blessing and also a curse.... my usual spot is like 5min from where I live. It's hard to convince myself to drive 1/2 hr+ to other lakes which may or maynot produce, esp with these gas prices, when there's known spot 5min away Woh, if those numbers are actually, then it does seem low. Esp considering how alot of ppl here reporting tens/dozens of bass in a trip/day. Or maybe the ppl here are just that good lol If I only counted fish over 20"..... I'd have to change this thread's title to " how many fish u get PER YEAR" lol
  3. Hum that's alot of assumptions based on the experience of 1 angler on 1 fishing day in probably 1 small part of the lake. What if, maybe, perhaps.... the 3-5lb bass aren't biting coz they have been C&R too many times over their growing years that they no longer get fooled by our lures anymore? Then We should make sure we do not release any bass over 18" back into the lake. And this will open up the space/food/resources for the smaller bass to grow bigger & faster..... Just my wild assumption & no actual scientific/statistical proof.
  4. The moment he refused to show authority ID, it's safe to say he's scamming IMO
  5. How many bass do you guys get per hour usually get on average in an ok-ish outing? How many will u consider it an excellent day? I'm only a shore-fishing person myself.. and new at fishing. An average outing will be getting 1 bass (~1lb+ with senko) per hour. Anything more, like last thursday when I got 4 bass in 1-1/2 hr, is like a super day for me. I see reports here where ppl are getting 10s or dozens of bass in a day... and seems ppl saying those numbers are ok outing. .... and I never even gotten more than 4 bass in a day lol!
  6. it goes like - I was taking private pilot lessons (finished ground school which is cheap, but nowhere close to the required flying hours as that's expensive) - then i was talking to gf, saying if i take boating lesson later, then i can do all land/sea/air transport blah blah blah - then my gf was looking at the boat licensing/lessons... and came across fishing (license) - then my gf suggested we go fishing - i'm like ok sure (never fished in Canada be4 that)... and there we goes...
  7. Woh it's on tv/internet, it must be real! Seriously, that video posted here.... please go watch it and listen carefully to what the guy said..... "... water..... water AND ELECTRICITY...". Hear the word "ELECTRICITY"?? doh, everyone knows that will work, of course.... it's just electrolysis of water. That video proves nothing. US military using it? For 1, it only said they'r developing, nothing solid is made public yet. For 2, just becoz military is trying it, doen't mean it will work 100% for sure... for every idea/research/breakthru that makes it big, there'r probably a hundred others that never go beyond the laboratory stage. And 3, u don't even know what/how exactly the militia is developing.... for all we know, they can simply be storing the excess energy from the engine (considering engine is only 20-30% efficient) and use that to electrolyze water. And 4, as Daplumma said... military is not about efficiency nor economical there. And then what's with these statements of "electrolysis requires less energy than the energy u get from burning hydrogen/oxygen"..... "HHO gas is different, it's not really breaking the bonds blah blah".... "hydrogen has potential energy... so it's a fuel". Where do ppl get these ideas from, seriously? People complain others are too stubborn to believe in these "new tech" yet claiming something that completely defy the very basic principle of physics while offering no proves whatsoever, other than it's on tv. As for saying we can use solar/wind/geothermo/tidal/hydro/nuclear/bio-diesel/whatever-else to general hydrogen blah blah blah.... you guys are missing the point completely. Yes, sure we can do those. But in either case, hydrogen is NOT a NEW energy SOURCE as of now. All we do is using hydrogen as a energy STORING/TRANSPORTING medium, it's simply transforming the energy we already have to another form. We are already using solar/wind/etc energies... but they are simply not enough, not cost-effective, not reliable, high cost, high maintainance & have limited use depending on geographical locations/weather. If all these solar/wind energy sources are enough, we'll already be using it in our everyday homes/offices... but it's NOT! So you guys think we can use these limited solar/wind energy sources, that aren't even enough as is, to generate hydrogen for the millions of cars on the road? As a matter of fact, using any electrical source of whatever we already have to generate hydrogen is useless. Look at the power blackouts we got during the heat of summer.... we dont' even have enough electricity as is. Say, I have 2 slices of bread left while I got stranded in the wild, enough for me to survive for couple of days. Now I found another lost person with no food. What should I do to make enough food for both of us? 1) I take 1 of the 2 slices of bread, toast it on fire.... wohla... now I have bread AND toast..... i have more food, yeah? OF COURSE NOT, the toast is from the same bread slices I have, it's just in different form! 2) Try to go find another/NEW food source.... like... go catch a fish. Now that fish is a new food source (assuming u don't stupidly use the bread as bait...)
  8. Ducktape in for the rescue!!!
  9. Nice... but where'r the senkos? I've yet gotten any fish, not even a single bite, with any hard bait... arh
  10. May they were indeed waiting for pizza!!!!!!
  11. part of it may be true... then i'm sure part of it is just selective memories Not that uncommon for ppl to remember somethings back then that were good/better, yet when finally having the chance to do/see/eat/try/etc again, it's actually not as good as remembered.
  12. Even no one u knows pay full price, alot of ppl do. Any even $60/month +tax, is still alot. Not to mention, I absolutely hate the way satellite/TV companies package channels into those stupid "theme" packs. It's nothing but a rip-off. Imagine u go to Timmy and they have 12 favours of donuts as a "theme pack", then favours of muffins as a pack. You want to grab a chocolate donut? Sure, but u can't just get 1..... You'll have to buy the whole donut pack for $5. Oh, and b4 u can buy the donut pack, you'll have to buy the basic coffee first too. Oh, and that donut pack u get, u can only eat 1 out of the 12. NO NO, u can't eat more than 1 even if ur stomach has room... .and NO NO u can't share with other ppl either. And we'r supposed to say it's a good deal getting 12 donuts for only $5 and pay for them? No thanks.
  13. There's always those "scares"... not a big deal. I've seriously considered getting BEV before.... but they simply price themselves out of my affordable level. $2/day, that's $60/month... or $720/year. And if i remember right, for $60/month, u don't even get everything, right? Full subscription needs like $90+.... and that's still all the PPV, NHL & NFL packages to pay extra for. The NHL package alone is an extra $200 or $250? You can setup FTA for <$250. Even if u just gona use it for 5 months, it's already less than what you'll pay to Bell. Yeah it goes down... like 1/2 a day every month or 2.... no big deal. We can watch CBC for free anyway if daily news is urgent.
  14. CanTire has Fireline on sale again this week... for $14.99
  15. I agree too To some ppl, it may be simple to understand, but not necessarily to everyone. We have all the laws on paper too, why do we need lawyers?... we have all the medical info on paper too, why do we need doctors? Ok those are exaggerating... but the point is some ppl have more experienced and/or understand more than others. And frankly, some of the details of the fishing regulation can be quite confusing.... like those "the friday before the 4th Saturday" (ok it sounds easy just reading one... but when the whole page is full of phrases like that, it gets confusing).... like where exact is the zone boundaries.... like where exactly some of those exception sanctuaries/no-fish zone if u don't know those local area well... etc
  16. damn nice! 40 in 3 hrs woh... I'm pretty sure I caught less than 40 LMB the last whole season combined lol.
  17. and having only 1/3 to 1/4 the population of Ontario probably helps too ... much less fishing (release or eat) pressure
  18. Yeah if i have too much spare money, I can buy a barrel of gas and just burn it in my backyard too... it's my money and my place yeah?!. You're just missing the point... $40 of gas a month for a suburban... So you only drive it for ~200km a month I guess?
  19. it's the green one
  20. That's probably the one going on sale. The sale is for this coming week starting on 27th... 50% off, $12.49
  21. lol for the $500 payout?
  22. I bought a topwater last year but still wasn't able to catch a single fish with it I only shore fishing... so perhaps there simply wasn't any fish to be had on some days. But there were a few days when there were fish jumping (feeding on something top water I'd guess) everywhere in front where I could see.... yet I took out the topwater and still not getting a bite.... kinda made me feel like an idiot lol.
  23. I'm sure votes & less than perfect decisions from government play some role in funding.... but.... you only look at funding per capita..... have you consider expense per capita? You say eastern ontario pay 50% higher property tax, maybe, just maybe, that has something to do with ppl in eastern ontario are more spread-out (less densely populated) living in bigger lots & bigger houses, while you go to toronto there'r apt/condo buildings with tiny units cramped with ppl popping up everywhere? It cost more for roads, lights, all those infra-structures, public services PER capita to be maintained in less populated area. Not to mention, the further away from big city/metro, the cost of everything also go up coz things take longer to get there, cost more fuel/time to be shipped, etc. What's the population in Winchester/Chesterville? I duno but maybe 15,000? GTA has 6,000,000? So you said there's a hospital in Winchester? So based on per capita, there should be like 400 hospitals in GTA. I don't live in GTA but i'm preeeeeetty sure GTA doens't have 400 hospitals.... maybe we should put more fundings in GTA for more hospital then? We can't always just look at funding per capita... have you consider, say, how useful the total sum of funding in each area if the population is small? Say, building/maintaining a hospital... even if there's equal funding per capital, for a small area, that total sum of funding for that particular area may only get you a half-assed under-equipped hospital running short of medical staffs (long wait time huh). Pool the funding and get a more well-equipped properly-staffed hospital in the bigger area may just be much more useful for everyone. And don't forget, when it comes to funding to hospitals, it's not just about the population we have now... it's also about how much population there WILL BE in the future. I'm gona guess GTA has and will continue to have faster economy & population growth than eastern ontario, or pretty much any other part of Ontario, no? And as I said, this is not something unique for Canada. I'm sure in US, or pretty much anywhere in the world, if you choose to live further away from where the money is (big cities, rich economy), you'll have the same problems. It's a tradeoff, you can't have everything. PS.... Funny as if I'm here defending GTA and then Canada..... yet I dont' even live in GTA, and I'm not even born nor raised in Canada
  24. Perhaps "remote" area isn't the right word. But less populated areas. If we move to less populated areas, it's quite reasonable to expect there will be less doctors, hospitals, equipments available and we may get a higher chance of delays in treatments. If it's urgent, travel out to GTA or whatever bigger city/metro to see another docs. I don't think this is a problem due to the differences of Canaidan vs US healthcare system. I'm sure it'll be the same in US if u live in a small city/town with small population.... it's just that US has alot more population and has alot more bigger cities/metro than Canada. Oh also, not only I'm away of GTA.... but I'm piss poor I have no income (doing grad school), in debt, and still borrowing/living on OSAP (government student loan, for those who dont' know). Would I be able to get a treatment if I were in US? Maybe I still could, maybe not, I duno.... but I would think it's definitely not exactly worry-free (in terms of bills) as it is here. Not trying to knock the other US ppl posted here... but seems they are pretty well-off ppl... one beings physician himself... or the other one having his own business, taking a week long fly-in trip couple thousands miles away. As I already said, i think we all know the US system works well for the rich, it's what happens to the poor and less fortunate that's worth looking at. This brings to a perhaps bigger problem tho... not having enough doctors. No matter how good the healthcare system is, it's not going to help without doctors. Or I should say not enough AVAILABLE doctors. The NUMBER of doctors (at least in ontario?) is kinda stabilized or maybe even increasing.... but the actual available doctors are getting less. And one huge reason... not to sound sexist or anything.... is becoz the proportion of females doctors is increasing. There was report (probably doesn't need a report to see, it's quite common sense really) showing females doctors tend to work less hours/day, less days/week, take more days off, then even more days(months) off for maternity leaves, and then on top, females docs tends to have shorter careers or may downright quit after having their children/families. Just the last 4 months, becoz of the problems of my back & other thing, I've gone thru 3 docs, 2 physio, MRI.... every single one of those are females. And i'm not just talking about the doctors, but all the physiotherapies, nurses, technicians, radiologist, receptions, etc, etc are all females. It's like you walk into a clinic and the whole male race is extincted in there Nothing against female docs, they're probably more careful than an average male doc ... but it does potentially worsen the problem with doc availability.
  25. I AM outside of GTA, just to get it straight
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