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Everything posted by rhare

  1. Awesome stuff!!! Thanks for the link
  2. Totally forgot about the sturgeon, what a cool fish it was so close it looked like you could touch it. Does anyone fish sturgeon here in ontario? I started last year but we didnt have very good results. Ive seen a few caught when guys where fishing for cats. To my amazement they kept the 50-70lbs fish after doing some research I found that fish was over 35 years old and likely could have been spawning for the first or second time. too bad there is a keep limit on them at all.
  3. I can see it dude, very cool fish, super aggressive on the right days. when I was in Niagara and port D I saw a bunch of them, lots here in Gbay too. try this--- get a piece of nylon rope about 5" long wrap the one end tight with clear hockey tape about a inch wide, burn the tip so it doesnt frey. thats your body. unwind and tease the other end. I put a sickle jig head through and push the barb through the tape. gives you something to tie on to and the barb will keep the rope on the hook.No to mention hook pike if they are in the mix. The Gar's little teeth will tangle into the nylon rope, dont set the hook or you will rip the rope out. Just apply steady pressure. here's a pic of a hookless.
  4. Well today I had the pleasure of fishing with Paul Castellano of Cast Adventures on the Lower Niagara River. The plan was to get into some late season steelies and you couldn't ask for a nicer day to be on the river. With the temperature being so high over the last 2 days we kind of figured on a tough bite. We worked over the drifts a few times weeding through some little smallies. After a few passes a couple missed fish and a break off I hook into a nice scrappy male. I love how strong the fish in the Niagara are even late in the season these fish put up a good battle. Landed another male and then Paul asked if we would be interested in trying out some ultra light tackle for some white Bass. Ultra light fishing sounded awesome and a nice way to break up the day with some variety. I had never caught a white bass before and looked forward to getting my first. Paul put us on a good school and we managed to hook into a bunch. We had to fight to keep the smallies off, I hooked into a real nice smallie a new PB for me after a quick pic back it went. We caught countless fish on the ultra lights and then decided to hit up the drifts again for some steelies. We ended up landing 4 more beautiful fish one going 30" and almost 10lbs. I thought I was into another nice steelie, the fish felt more dead weight, well if it isn't my first sheephead. A nice scrappy one at that.At the end of the day we had landed 6 nice steelhead, a bunch of white bass, a few sheephead, endless amounts of smallies and a perch. Now that is a variety day if I have ever had one! I have got to thank Paul for putting us on great action all day. I would highly recommend Cast Adventures to anyone looking to have a memorable time on the Niagara River. The service we had was untouched by any charter operator I have ever been out with. Paul was more then willing to share some techniques, provided a great lunch, munchies and drinks, had top quality equipment and really strived to make the day fun. You can count on us being back real soon. My new PB smallie, although totally accidental. first white bass
  5. sorry Gerritt, I wished I caught it I had the banner in my pocket.
  6. Since yesterday was a bit of a write off with the weather we had to change plans a bit, waited out the muddy water and loaded up the canoe for some night fishing. After bouncing around bottom with jigs and missing a few small guys we decided to dock the canoe and cast some crankbaits. The fish where rolling and jumping all over the place but seemed uninterested in our offerings. Just as we are about to call it a night Dan gets a good hit. The fish starts to peel down river hummm, catfish?? after a good 5 min battle on a light rod and 6lbs a nice big walleye rolls infront of the dock. We dont use a net so things got a little tense trying to get her ashore but what a beauty. 29" and 10lbs a quick pic and away she went.
  7. nice fish!! Its funny how they seem more elusive then rainbows yet there is a higher keep limit on them ???
  8. thanks guys,I think lights are a must. I have a head lamp that works well even for charging the glow lure/jigs, I wondered about just mounting the transducer through the hull. I switch my finder from canoe to boat and now to yak. Once i was to mount the transducer assuming using epoxy, I wont be able to remove it right? Ive never mounted a perm tansducer. Just a bit of info for everyone, its cheaper to buy a cuda128 and use the skimmer transducer from it for your Lowrance X67c. I use it for ice fishing and to buy the skimmer is $200. the cuda is $99 for the complete unit.FYI
  9. LOL thats the best tip I've heard yet
  10. What a nice weekend, too bad we couldnt get weather like that for the long weekend Anyways, went out for some eyes on friday night after getting my first last weekend I was excited to give it another shot. Well it didnt take long, third cast I hit a nice 3.5-4lbs eye on the reef runner. Fought really well even peeled some line. not to be out done Dan get's a nice fish in the 2lbs range on the rouge. Things slowed a bit so we switched to worms. lots of missed mystery hits but did manage one lunker cat!! I also picked up a kayak last week from CT, nothing special but I figured it would be a great start. Drove right from the store to the river outside of town and yaked back in. It was my first time ever kayaking but it was really easy even in a fairly fast flowing river. After deciding I was happy with the new purchase, I thought that it was time to make some mods. After seeing some of the fishing kayaks on the site I added a berkley rod holder, anchor tie off, X67c fishfinder and made a nifty removable transducer mount. Any other ideas for add ons guys?? After getting her rigged I went out last night in search of some eyes. Missed a few fish and managed a clam but I was pumped with the kayak. Great fishing rig for one guy. first trip mod shot night fishing shots
  11. sneek up on them forsure, I love fishing by eye. Its awesome to watch them hit. use small roe bags tied in white or peach, single eggs in a natural colour and whole dew worms. very simple rig. small hook and single split shot. start your drift well in front of the fish, the water is clear so they will have no trouble seeing your bait. they will spook easy so dont expect to catch more then one or two out of a hole. It pays to catch and move on and if you know the whole is loaded come back before you leave. once the fish settle they will hit again.
  12. Awesome fish, good job fellas
  13. thanks everyone, the eyes tased awesome. I really dont like eating fish just catching them but man I'd eat them again!
  14. I cut out as much background as I could, if you can tell where it is from the pic then you know the fish are there anyway. The deer had been cleaned off on the from the shoulders back, the rack although small was still on and nothing had been removed for tag application. It really doesnt surprise me in the given area, its not the first or he last one I'll see.
  15. Well I spent this long weekend at home just fishing a few local spots trying to avoid the crowds of people. Saturday was my birthday and my buddy Dan wanted to take me out for some walleye fishing. Needless to say my confidence wasnt all that high as I have yet to catch a eye in my life. I figured what the heck I'll give it a shot and if its slow I can always fish for cats. After about 15mins of casting jerkbaits I feel a decent hit. Pike? I figure, not fighting much for a pike. Wouldnt you know it my first ever walleye! I was pretty pumped. I always said if I caught one I would eat it. I dont eat fish so I rarely ever keep any but in the cooler he went. It started to rain pretty hard so we decided to have a break and get a coffee. when the rain slowed a bit we headed back down to the river. about 20-30min later I get a nice hit. Fish starts to take a bit of line. humm what could this be?? Up comes eye #2 a decent 4lbs. We stayed and fished for a bit but nothing so we headed out to another spot for some more eyes and cats. Second cast Dan gets a nice little pike. It had some weird growths on its one side, quick pic good sice up and back he goes. We tried for some cats but they would have none of it. Not bad for a morning. my first ever walleye #2 We went back the next day for a bit but it was bitter cold and wasnt much fun. No fish at all, not even a sucker I suggested taking a trip out some back roads for some brookies. Off we went with the ultra lites. It was actually snowing at one point like it was winter, we snapped a pic you can kind of make out the flakes! First stop produced a couple of smaller fish, one that was a real little football!. All the creeks had something to offer. We managed a bunch of little guys and 10 nice brookies 14-16" . One of the brookies had a hole in its back the size of your index finger. It looked like a haron had hit it but it was too big for it to pick up.Also got a few nice rainbows as well. I was surprised to see a very fresh looking steelhead sitting in the shallows. She wanted nothing to do with the worms or spinners but a nice fish none the less. Later that day I managed to get a nice 2lbs steelie on the ultra lite she was the nicest fish I have caught in a long time, gold with beautiful pink cheeks and belly. Of course I didnt have the camera. Never fails. Well tracking through the bush I ran upon a ugly sight. A small buck from last fall that had clearly been poached. The rope it was hung from was still in the tree. From its location it looked like it had to have been the property owner, I dont know him and really didnt feel like going and pointing fingers. Some people. All and all it was a good weekend of fishing The ugly
  16. Yeah its the big pool at the bend, caught so many fish there over the years
  17. I'm sure there are many people here who fish the Notty. Last fall I posted about the amount of GARBAGE that was being left on the banks in Angus. It was totally disgusting,everything you could think of and even piles of human fecies all around the trails and parking area. Almost every receipt that I picked up off the ground came from the city.Clearly people have the attitude that if they don't live around the area they wont have to see the garbage. Well it looks like I was right, a great area that I have fish myself for over 15 years and I'm sure many others have as well is now PRIVATE. fenced off with no fishing, no trespassing signs. I talked to the owner and it seems they have had enough of picking up garbage. This is just the first of what's to come. If people don't stop abusing the fishing area it will be totally private. well I was there I also watched a guy who was clearly too lazy to walk the trail DRIVE HIS SUV ACROSS A SEEDED GRAIN FIELD!!!! I would be ticked if it was my grain. Some people have no common sense. He had no idea who's property he was driving on and said he wasn't from the area. come on guys and gals how hard is it to bring out what you take in??????
  18. You know that statement is so true, since you know 100% that a fish wont hit marshmallows even though youve been given examples of situations where they did!!! So fish must never hit CORKIES either then do they??? In fact corkies are an even better way to line fish being that your drifting the whole time, and ppl do from time to time so is that not a unethical way to fish?? Ive caught tons of salmon with the rod in a holder and they pound a marshmallow, its not hooked in there face its well in there mouth. Males and females. I always use bright colours and the fish hit out of aggression. I dont sang fish or try and line them and rarely have I ever foul hooked a fish.
  19. I agree with muddywater, I never line fish and I have caught plenty of salmon with marshmallows. Some days they only seem to hit the marshmallows and leave the roe alone. Why should this thread be locked? Im sure theres plenty of other ppl on here that dont line fish with marshmallows.
  20. thanks guys,
  21. I always look forward to opening day. Ive been fishing the same river for as long as I could cast. Its a great place and not pressured like a lot of tribs in the area. We arrived at the old faithful spot just at light. about 5 mins later Dan gets his first fish. A scrappy dropback hen. I snap a pic and next drift I get a pick up. Some runs and jumps and in comes another hen. Just as I was landing her a crew of guys walk in and start fishing. So much for that spot. We head up river to the next pool. Dan gets a little brown. Few drifts later I hook a brute that peels around the river and eventually pops the hook. bummer. The river just seemed slow this year. The high water so late in the season washed a lot of fish out of the river. by this time last year we had 15 between the 2 of us!. There is usually a good mix of browns and specks in the river but they seemed to have vanished this year. Up to the next set of pools. Already people in there fishing. Of course its people I have never seen that just walked in to the posted area with out permission. What can ya do they were all over this weekend. Every place I went there was someone trespassing. We decided to fish a stretch of creek that was loaded with fish last week. The water was crystal clear and quite shallow. We had to hide behind trees and stay way back from the river. bouncing small white and peach roe bags with a single split shot worked stellar. It was something to watch the fish zero in on the bag from downstream and suck it up. We managed a bunch of fish this way. Today started the same with 3 nice males on full dew worms. One of which took Dan 200 yards or so downriver. After that it was nothing but egg suckers. Off we went to try sight fishing again. we fished a new section of river that was loaded with fish. managed a few and broke off few. All and all it wasn't too bad of a weekend. Hers a few pics enjoy. A little wee brown Lots of little fish this year Some fish from today Action shot sight fishing male, he ran up river to hit the roe bag in a ft of water
  22. The notty is open year round from the boyne down to the bay, between the boyne and the pine is C & R. few days yet its way blown out.
  23. I dont think you need a passport, a drivers license would do along with another form of id. A passport is just easier. you also need a NY state fishing license to fish the American side. The coast guard boat patrols the river and checks up I believe. you dont always get checked but it happens. Im sure some others could give you more info.Cast Adventures perhaps?
  24. great pics and report
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