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Everything posted by muddler

  1. Stop insulting the witches please. WinnaFred has a long way to go to get to the "witch" plateau. She will do whatever she wants because the majority that the Libels have is nothing more than entitlement to do any stupid thing she come up with. The next election these idiots CANNOT be allowed to this again. That means that everybody that has even a passing interest in the political process (ya, that's you and me) has to get involved and get these crooks out of power. Just my 2 cents
  2. Leafs grabbed a good one today with Zaitzev. Another piece of the puzzle.
  3. Lucas , please read my previous post carefully. I think you put much more into it than what was said. The Oilers will get to the cup before the Leafs. Count on it. When you are at the bottom it's a looooooong way back up, especially when every other team is trying to the same thing. As typical Leafs fans, I have heard this from so many other over 40 years. I will take a lot more than one #1 pick to change that. That's what I was saying in my previous post. To even suggest otherwise is (in your words) , "delusional". muddler
  4. Just remember , this is the first thing the Leafs have won in almost 50 years and it's because they had the the worst record period. Not something to be very proud of. As for a great young core for the future, the Oilers have that sewn up. Ahhhhh what happened there? Austin Matthes ain't no Crosby,Kane or McDavid. Sure he's good, but not that good. Don't count your Leafs before they fall. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Wow, what a comeback. I was sure we were done. Great game. muddler
  6. Winners don't forget how to win. This team will be fine. I'll start to panic if they loose the next two games. It ain't gonna happen. Lots can happen in 7 games. This team is too good to get knocked out by the Pacers. muddler
  7. Time to take some of these bleeding hearts (Erskine-Smith) out behind the wood shed for a talk. Personally I'd like to take Nathaniel Erskine-Smith out about 50 miles deep in the bush north of Hwy 17 in the middle of summer and wait until he finds his way home. All he needs is vegetation and there's a lot in the bush. That ought make him happy. Then I wanna have a little chat with him. I agree with Big Cliff. These wackos will get a little bit each time they present this crap and eventually they'll get what they want. I remember the spring bear hunt nonsense. This is just more of the same. Leave my fishing and hunting alone. I'm cleaning out a spot behind the woodshed. muddler
  8. Thanks again for the tips. As "Pump Knows" knows I use the same dollar stop silicon brushes for my pegs too. muddler
  9. Thanks. I'll try that slower hook set. muddler
  10. Heading out for some early Rainbow fishing on Friday. I'm going to try trout beads ONLY for the first time. I've played around with them last year with some success. I dab a little salmon oil on the egg when I start. Other than that I just dead drift them on a 6lb florocarbon leader and a #6 short hank hook about 2-3" below the bead. Any suggestions (secrets), do's and don'ts for using these would be appreciated as I'm new at using these baits. Thanks, muddler
  11. I've used GWX Control Panel to stop Win 10 nags and installation. It seems to do the job easily and effectively. It's free. Just to add to the problems of Win 10, I have noticed that on a lot of systems that Win 10 somehow no longer accepts some HP printers. The printer is not in the device manager nor in the printer list. After a few days/weeks Win10 will find the printer and it works fine again. It is one of the updates of Win 10 that does this. It is very annoying to a lot of the seniors that I do repairs for as they tend to panic about this. I have advised all NOT to install Win10 but they do anyway. muddler muddler
  12. The first 20 games or so don't mean a lot. Pitchers finding their rhythm and hitters finding their strokes. Remember that you don't want the team to burn out by August. We will get our share of these same types of wins. These losses were NO blow outs. They were good indicators that this team needs a little tweaking here and there( as do all the other teams). That's the manager's job. It's 162 games, and a lot can happen, remember last year? I like what I see for the most part. This is a very good team. I have high hopes for them this year too, My 2 cents.........muddler
  13. I have issues with teams 'tanking" so they can get a better draft pick. Why should teams be rewarded because they played poorly on purpose? Why should a team that just misses the playoffs and worked hard to get there be punished with a 14th or 13th pick? To listen to Leaf fans getting upset because the Leafs played well and they won a game but would loose a better chance at a number 1 pick is just sacrilegious when using the word "pro". And they charge admission to this type of entertainment? No matter what system would be used somebody would complain. My neighbour (an avid Toronto fan) had a good suggestion. The top 16 teams that make the playoffs continue with draft picks 15-30, BUT the bottom 14 teams would get rewarded for playing to win (that's what professionals are supposed to do) by awarding the draft picks 1 to 14 to teams finishing 17 to 30. In other words the top pick would go to the team that just missed the playoffs or 17th. The 2nd pick would go to the 18th team and so on. . That way ever game has meaning and value even if a team misses the playoffs. The 30th team would get the 14th pick. This would encourage all the lower teams to play to win at the end of the season and tanking would almost become a non-issue. Just an idea. muddler
  14. Not producing this year. The tag , "Cotton Ball" seems to say it all..
  15. Thanks for the heads up. I always wanted to use it. muddler
  16. Not a fan of anybody in politics except Rob Ford, what you see is what you got with this man. A down to earth no nonsense type of guy. The only thing wrong with Rob, is that there are NOT enough politicians like him. He was the best thing that ever happened in Toronto. Rest in Peace Mr. Ford. God Bless!
  17. Good for you. I moved back home (Northern Ontario) 8 years ago after the divorce. I love every minute of here. Fishing and hunting are close by. The pace is a lot slower and the people are a lot nicer. My over all health improved quickly and I can't wait to wake up in the morning. Jobs are a lot harder to find, but I never planned on being rich anyway. You won't need a guide(that's GTA talk) up there once you get to know the locals. They'll show you everything in due time. Live every day and have a blast. muddler
  18. Empathy, a slowly dying characteristic. Me,me,me,me me, it's all about me and what I want. I see it all the time now. I'm not saying that there aren't empathetic people out there, it just that the number of such people is dwindling. It's the honey badger syndrome, the "I don't give a DAMN!", unless it affects me directly, groups. Usually by then it's too late. Me,me,me,me. You can't change stupid. NAW, your rant is a valid one and the responses are good too. muddler
  19. You nailed. Patience, patience.
  20. Each shingle is held down with 7-8 roofing nails and a a bead of roof adhesive. Old shingles that fly off roofs in wind storms usually have missing nails an/or the adhesive is no longer holding or the shingle is torn. Cold weather also makes them brittle. If the ones that were on the ground are in good shape, I would reuse them, but judging from the number shingles that pulled loose, you probably will have to by a bundle or two of new ones. For the old one apply a bead of roofing tar over the old adhesive bead. For the new ones you don't need to reapply anything. Remember that you will have to remove the old roofing nails two rows above the replacement spot. This will temporarily solve your problem for now. You may get lucky and get yourself another year out of the fix. I was in a similar position a couple of years ago and cash was limited so I was fixing the roof on a regular basis until I could afford a new one. Raccoons found the faulty shingles easily and began to rip the roof apart. That's something else to look out for. Like was said above, a new roof will soon be in order, the fix is only temporary.
  21. I mostly agree with netminder. You never know for sure in pro sports, especially Baseball. If the Jays are serious contenders (and I think that they may be) then management might offer Jose a compromise contract. Something like 90 mil for 3 years. If we are out of the running by the trade deadline then he might be traded to a contender for some serious prospects. A lot of teams do that to build for the next run in the next few years. Personally I hope he stays. I like his leadership style. It's going to be an interesting season.
  22. I wonder. How well would that work with smaller steelhead hooks?
  23. "Jews have alot of enemies in history" They still do, but that is another personal story.
  24. I know I shouldn't rise to the bait but, please stay on topic and then light one up! " A jew isnt just a jew." now that's a brilliant comment. Unlike you Bud, my dad spent 4 years as POW at Auschwitz while my mother was confined in different German labour camps(slave labour). My sister was born in one of those camps 6 months into the war. I've read hundreds of books on WW2 and I have first hand information about the topic. My father's best friend in Canada was a German POW guard that eventually moved to Elliott Lake. I think I got a very good handle on the topic, bud. I got my info first hand. A lot of my neighbours were Ukrainian and I listened and learned way more than you could ever dream of ....first hand. Seems that you veer off topic all the time just to get the last word in, as you seem to be an authority on just about any topic. You better start reading, come back in ten years and have a mature discussion, bud!
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