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Everything posted by oncogene

  1. Well I ended up buying the Convergence in BPS. Didn't really find anything cheaper in the 2 tackle stores I went to in Scarborough or in BPS. $69.99 isn't too bad I guess... considering it as how much per foot of rod lol. For reel, I only grabbed a cheapo $29.99 Shimano..... dun think I want to spend too much yet. Also got a few cleo and line while in BPS. Unfortunately didn't really have a chance to go salmon fishing yet tho Was quite busy the past weekend while in GTA. I did drive to Credit very late on Sat but left after watching for awhile... gf was tired. Hope I can get some time for it soon
  2. cool thanks alot for the suggestion and tips I'll look for those 2 suggested rods.. hopefully can find a good price. I'll actually stay in like 1min drive from Lucky's in scarboro.... and there's the other tackle store (forgot its name) on Sheppard & a little east of McCowan. Are those 2 places' price on rod/reel good? say compare to BPS. Yeah and forgot about reel... i guess those rods probably don't come in a combo, right?
  3. seeing all these shore salmon reports lately makes me want to give it a try... maybe i'll get lucky hopefully... but i'm a total newbie at this tho. So what do I need for salmon shore fishing? For lure, looks like in most of the reports were Little Cleo. What size of spoon is good? Is glow-in-the-dark necessary? I didn't find any glow ones for Little Cleo in my local CanTire... but only a Mepps glow spoon, is Mepps good? For rod, I only have an uglystick lite 7' medium rod, nothing fancy or highend at all. I dont' even if i have enough line judging from all those crazy runs of salmon from the reports here! I probably don't want to buy a new rod just for it (esp after the recent financial trouble ahead of me, which i posted in another thread)... BUT.... what would be a decent but non-highend (<$100) rod? Then of course I'd want to ask where to fish in GTA (I'm in kingston but going out to GTA for the weekend)... but then i guess that's not easy to get an answer
  4. Not fish... I'm fairly new here so i guess barely anyone really know me.... but sorry i just want to rant.. I'm doing grad school, PhD in a research-based science field. Things haven't been going well for me at all. I've been at it for several years... more years than I or anyone would expect or want. I've gone thru the slow-death of my first project, and the tragic ends of my 2nd, and then 3rd projects. I can tell u, it's the worst feeling in the world when in a day you looked at some data/result and realized what you did for the last 1-2 years for a project was a complete waste... and I had the luxury of having it happen twice, not to mention the slow-death of 1st project. Oh and that's NOT even the bad part I want to rant! So now Sept, new school year starts. I was just informed that due to my extended years, and my prof losing 1 of his public fundings from last year, my prof will not provide any student stipend for my research after the end of 2007 (or maybe he just wants me out). So basically I'll have absolutely ZERO INCOME, while having to pay $6000 tuition, pay rent, utilities, phone bills etc.... oh and the least important part, buying foods.!! So I have 2 choices, either quit (& waste all these years of grad school), or somehow find some money somewhere. Having no real job and no saving while living on minimum student stipend the last few years, borrowing money from banks will be tougher than tough. Borrowing from OSAP (government) is possibly but even the maximum loan possible (which is not likely to be have) from OSAP is still a few thousand dollars short of my minimum student stipend. I'm totally lost right now, no idea what to do in 3 months time. Maybe this will be the final nail on the coffin for me to quit & go work in Timmy or something.. i duno really.
  5. woh congrats.... that looked like fun!!! I want to try for salmon too.... but dun even know where to start with place and lure lol... anyone here from Kingston?
  6. does seem like everywhere. I fish offshore here in Kingston (end of Rideau).... the spot I frequent is now 1 foot lower than just a month or so ago.
  7. put the alarm clock right under the shower... and rig up a motion-sensor shower-head.... that would work!
  8. I agree with that.. 99% of the time the alarm isn't really "didn't work" When I was in university dorm, for a year, I moved my bed up, stacking it up on between a bookshelf and the window shelf. So basically the bed was like 4 feet up in the air. I put my alarm clock away from the bed on top of a dresser. In order to stop the alarm clock, I'll have to jump off the bed. First few times I over-slept, I swear it must be the stupid alarm-clock not working or I forgot to set it. But not long later I realised and had to admit to myself... nah, the clock was perfectly fine.... I was just somehow able to jump 4 feet down from the bed, stop the alarm, climb back up 4feet on to the bed so fast I didn't even have to wake up conciously..... pretty amazing yet a lil scary.
  9. hey ace, where do u rent boat on Little Lake? how much and do they have a website. I *think* i once found a site, didnt' bookmark it and now i can't find it again ><
  10. wow 22 fish out of 1 bait, that's pretty impressive. Is the bucket water tight? When I was looking a them in Quine, 1 of the bucket has its inside seal opened (I guess) and the liquid was leaking out of the bucket's lid once I tilted it, it seems.
  11. drove past belleville... saw them for sale in Quinte spots, 2799. I was really tempted to try.. but holded myself off
  12. Ok a bit of a silly question but it's always in my head! Is a dozen a dozen? Like when u go buy minnows, when it says $2.99 for a dozen, do the store u frequent actually give u 1, 2, 3,....11, 12, exactly 12 minnows? How about leeches, crayfishes? I only buy minnows when I'm out in Scarborough, in a store near my gf's place. It's a chinese owned bait shop and when it says a "dozen" of minnows, it's really a scoop. So 1 dozen of $2.99 small minnows can be anywhere from 20-40ish fish (not so many for the bigger sized minnows obviously). I always wonder if it's the same in other places, esp the non-chinese ones lol... feel abit silly to ask
  13. Ok here goes... my parents and sis are coming over to Canada to visit me and to meet my gf's parents (engagement). So instead of endless daily sight-seeing (which my dad doenst' like anyway), I thought let's do something a lil different & I booked a big pontoon on next Sunday on Rice Lake, so both my parents and gf's parents (her dad likes fishing too) can relax, cruise, fish, chat on a (hopefully) nice weather day. Anyway I only fished for couple season and only from off shore, never from boat. Last weekend I went to Bewdley of Rice Lake and "test-drove" a 14' 10hp alum boat just to feel and see things around abit. But where can i find good fish?!? I've searched and read thru the old posts about Rice Lake.... the hot spots seems to be the weed at the corner west & south of Bewdley and the mouth of Otanabee(sp?) river? I'd really really really really appreciated whoever fish Rice Lake can give me as much detailed direction of the best spots as they can!!!! Post or send me PM I know it's probably alot to ask for since most ppl want to keep their secret spots. BUT... both my gf's dad and myself only fish from off shore normally and neither of us own a boat, so other than the 1 day next sunday, we won't be taking over ur secret spots per say. I just need to "borrow" it for a day, that is! Please help me I swear I won't leak the info to anyone Some basic info: - we'll rent and take off from Southview cottage, it's opposite across the lake from Gore's Landing, roughly. - we can get the boat at 8am, but take another 1/2 hr for "orientation" of the boat from the cottage's owner and ppl getting ready etc, so won't get to any fishing spot til 8:30-9am I think - the boat is a pontoon, 24' long, 50hp and does have a fish-finder.... no trolling motor - Looking for good bass mostly... smally or large mouth. - Walleyes may be interesting... but perhaps out of our league abit?! or will it be easier since we will have fishfinder ? - Need a sure-fire spot for panfish (sunfish, rockbass, doesn't matter) as backup... if other things fails, at least we can go to catch some small fish. Oh and 1 question about boating... how do you prevent the weeds getting caught up with the motor?? I found during my "test drive", even a handful of weeds on the motor slows down the boat alot! It's easy to stop and clean up on the small 14' boat, but it won't be so easy on the big pontoon. Or does the bigger engine has some sort of weed-guard thingy? Now i'm praying the weather will be nice next sunday
  14. I just recently started with braided line, spiderwire stealth. Tho seems more ppl here prefer Fireline... making me thinking maybe I should pay the few more dollars for Fireline heh Tho later when I went to BPS (very rarely), i found it's actually cheaper there >< ADC, what I do (from reading other old posts here and there) is tie a 2-4' leader of flouro or mono line of abit smaller lb test rating to the braided line. So if the line snagged to rocks etc, it'll break somewhere on the leader, not on the braider line. I've snagged many times fishing off shore... every single time the breaking point was on the leader. Also when be4 i spooled the braided line, I first spooled some cheap mono line so I ended up only needing 1/2 of the 150yard package of braided line. Fishing off shore, the chance of me needing to use the "deep" end of mono-line of the spool is just about nil anyway. So 1 $20 package becomes good for 2 spools. And then braided line, from what I read, usually last couple years or more... whilst mono u pretty much have to change once every season at least. At the end the cost may be more or less the same.
  15. the mosquito.... i really duno how ppl can fish after dark (off shore anyway). I tried couple times fishing til sunset.... I didn't last 5 min after the sun went down. I sprayed the bug repellent on all exposed skin I had, even on the neck and abit of face (not a good thing to do really)... AND even on my clothes and pants.... yet I still got SWAMPED by mosquitosssssssssssss.... got bites on my skin and even thru my clothes. I duno... either I always ran into superbugs or I'm a bigger bug magnet than the repellent can repel. So hey if u can actually swat the bugs away... you'r better than me already lol
  16. ^hum never really try night fishing... actually more like I can't try. I'm such a mosquito magnet, once the sun is mostly down I'll get swarmed by them even with bug spray all over me. But anyway does night fishing for bass means at evening, after dark or like midnight? And what lures good for night?
  17. yeah may go back to the old live worm once awhile. The last couple months I deliberately not bring live worm with me for fishing so I can force myself to use the lures more. Well and also don't have to deal with the herds of sunfish that usually pick on the live worms. Wish the topwater bait would work tho, esp with all the jumps... still havne't gotten a fish with the topwater
  18. well, last evening went out to my closest shore fishing area. It's beside a lock gate, in a small bay area, with a fair amount of weeds underwater. For 1-1/2hr no fish caught, not even bites This morning, went there again ~6am. For the first 2 hrs or so, saw probably ~20-30 fish jumps/splashes. I kept casting as close as those splashes were... with mostly senko weightless, but also tried topwater, jig, grub. Got nothing at all, not even decent bites The fish just didn't like me I guess. Talk about something not building confidence huh Finally at around the 3hr mark, got 1 SMB at ~13" and that's about it & 1/2 hr later or so called it a day. So 6 hrs for 1 fish arh
  19. Thanks for the tips so far... my car's liner is black/darkgrey so i guess direct bleaching is out of the question. Guess I'll try baking soda, H2O2, and perhaps that ionizer from CanTire. I think I can sprinkle lota baking soda on it, let it soaks up abit and then vacuum the stuffs out?! lol I did that last summer... left a box of worms inside a cooler inside the trunk... after a few days under the hot sun, even the car main cabin area smell like dead corpse Good thing it's inside a cooler... so I only had to bleach the cooler for 2 whole days lol And dito about antibaterial sprays.... they don't really work. If you look at the fine prints on most of them, it'll say use it on "pre-cleaned, hard, non-porous surface", and you'll have to completely moisten/wet the area with the spray to do what it claims to do. Just randomly spraying it up in the air like the TV ad shows will never do anything remotely antibaterial. Tried Lysol antibacterial spray on my hockey equipments once.... yeah it made them 10x worse
  20. After all the wet fishing equipments, and lately the one time where I brought a catch over to my gf's parents for dinner and the container leaked some water into my car's trunk.... the trunk's liner is wet and it smells . How can i possibly clean it? I live in an apt and it's only a public parking area so I can't even leave the trunk open to dry. Any tips?
  21. lol so many choices... duno if it's a good or bad thing but there isn't a real bait & tackle store in my town at all so I havent' seen much of other ones. those who tried Komanchi's... did u buy from store? or bought online... i wonder how much shipping will be for a pack of 25 shipped to Ontario...
  22. I frequent a few aquarium related forums, and 1 question that was posted was does pp also like to go fishing and do you see a "conflict" between keeping aquariums and fishing. So now on the other side, does any of you fishermen/women keep and enjoy having aquariums? saltwater, freshwater or perhaps a native species tank? I have aquariums for a few years now, started off becoz I saw an empty & free 20gallon tank in my gf's garage... so I was like cool free tank, I'm gona try keeping some fish. The next thing u know, u started dropping hundreds, and then thousands of $$ into the hobby lol. I guess it's the same with fishing... first started with a $10 el-cheapo wheel/rod combo & a doz of $2 live worm & fish at the closest water... then the next thing u know, u getting a better rod... or 2... lures... more lures... yet more lures... driving further & further for more fishing... then probably will want a small boat.. .then bigger boat , bigger motor ... lol Anyway here'r some pics of my fish and tanks: Saltwater reef tank Planted freshwater tank The one fish I had success breeding, there's male (bigger) and female (smaller) and the tiny babies all in the pic. The white dots are live food. The female with a whole bunch of babies after a meal A pair of different but related fish species as above, caught during spawning Yet antoher different but related species, in his aggressive mood
  23. About the "eprey" listing, I recently asked about if they'r made by the Yamamoto Senko brand or are they imitation, the seller's response is: "No, these lures are tournament quality bass baits as described and pictured. They are not cheap quality Jap imitations. These senkos are based on the original soft plastic stickbait designed and marketed in 1965 by the late Tom Mann. Shipping to CANADA will depend upon weight and Paypal fees. Thanks, Bassfancier" I'm a lil confused by his comment really ... sounds like he's implying the Yamamoto Senko itself is THE imitation...heh. $10 for 40-50 is definitely tempting too... if shipping is within $10-15 then it's worth a try.
  24. Daplumma, how do u like the Tiki worm compare to Senko? Does BPS have the komanchi brand? .... not that there's a BPS nearby... It's kinda limited in choices here, the biggest "tackle stores" are CanTire and Walmart lol
  25. First I have to say I'm a fishing noob still Only 3rd season fishing and didn't really fish much the first 2 years either. Anyway, I just started with Senko 5" worms as it seemed to be quite highly recommended for bass fishing. Only using it for couple of weeks and the result seems to be decent so far. Just got a 2+lb SMB this morning, my personal best lol... and not too bad for shore fishing I think Now comes the problem, with Senko's price lol. I got the 5" pack in a local dept store (out of all things!) for $7.99. One of the local CanTire also has both 4" & 5" for $8.99. Out in Toronto (Scarborough), couple of chinese tackle stores also have them for around $8-8.50 range. So after tax, it's almost $1 per worm which gets expensive a little Anyone tried any other alternatives (knockoffs, imitators) of Senko? Any one good? The local CanTire has the Wave Tiki worms on sale, reg $5.99, now 3 packs for $12!! That's less than 1/2 the price of Senko Is it good? Any comments welcomed http://www.wavefishing.com/home.php?cat=282
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