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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Welcome to our getaway Alex...I take it your into floatfishing Keep up with the pics,we like pics.... Hey Gerrit,just wait until you start squinting at fine print and then finally have to buy cheaters just so you can tie your knots when your fishing.....Thats when the reality finally kicks in big time..OH MY GOD, I'M GETTING OLD !!!!! Tight Lines !!
  2. Morning boys, Sitting here eating cold pizza......what to do on a rainy saturday morning....
  3. Garry, Just go to photobucket and upload your pics then choose the [/img] option,copy and then paist to your post...That simple !!!! Good Luck !!
  4. Sorry to here about your kitty cat but for every door that closes one shall open....
  5. Hey Speil, I never new they existed either but it seems this is a Heron colour morph of some kind,perhaps an albino strain. All the googles I did came up Snowy Whit Egret but this obviously is no egret. Deano, In the very same spot on the river I have witnessed an Osprey diving down into the rapids and nailing small fish of some kind. It was actually the same day I got the pic of this Heron.
  6. I've been using a 13ft Wild River St Croix for 20 years now. Its a pretty much do all pole for small or larger rivers.As well as keeping the line off the water on a drift the longer poles also offer up the option of running lighter tippets which in some cases will make or break your day.On the 13ft. I can run as light as a 3lb tippet and catch fish over ten pounds with little trouble. I personally won't go any lighter with tippets on the 13ft.,no sence really especially with the flouracarbon these days .Now if you had a 15ft pole you could run lighter than 3lb. tippets if you liked because of the soft action of these long poles. Anyhow,just my two cents worth...Good Luck !!
  7. While out fishing with Slowpoke a couple of weeks ago I noticed this white egret type bird in the rapids doing a little bit of his own fishing. I snapped a couple of pics with the dig cam and hoped for the best. When I got home I did some looking around on the internet and discovered that this bird was actually a Snowy White Heron. Extremely rare for these parts of Ontario...What a treat !! Cheers !!
  8. WTG Cliff and Carole. You guys are a fishing machine !!!!
  9. Happy Happy Birthday Cliff !!! Now go catch another chinney......................
  10. Nice fish Cliff !!! It will be hard to top that one. Tight Lines
  11. ChrisK

    OH NO!!!

    TJ, She's got the hunter orange going on big time. Now just got to get here a hard hitting multi purpose rifle.......deer/moose= 270 Cheers !!
  12. Thanx Bly,we are all guilty of that.... Cheers !!!!
  13. Hey Brian, You smoke to much Was a awsome day on the water. We went three for three,well 4 for 4 and saw fish charging our lures from deeper water on the fish finder.....Almost could tell when one of the rods was going to go off..... Yo Bly,I guess that little baby coho didn't cut it for a WTG bud ??...just kidding !!! Anyhow,looking forward to our next rip out....Like usual I'll bring the horseshoes Cheers !!
  14. I would recomend the worms for shure. Use a slider rig(Lindy Rig).Or this time of year another prefered bait by the walleye and smallies is a minnow and jig combo. Both these methods are far friendly to you pocket book.....Good Luck !! Tight Lines !!!
  15. That would be an Osprey. Ive been seeing an Osprey the past few fishing trips on the Thames in Dorchester area. First time I saw him he was diving down into the rapids and taking small fish. Quite a sight to see this going on just 50 yards away... CHEERS !!
  16. Hey Dawg !!!! Finally got a chance to read your report !!!!!! Was a great read bud and nices pics less the nudity of course . It was like I was there sitting beside ya in the boat the hole time. Anyhow, sounds like you got lucky with the Sabiki curse. Funny how that rig can cause such chaos when the fish are at boatside. I wasn't so lucky last time we were out.... Cheers !!!
  17. Glad to see you all had a great time at Roy's place. Nice Smallie too !!!
  18. Not shure if anyone has mentioned this bait yet but if I had to use one bait alone it would have to be the Rapala Rattletrap. Fish it deep or fish it swallow..In weeds or bump it across rock shoals this bait is pretty tuff. Only problem I find is the finish will come off if too many toothy critters get ahold of it..... Tight Lines !!!
  19. Would a pike eat a muskrat??? I beleive they will eat just about anything they can fit in their pie holes and bigger. I don't think the concept of swallowing their food hits their brains untill its wedged sideways in their jaws.
  20. Looks like you had a heck of a day there Glen. Too bad your No#1 net man wasn't around to help you in with those..... Lookin forward to seein the Sabiki Rig version of you next report Bubba !!! Tight Lines....
  21. I had a great morning with Brian and look forward to doing it all again next weekend if we can hook up. I'm suprised how hard those carp fight if they get into some deeper water like we had going on today. I'm thinking next week we hit the local resevour in St Marys(Wildwood) where I know for a fact there are some serious tankers to be had there in deeper water.... It was a close one getting the truck wedged under that tree but after battling those carp all morning I was up for just about anything Cheers !!
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