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Everything posted by rhare

  1. Lots of ice on BBP ppl driving sleds and Buggys. SLUSH is too deep to ride anything right now untill it freezes. Even hard to walk out for the most fit. Watch those northern lakes they have had lots of snow very inconsistant up there.
  2. Headed out this morning solo for a few hours, figured it wasn't too cold to just sit on the ice and fish instead of pulling the hut through the slush. It was good until the wind picked up then it got a little to chilly for me. Tried a new area in kemp. met a guy in the lot that fished near me and snapped a few photos for me. Nice to be able to meet some decent people in the area to fish with. Fished around 100fow. Didn't really mark that many on the finder.made a small move and found some fish. Managed to entice 2 nice lakers with the spoon. Lost about 5 more fish half way up. Damn dull hooks, forgot the file this morning and paid for it. The lake is producing lots of nice natural lakers around 1-3lbs in years before I have caught the odd natural and they were usually bigger fish. A fin clip chart is available for those interested. I find that almost all the fish I catch on spoons are natural fish with no fin clips. As opposed to the minnows that seem to catch all stockies. Its good news for simcoe and proves that the efforts to clean up the lake have been paying off. I hope they eventually put a slot limit in place to protect spawning sized fish. Further proof of improved spawning in the lake,are the amount of herring that are in simcoe.Only 5 yrs ago I remember hardly seeing schools of them. Now they are almost a nuisance when trying to get your bait down. I regularly see hundreds and hundreds go right under my holes this year. A season will eventually have to be opened or they're going to get hard on the baitfish in the lake!. just something to think about cheers Ryan heres a few pics of both fish I caught and released today. both no finclips.
  3. thanks glen all fish were from 1-3lbs nothing big just lots of em' Ryan
  4. sinker they came off small williams, classic simcoe colours. hope this helps. Ryan
  5. Well after yesterday how could I not head back out! Simcoe didnt fail me again. Fished the same area with GBaysteel (Dan) and it was none stop action. we stopped counting at 13 lakers!! And lost at least that many more. The fish were so aggressive all but 3 came on spoons. It was almost like perch fishing.Today started slow but a couple lure changes and jigging variation and they turned right on. So in total almost 50 lakers in 2 days!!! wow only kept a couple that seemed like they might not survive. heres some more pics enjoy Dan starting the day off right me lookin happy hard to see but look at the fish on bottom and suspended Dan with a nice one
  6. Wow what a weekend its been. Started early saturday with some good buddies Gbaysteel(Dan) Maple Leaf Drifter (Braden) and Mike. The fishing was hot started to get good around 9:30 and never shut down. couldnt even fish 2 rods for most of the day. We iced over 30 lakers!!! 2 Whities and a bunch of herring. The fish were split half on minnows and half on spoons. Dan ripped 13 fish on the same spoon!!!! we had a bunch of double headers heres a some of the pics from saturday enjoy!! Part 2 to come. Me with one of many nothing big just lots of action. Dan and mike with a double Dan and Braden with a double Dan MIke Dan and Braden double #2 Braden Me again Dan with one at the hole
  7. rhare


    could never happen, its real fighting.
  8. rhare


    Lesnar isnt the first "pro wrestler" to fight MMA most dont make out well but he will definatly be different. His NCAA record was 163-3 I believe guy is a freak, his first fight is on youtube check it out if you havent already
  9. Spent this weekend back on the ice, Lots of people out all over Kemp. Ice conditions were still inconsistant some 6" some 3". Lots of people still ignoring warnings and driving sleds all over the lake. Anyways back to the fishing. Was out with some buddies, Dan (GBaysteel) and Braden (maple leaf Drifter)Saturday was a write off. We found lots of fish but only managed to miss a few.We threw everything thinkable at them with no luck.Didint see a whole lot being caught. We Decided to go ahead and try it again on Sunday.The weather was great. Not near as many people out, I guess Saturdays bad bite kept them at home. We had a great day, landed 7 lakers and missed at least a dozen more fish. we moved around and followed the fish from 110ft to 80ft. moved in and out, when they stopped marking we would move and it always paid off with a couple fish coming on each move.Fish were split half on minnows and half on spoons. pic of the bay and the crowds enjoying the weekend Dan with the first fish My first one of the day and the year on simcoe for that matter not a bad way to start about 5lbs Dan with #2 My second Braden with his first Simcoe Laker Dan had a good day hitting 3 fish on the spoon Dan with #3 fight shot Dan with #4 Kept a couple for the table and the rest went back to fight another day. Ryan
  10. Myself and the group of fellas I steelhead with wont use stinky rotting roe. That doesnt mean it wont catch fish! but I would say your lowering your chances of catching fish.I have far more success with good roe. If my roe is crap I would rather use worms! never much liked store cured roe, (or store roe for that matter)buy it uncured and treat it yourself. Ryan
  11. cool report, i love saltwater fishing. The Flounder pics bring back some memories. that Lumpfish is cool! Ryan
  12. beautiful fish!! great way to start the season.
  13. hey Iceguy did you happen to pick that up this year? Im pretty sure its my buddies old hut he sold on ebay. if it is its a sweet little hut. I have a fish trap guide for the walking days and a Voyager for the pulling days. Cant beat the Clam!
  14. cant wait to see some reports mike
  15. Back about 12 or so years ago my brother used to run a charter service. We caught some great fish with fishwitches but now I cant find them anywhere. I know the company was forsale at one time I guess they went under. anyone know? or have a few of these kicking around they dont want?
  16. first thing that came to my mind! the rivers are raging right now around my neck of the woods but the weather looks good for them to clear up by next week. Lets hope the high water brings in some chrome.
  17. I run a small general contracting business offering all types of service. I specialize in millwork and finish carpentry, full bathroom installs . General framing, drywall and roofing services. Licensed electrical and plumbing also available. Located in the Collingwood area but willing to travel if worth while. Also willing to trade services for what you have ie: lodging for fishing, snowmobile, fishing equipment, boat lets make a deal. references available on request.
  18. Nice Fish guys, its worth the extra work when you get those results!
  19. I had the same problem with the skirt, at least I dont feel as dumb now. LOL
  20. AWSOME PICS EVERYONE!!! This was a mixed year for me, didnt get out all that much in the summer but thats the way it works.
  21. Your right its the guy who has been fishing 10000 times, BUT take no precautions ie: no floatsuit, no chipper, no picks, no rope, no friend its all relative. Sometimes experience has nothing to do with it. The ice on kemp was froze right across as far as you could see, its not the main lake. JP side is a whole different story, there is still open water out in the main lake. I fish where I know.
  22. Exactly, everyone has there limits. Congrats on the trout GB, makes it worth while. Not looking good for Simcoe for the next couple weeks. Everyone be safe and never go out alone!
  23. nice pics and report, not a better way to remember the good times.
  24. you wear em around your neck when you know you might go in, we also had 30' of rope in between us so if one guy went the other should be safe.
  25. P.S the auger is under 5" of ice, its just very clear
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