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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. This correction was predicted quite a few weeks ago. Lots of bargains available now.
  2. Lots of gas around here. We have many different suppliers and station, though. There's always NY State, too.
  3. Flying out of Buffalo is very cheap. Went to Florida last month and it was very reasonable...about half the cost of flying out of Toronto. Plus driving over the border is much less hassle then airport customs.
  4. Wow..conspiracy theorists. The current gasoline shortage has nothing to do with the availability of oil. We have the single largest oil reserve on earth. The shortage is from the refinery fire and subsequent production loss. This shifts the demand to other stations. Remember the old email going around about boycotting one station to get them to drop their prices and the flaw in logic within? It was said it wouldn't work because it was just inspire other stations to raise prices. And here we see the proof of that. The oil companies are free to trade with whomever they choose. Sometimes they get a good price selling here and sometimes elsewhere. Are they making obscene profits? Sure they are. But that is our fault. They can only charge what we are willing to pay. It appears there isn't much of a limit on what we will pay for gas. But we're all still driving big trucks towing big boats with big motors...proof we haven't reached the boiling point just yet. The only way to push down prices is to push down demand. Line-ups at gas stations doesn't do that.
  5. Try Jet Blue and/or Expedia.ca Coming up on college March Break, so prices are going up
  6. Well if I had a kid and the principal 'paddled' him..the principal could expect the same (or worse) from me. Fact of the matter is kids today are LESS likely to become violent then we were.
  7. Rob Brunner signed up to the site I noticed. Wow. Rob is in the Freshawater Fishing Hall of Fame and is a very well known author and ambassador for the sport. He's also likely the oldest member here...82 and still hunting musky! We're very priviledged to have you here, sir!
  8. Here ya go Fishmaster. The info and contact email is there.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/banneradvertising.html
  9. What the town must realize is that whatever these people were doing leading up to the point that they broke the law is irrelevant. Had they been knitting scarves would the town then regulate scarf knitting? No, of course not. Because what they were doing before they tresspassed, littered and did whatever else they did is is not germane. Regulating fishing when they should be paying more attention to stopping trespassers is illogical. They may have driven cars to get there, should they also ban out-of-town cars? Treat the disease, not the symptom.
  10. There was no Henry and italo thread. There was an Izumi thread which turned into a Henry/Italo thread which contained posts so completely innaccurate that they were very likely going to lead to us getting emails from lawyer types.
  11. Awesome job everyone! Glad to see everyone from OFC making a contribution. Glad to see that most in this biz are true to their word.
  12. WE will be upgrading the software sometime Monday or Tuesday. This will be done in off-peak hours and should not affect your ability to view the site. It is a minor upgrade for each component and addresses minor bugs and enhances security. More info available here.
  13. A summer to remember. AS most of you know, the Speedtroll's son, Chris, is suffering from a rare and aggressive form of cancer. While Chris is only 7 years old, he has shown a courage that far belies his age. Recently the doctors treating Chris have become less optimistic about his prognosis. In spite of this Chris has shown some signs of improvement. We at OFC Community felt it was far over due that we do something to reward Chris for his bravery and try and give the young angler some fun things to look forward to. Somehow in between treatments and doctors and testing, we had to find something to help raise the spirits of our young friend and also provide some lasting memories for his father and sister, Nicole. I put out a few PM's and met personally with a few of our TV Celebrity members, hoping that perhaps one of them could make a special day for Chris. All that I contacted immediately jumped on the chance to help give Chris not just one special day..but three! While we have yet to iron out the schedules, and I know that these guys are all very busy, Aaron Shirley of Getting Hooked with Aaron and Barry, Shaun Rickard of Urban Outdoor Adventures and Dave Mercer, host of The Facts of Fishing and Celebrity Bassmasters have each agreed to take Chris out for a fishing adventure he will always remember. To say we were touched by this incredible gift from these guys is a massive understatement. To make this even better, our resident rod building expert, Spiel, is going to build young Chris his very own custom made rod for this great day. We will pair this with a brand new reel donated by Sam Carrafiello (DT10Sam) at Carra Outdoors and TJ is going to make sure Chris has the hat and shirt that every respectable angler wears on the water. On a personal note we the admins here would all like to thank Aaron and Barry, Shaun, Dave, Spiel, TJ and Sam for this amazing display of community. This is something we will always remember so I can't imagine the impact it will have on Speedtroll, Chris and Nicole. A huge thanks and we will keep you updated with the schedule and hopefully we can have a few members drive by in their boats to say Hi to Chris and the gang on their amazing days!
  14. Here's the thing...these idiots will always be around. Most wise up and eventually treat their surroundings with respect. But by then there is a new generation of idiots. We cannot give up trying to educate and we cannot stop cleaning up after the idiots. we have a moral imperative and we must not let apathy ruin fishing. people are twice as likely to remember a nimrod polluter as they are someone cleaning up, so we have to be twice as diligent in our efforts. A garbage bag should be standard equipment on any fishing trip.
  15. I'm reasonably certain all other rules of hunting will apply.
  16. Is the government really saying they have enough money? Are they serious? Too bad I can't get up to Sudbury for the bake sale...
  17. Things you can't get in Florida (besides an accurate election).. Tea..you know regular damm tea. Nope..sorry. Vinegar for fries. Iced Tea (now you'd think iced tea would be everywhere there) Iced Tea and Vodka. We were drinking them after we found a bar that had iced tea and we were getting strange looks till the locals tried it and then we all got stewed on T and V. Decent coffee for your hangover.
  18. The biggest reason they could not be hunted was that they were covered by the Migratory Birds Act. This is an international accord with the US and we had to reach deals in order for it all to happen. Canada and the US agreed to remove them from this protection. By the way...use a rifle. They scatter quickly under the noise from a shot gun and you need to be a good distance in order to get more than one.
  19. Murray should have known it was going to happen and called a time-out. This gives him the right to another line change. Even in the fights there are unwritten rules. No upper cuts and no shots to the mouth. The hit was cheap and the response was predictable. Ruff did as she should have. Murray was dumb for leaving that line out. Ruff has taken a bunch of no-names and made them stars. He must be doing something right. He's like the anti-Quinn.
  20. How do you watch that and not think it was a late hit head shot? What I can't believe is that no one helped the Ottawa goalie when he was getting pummeled by Peters.
  21. In fairness to Ruff, he is an excellent coach and part of his job is to use the media to protect his players and try and get his way with officials. Quinn was way worse.
  22. Likely your browser not handling the cookies right or a setting on your computer that sets time limits to cookies. Are you using the up to date version of your browser?
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