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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Congratulations on your new granddaughter Dann. She's a cutie pie !!
  2. I had one come at me when I was rabbit hunting one year. To bad for him I only had small game shot loaded in my 870 at the time...
  3. You must of been typing this out at the same time I was. Great minds......
  4. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but when I had skunks under my shed I simply put a getto blaster through a hole I made in the floor and cranked heavy metal at them for a couple days until they couldn't take it any longer and left. Like raccoons they have sensitive ears and if your neighbors can take it for a day or two without calling the cops its a great way of making them move on to live under someone else's deck
  5. Great report Joey and your wild life pics are amazing.
  6. Great day on the bay and the shirt fits
  7. Now thats a smallie !!
  8. Nice hog Splash !! I may have to take the kayak down there and do some fly fishing. Got some freshly tied Dahlbergs I need to try out
  9. Was a riot catching smallies on the 5wt today. I used my 7-8wt Saturday but it was to much of a meat stick and took all the fun out of fighting the bass so today the 5wt came out to play Fly of choice was a egg sucking leech pattern on a #4 9672 streamer hook. I went all day on the one fly which was amazing due to the fact that I snagged it up about 5 times on the bottom of the river,resharpened the hook every time, pulled it out of a couple trees and on the last few fish the hackle got knawed off but I kept on using it and the fish kept on smashing it....Got to love it !! Special thanks to my good friend John coming out and being my camera man Some of you may recognize him if your from London. He's the Engineering chair from Fanshawe college and has appeared on London 6.00 news a few times discussing Fanshawe events. John caught his share of smallies on his 4wt as well today using a fly he tied that looks like a sparkly crayfish. Sam was there representing as well making sure he did his best to spook the bass as he swam through the pools around us in search of the perfect submerged stick. This ones for Spiel
  10. Went to my trailer this weekend to find the river high and muddy. Rained Thursday,Friday and Monday but the river was still holding in its banks so I decided to give her a go. Saturday was pretty much a right off with only a couple fish caught but today the river had dropped and cleared some and the bite was on. Landed about ten smallies and lost one of the biggest rock bass I've ever hooked. Wish I could of got a picture of him before he spit my fly.
  11. Where were you this weekend ?? Bass fishing was great !!

  12. Nice fish Rich. Congrads !!
  13. You guys were a riot !! Already looking forward to next year
  14. Here ya go !! http://www.toller1.com/howtodeskunkyourdog.html As soon as you realize your dog has been sprayed by a skunk, don some rubber or latex gloves and old clothes and look her over for bites or scratches. Also check her eyes for redness or discharge. If any injuries are found, you should contact your veterinarian before proceeding. Time is of the essence here - the longer you wait to begin the process, the harder it will be to remove the stench. Get set up for bathing your dog outdoors or in an easy to clean area of your home (laundry room, bathroom, etc). If indoors, open a window to save your nose! Apply a small strip of eye lubricant (such as Puralube) or 1-2 drops of mineral oil to your dog's eyes. This will help protect the eyes in case any of the solution splashes or drips in. In the plastic container, combine 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid soap. Add lukewarm water if needed (for larger dogs). Mix ingredients well. The solution will fizz, as a chemical reaction is occurring. Use immediately - do not store. Do not soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dog's coat. You may wish to use a sponge or washcloth. Avoid getting the solution in the eyes, ears or mouth. Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes (longer if strong odor persists). Rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary until odor is gone. Dry your dog well and give her a treat!
  15. Good point...Sam is vaccinated for everything know to man kind.. We spare no expense on him..
  16. That was darn good chili eh Dan !! I'm still taking the left overs to work for lunch
  17. Thanks Joe I'm thinking those crafty pooches got into the venison chili when we weren't lookin...
  18. Lew,while I was at my trailer couple weeks ago my 16 year old weiner dog got a mild sun stroke and ended up vomiting for a couple hours. To us the sun didn't seem so hot but to Arnie it must of been to much. He's fine now and in the future we will keep him out of the direct sun. I'm so glad to here Marv is back to his old self. He is quite the little trooper and man does he ever swim well. I think all in all we can chalk this one up as a learning even.
  19. Lets get real here. There was know one person who was going around intentionally overfeeding our dogs to make them sick. That is down right absurd.... I was even approached and asked if Sam could have some treats and I gave those persons permission and every time I looked around to find Sam he was always munching on something he found in the grass or was offered up. If I wanted this not to happen I would of put him on a leash but he has an iron clad stomach lining as most of you know after last year eating a pound and a half of beef jerky at Lakair and not skipping a beat. Everyone there was part of our OFC group or affiliated in some way through Lakair and I could not for the life of me imagine anyone wanting intentionally overfeed any of the dogs to get them sick. Sam was right in the midst of this hole thing and he was fine so what does that tell you ?? Sometimes our dogs get upset tummies especially after a visit to Grandma's house cause she sneaks treats when we are not looking but never with the intention of harming. I'm pretty sure this was the case on Saturday...We will learn from this and do things a little different next year.
  20. Who wants to do a shore lunch on Tombstone Friday afternoon For those of you who have never had the pleasure Tombstone is an island at the mouth of West Bay leading into the Muskrats. It overlooks the West Bay and all its glory. One of the best elevated stone islands with a view and a great place to park your boat and have shore lunch. Last year we missed the opportunity to do the event due to planning issues but this year I would like to put the wheels in motion and get everyone out there for a fun afternoon. ChrisK
  21. Is the tree in the river ?

  22. I'd go with about 4 dozen leeches but then again I drag worms when it comes to northern walleye so I'm into about a dozen worms per evening due to the little nibblers...Sirloin of the north always seems to work for us better than leeches in June and July.
  23. I'm thinkin that they are putting way more than just beans into those cans if you get my drift.....
  24. Ah,he's still using my fly tying stuff....Anybody know were I could pic up an old vise for a friend
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