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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. That may be the longest post ever. I'll take one please, Art!
  2. I have contacted the hosting company and requested this issue be fixed or move us to a new server. Very unacceptable. All things on tis end are as they should be. It is very frustrating for me cause there is nothing I can do.
  3. Was in Negril in 2001. It is unlikely (but possible) that you will have time for fishing. Specially if you are at or near Hed II. I did see a few cudas swimming about, though. One piece of advice...take the $30 flight from Montego Bay to Negril. The bus ride is crazy...just crazy.
  4. I like the metal zipper ones. Plastic wears out too fast.
  5. So I went for a short trip down to Port Dalhousie to do some fishing. I caught nothing..of course...but had an interesting drive home. I was stopped behind two cars at the lights on Fourth Avenue and Martindale Rd when I noticed an elderly lady in the road talking to the driver of the car ahead of me. The driver of that car then left. I noticed then the lady was the driver of the car at the intersection... She approached me and I figured her car was buggered and was already digging for my CAA card when she got to the van. But she tells me she is lost and trying to find a particular grocery store. I had no idea where it was, but she thinks it is in a nearby plaza. I knew I passed a plaza on the way there,but couldn't recall a grocery store. She asked if I would mind driving there and she would follow me. I told her that it would be my pleasure and we set out down the road. When we got to the plaza, there was no grocery store there. We started chatting a bit and I was hoping to try and make her more comfortable cause she's alone in a parking lot with some strange man she doesn't know. Now this was 11:30 at night and I was wondering what an 80 yr old woman would be doing out so late. Turns out she had been lost for several hours. I asked her where specifically she was trying to go. She couldn't remember. I asked her if she was trying to get home. She said yes. I then queried her about her address so I could look it up on a map. She couldn't quite remember. So now I have alarm bells ringing off in my head. I was worried she was either diabetic or having a stroke. I called the Niagara Regional Police on my cell and asked them what to do. They said they would send a car right away. I wasn't sure if it was her age, or the fact it was night time or perhaps she was in medical distress, but it didn't seem like a good idea to let her alone. I started chatting with her and she seemed to relax a bit. I could tell she was terrified, but I showed her my work ID and told her my name and let her know I had a friend coming who would make sure she got home safe. I was trying to put myself in her shoes and knew she had to be concerned that I may have meant her harm. A few minutes went by and I called the police back. The dispatcher said the cruiser was almost there. Sure enough two cruisers pulled up and I told them of what had transpired. The officers were incredibly nice to the lady (who then told me her name was Lillian) and they checked her drivers license to get her address. It turns out she was only a few blocks from home. By then Lillian seemed much more lucid and she simply wanted to go home. The officers agreed to escort her home (one in front, one behind) after she refused a ride in the cruiser...her and her husband only have the one car. We spoke to Lillian for a bit longer and we all seemed confident she was just lost, tired and scared. A big thanks to the officers involved for showing great compassion and dedication. I hope you made it home okay Lillian and I hope Ted wasn't too upset about you being so late. I don't mind getting skunked so much when you get a happy ending like that.
  6. Bunks- Them thingies underneath on the trailer under the boat that has carpet on it. The boat sits on these. If the boat is moving around the bunks are not set properly. YTou'll also need to make sure the trailer tongue weight is correct. It should be ~10% of total weight. So if the whole package weights 1500 pounds, there should be 150 pounds of weight on the tongue itself. If not you can adjust things to make this happen.
  7. Here ya go kids...the event this year will likely be the biggest yet. Should be 50 or so people there..maybe more. It takes place on and around the weekend of June 22-24th. Some will be there even earlier, some will stay longer. Please reply if you're going and where you are staying. There may be space available with others, so make sure you ask if you need it. Also remember that if you bunk with someone to pay your fair share and if you get a boat (or ride) with someone to pay your fair share there as well.
  8. I think I shall make a sticky..it's time to start getting our stuff organized.
  9. The manual with my new Merc says it can take 10% blend. Don't know what or why the difference is from older motors.
  10. I had one for many years and gave it her fair share of mishaps and it never leaked once. TNT bought it from me and still has no leaks. She's 11 years old and still tight as a drum. I've never seen anything that shows Legends had more problems (post 1992) than any other make. There are likely more Legends out there than pretty much any other maker (in Ontario), so you will hear about more stuff. The great hull is what made me buy a smokercraft this time around.
  11. Not at all, misfish. The hull in this thread is made by Smokercraft and is an excellent product. This damage would appear to almost certainly be caused by a collision.
  12. My tracert gives me a slowdown near Washington...same as everyone else, so it seems to be an internet slowdown and not a server.
  13. THose having trouble should run a tracert to see where the slowdown is cause it is fine here.
  14. The hulls of Legends are guaranteed for life... did you take it to a dealer?
  15. IF your minivan gets the same mileage as the Durango, there's sumthin amiss. I had a Durango for two weeks waiting for my car to be fixed from getting rear-ended. The gas consumption compared to my Caravan was very significant.
  16. Hard to say, but I imagine if it was Federal, licenses would be good across the country and each province would either get funding based on population or based on resource inventory.
  17. Its not real. Shadows and such are not right. Its easy to make a small image like that look real. IT would be a 30 pound plus fish if real.
  18. I was recently at a St Catharines Game and Fish Association meeting where the Hon. Vince Kerrio, former Minister of Natural Resources was a guest speaker. After his oration, he took questions from the floor. Here's what I queried him with.. Given todays current state of affairs in Ontario and other provinces with respect to natural resources, and given that Ontario now uses the SPF as the lion's share of revenue rather than as a supplement as it was under your leadership, would you support a new National Natural Resource Strategy and support natural resources being a federal responsibility? I expected him to reject this and stae that the provinces know best how to handle their regions, but surprisingly he said .. 'Yes absolutely. It should have happened a long time ago. We are trying to handle it piece-meal across the country and it isn't working.' I certainly am not one for a stronger central government, but given the huge stakes each province has in it's neighbours ability to manage the resources, maybe it is time. Discuss...
  19. I don't know if they moved us to another server or not, but things seem okay now. It was ugly for a bit, but other than let them know things are hooey, not much I can do.
  20. It's not the length of your pike that matters...
  21. It's Tuesday..where is everyone?
  22. I have been emailing the host for a few hours (back and forth). Server load was over 25 (normally runs at <2). My guess is one of the sites we share with is under a DDOS attack. I'm watching to make sure it isn't us. So far our bandwidth hasn't changed. Host said they are 'working on the issue'. If they cannot solve the problem they will move us to another server.
  23. Today it is slower than normal, but not any other time recently.
  24. I think one thing it might do is allow the courts to raise the level of personal responsibility. I'm sure alot of people get leniency because half the regs are incredibly difficult to decipher into English ( or any other language.) What I would MUCH prefer is a Natural Resources curriculum in our school system. There's no good reason at all that it cannot be included into the High School level electives. An awareness of the intricacies and interdependence of the varies ecosystems would certainly go a long way to brining about a generation of people who cared about the resources and how to properly look after them.
  25. If it is the same bases that the Legends used to have, say good riddance to them anyway. Check for some kind of electrical ground issue to make sure you are not sending a current through the boat. This can cause bad things to happen to the aluminum ( I think Irishfield can give you all the correct and accurate info on that). You can clean up and spray the surface of the metal with any kind of oxidation inhibitor...likely there is one type that is preferred over the others and again, I would chat with Irishfield about that..
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