Big Cliff, not to get to personnel, but I just looked it up. If your only income is 12,000.00 a year you are eligible for 211.00 a month GIS. All you have to do is submit the form. You get up to 950.00 a month, if you earn nothing.
Close to normal water levels at the Rosedale end of Cameron now, water over the dam and all. Good enough to put the pontoon boat in the water this coming week.
They stock whitefish and lake trout into Simcoe and it has a native producing population, just not enough for all the fisherpeople. It is a put and take fishery.
If you are a low income senior, ( less than 17,000.00 income), you can also get the Guaranteed Income Supplement ,which could pay you up to 950.00 a month more.
Many people buy on a private lake just for that is private. You want to fish it, then buy a house on it. Now a lake with public access, is a different story altogether.
Read the book on eating Ontario fish before you say crazy things. Lots of the fish from lakes further north ARE more toxic than those from Lake O. Most of the freshwater fish in the stores are from Lake Erie.
My grandfather who lived in Detroit had double bypass heart surgery. Then 5 days in hosp. afterwards, the bill was $64,000 , and this was 10 years ago. No insurance, had to pay some with cash the rest on his visa.
Will - can anyone answer my question? Can you say no, that I do not want any mto guy looking at my truck. On the road I understand but In your own driveway?