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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Good lookin pike there Snag....
  2. Nice shot grouping...Definetely nothing wrong with the rifle, just got to ajust scope to the right a tad......
  3. Thats is huge
  4. Now where is that waskilly wabbit !!!
  5. Wow,what a table....Its mezmorizing just watching it work !!!!
  6. You guys sound great !!Love the video footage as well... Nice way to start the day,thanx for sharing.... Cheers !!!
  7. Now theres a motly crew if ive ever seen one...... "Quick someone put out pole with a muskie bait" Nice job MistyRiver boys.....
  8. Everything is fine here Lew....
  9. ehg, Sorry to here about your boat...I don't know if this would help any but do you have a picture you can post..Perhaps its recognizable ??? Does it have any particular dents or other small personality trates ???
  10. Thought I would pin this one up folks.... I'll defenetely try to make it this year.... Cheers !!
  11. Nice tree TJ....Love the muskie and the Christmas Village too.....I take it you do not have any kitty cats in the household ?? Seasons Greetings
  12. This pic was taken in West Bay Lake Nipissing as the sun was setting below the horizon....
  13. Love it !!!
  14. Nice steelie FishFinder. Must of been a pain runnin your float between all those iceburgs Cheers !!!
  15. Lew, My wife Carol says I have a short term memory(selective)but all us guys know the most important one is the long term memory..... I can honestly say I have never forgotten catching a larger fish........but then again,well uh, I don't get out much either.....
  16. Congrads Joey !!! Santa has come early for you...You must of been extra good this year !!!
  17. Glen, Good to here your pup is coming home ....They are real troopers when it comes to adapting to new circumstances......
  18. Mo, Hope everything comes together for ya soon and you can return to your daily routines. In the mean time I guess you'll have to spend some quality time with the kids Good Luck !!
  19. Dan, It could be he lost the antler sparring with another buck or he may have just not grown in the antler this season due to a bad shed last season....A small percentage of bucks actually keep their racks from year to year for some odd reason....or at least thats what Ive read in magazines..... Forgot to mention.....Love the look in your dogs eye.....so typical of Border Collies when they are in herding mode..... Chris
  20. DanC, Nice buck shots for shure. The first one is a non typical because of his unusual rack...more than 15 points on him..The second buck is a big ten point typical and a beauty at that.. I just put the ten pointer up as my desktop background...sweet !!! Thanx for sharing....
  21. Looks like it would be a great salmon fly to me.....
  22. Tis is an old pic but still pretty cool..
  23. Nice Joey ! Couldn't of happened to a nicer person
  24. Good morning to you too Mo !!!
  25. I just bought a Raven....I'm quite happy with it... $250 will get you one off the shelf...
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