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Everything posted by oncogene

  1. Just curious... anyone else here who go fishing regularly cant' actually swim?.... coz I can't A bit of an irony to like to get close to water to fish yet I can get drown if not careful lol. Bought my PFD last season, after my gf getting increasingly concerned about me drowning, and plus all those incidents of attacks on fishermen. Maybe I should learn to swim... it's hard
  2. So they're going to ban barbed hook..... just me thinking out loud.... in stead of CATCH and release which is getting banned... I'd just let the fish swim around in the water til it "accidentally" loosens itself from the un-barbed hook so I don't actually finish "catching" the fish .... "oh damn I lost it.. oops".
  3. 3) Ontario Family Fishing Weekend. 4) If u go fish in private fish farm or something?
  4. Comparing gas to bottled water make me laugh as well tho. Those are completely 2 different things in just about every way, not to mention battled water is pretty overpriced anyway. Why not compare gas price to diamond? it'll make gas look like free! The major different IMO is for other things, ppl at least have a choice. You think bottled water is expensive? ok just fill a bottle with tap water.... You think gatorade is expensive? ok buy something else then. But with gas, there is no alternative (not like u can fill ur gas tank up with Gatorade), no choice (with all the price fixing), and u just have to buy it, unless you happen to live & work in the same area. Having said that... if the increase gas price is making ppl more aware of saving gas, may be there's at least a bit of good to it I guess.
  5. Dont' just blame the government or industries from China. You know how the CEOs in all these giant American corporations are making that much money? CEO of Walmart is making $30mil a year I think? The walmart family has some tens of billion dollars, etc. How? Coz they abuse other countries', like China, India, working population to no end. It's not the Chinese government paying their workers sub-standard (that's a very mild word to be honest) wages, it's all the giant corporations from all over the world (including from within China) that are doing it. How else do Disney, Martel or whatever import toys for $0.10 a piece and sell them for $25 here and still tell us it's very low price while the companies bank up million upon millions of profit huh. It's like there'r countries full of almost-free slaves, of course they'd want to open up free trade. <------ crap... no .... i think i still have 2/3 tank left arh...
  6. The juice was originally clear, almost no color.... but now it's the juice itself that turned dark coffee color... and also has fluffy stuffs in it (like fungus growth). The plastic lures are fine, no color change.
  7. ... and then there'll be news about a goose attacking kids and the goose being euthanized...
  8. I wonder if we all contact them about the stupid container, they'll send us a whole replacement for free. I won't buy another for $20... but I can certain give it another try if it's free
  9. Kingston? I was gona say Queen's.... I wonder what a drug convict would study for a master degree..... chemistry?
  10. Thanks for the link to Bekerley complain.... see what they'll say To be honest, I used the Alive abit last year... and I didn't catch a single fish with it Mind you I only shore-fishing and didn't fish alot either. The only bites I got from the Alive was from tiny sunfish (but then is there anything sunfish doesn't bite lol) and the tails of the Alive actually broke off from these tiny bites. At $20+ each I most likely won't buy it again.... esp with that annoying container that's hard to open, hard to close & leak all the time... bah.
  11. Anyone has those Gulp Alive leftover from last summer? I got one only used a little bit last year... just took it out and the liquid has now turned very dark, like dark tea/coffee.... wondering if it's infested or something
  12. Not fish related obviously... but I think the more ppl know about it (and participate in) the better. It's about that stupid "system access fee (SAF)" in ur cellphone monthly plan... which most ppl nowadays know is nothing but a cash-grab yet can't do anything about it. The SAF is NOT a government fee, it's nothing, it's simply a "fee" cellphone companies have so to make the monthly plan fee looks cheaper than it really is. http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/258049 IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION AGAINST CANADIAN'S CELLULAR COMPANIES: http://www.merchantlaw.com/cellular.html Now of course, with these big companies and how much money is involved, this can drag on for years. But what u can possibly benefit NOW... is call your current cellphone company, and ask to have the SAF waived. I've heard of more and more ppl that got the SAF waived recently. Of course, you'll have more leverage to bargain for it if ur contract is soon expiring or already expired or ur simply in a monthly term. But either way, it doesn't hurt to try. Hope at least some, if not all, of u can benefit from it I hate that SAF crap for years!
  13. I really can't believe some of the comments shown here... no wonder thread got deleted & incidents like this keep happening. I like how ppl claim they aren't racists and it has nothing to do with race and yet every comments is about putting blames on certain group of people. Yes, let's blame our whole society's problems and the legal system inefficiency on the immigrants, blame everything on them, so easy... coz there'r never any criminals that aren't immigrants, right? People thinking they can take matter in their own hands with violence is just as ignorant as the people they try to stop. That's a reason why we have law enforcements from the government. For one, assault on people causing harms is a much more serious crime than catching some fish off limit. What's next... let's gang up and go beat up the 90%+ of people driving above speed limit on 401... beat up those who don't use their turn signal ... beat up those who drive too slow (yes, driving excessively slow for no reason IS an offense)... beat up those who turn right without coming to a complete stop be4 a red light... beat up those who throw cigarette butts or garbage on the street too.... beat up those who has expired or no parking tickets... oh let's not forget to beat up those ppl who beat up other ppl too.
  14. hum at first I kept thinking blacklight as those big lightbulbs u can get in HomeDepot etc. But now just realised.... is the dollarshop one basicaly a UV-LED tiny flashlights? Is that what we'r looking for, if so, how many LED bulbs are on each? coz i know where to buy them online... didn't realize that's the thing. Not $1 tho but cheap enough.
  15. sounds good... gona check it out! Was it from Dollarama?
  16. omg, everyone is getting their first salmon... I'm so jealous Congrats So where did u catch them? lol
  17. well at least not me!! I constantly whine about it lol. But it's unfortunately... there's really little ppl can do about it tho, unless buying online from US. But then it benefits courier like UPS who then do their part of rips off (stupid brokage fee). Tho now it will still worth it even with UPS.
  18. That's not so bad already from BPS. Here's a way worse example/rant: Don't know how many of you are into aquariums, and know of the big franchise BigAl's Aquarium Service. Their online site has Canadian (bigalsonline.ca) and US site (bigalsonline.com). The price on the Canadian site is usually from 50% to 120% MORE than the US site. Yes you read that right.... 100+% more... so like double or more the price! And you know what's the kicker? BigAl's is a CANADIAN company based in Toronto! An example just from the top of their page, 2x65W strip light: $99.99 USD from their US site, $229.99 Cdn from Canadian site http://www.bigalsonline.com/BigAlsUS/ctl36...ipw2lunarlights http://www.bigalsonline.ca/BigAlsCA/ctl366...ipw2lunarlights Now u guys may feel better about BPS lol... at least BPS has to ship the stuffs over from US into Canada
  19. That sounds good! The title of the thread disappointed me a lil lol... I just got my gear for salmon and haven't even started yet!! Need my first salmon bad~!!!
  20. Congrat! The salmon looked quite freaky heh can't wait to get my own yay!
  21. Same as fish to me! I totally agree! So if u extend that out for EVERYONE... ppl who do not find pic of a fish head offensive are also contributing members of the board, no? Why aren't they allowed to vioce their opinion (eg posting a pic) then?
  22. Not only that... it seemed the fish was held way in front of the camera while the 2 kids were more at the back. Maybe it really was 7.2 lb? the decimal point got lost on the print/news after all these years....
  23. May be offensive to some too: Personally I find pics of hunted dead mammals kinda cruel, but it's legal and someone else's sport/hobby so I won't go complain about it.
  24. Do you know where? off shore or with boat? I'd be really interested Yeah seen that tank as well. huge bass there. I wonder what they use for tank filtration, it looks very clean considering all those huge fish in there.
  25. I'm kinda having abit of a buyer-remorse... thinking for another $30-40 (on top of the $30) I can get a much more decent reel... but then $60-70 for a reel seems like alot for me starting out... arh I duno But anyway thanks ... if I don't catch a salmon... i'll at least go to a local shore, put on a small bit of worm and hook a sunfish so I don't get skunk for the season with the rod lol
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