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Everything posted by muddler

  1. I amazes me how these players can remain healthy after 140+ games. Injuries will happen, that's why expanded rosters are used. There is a good chance that Troy might be back in 2-3 weeks. The Jays are playing amazingly. 3 out of 4, I'll take that any day. The second game on Saturday was my favourite. By the 8th inning or so the loudest cheer picked up by the microphones was "Go Jays Go" and the loudest loudest baseball sound was the ball hitting the pitches glove from the catcher., much to the dismay of the 4 or 5 NY fans left behind home plate. Love it. Yeah, can't stand the Yankees. All we have to do is control our own destiny and not worry about who's behind us. Go Jays Go!. muddler
  2. I agree. My parents came here after WW2. Canada has been and is a nation of immigrants (except for First Nations). Screen and let them in. We are a multi-cultural country, remember that!
  3. It was raining in NY. I love the rain. Hope we make it rain again. I was nice to see all those empty seats near the end of the game. Kudo to the Jays fans that made it there. How sweet it is.
  4. Yup, my heart really bleeds for Baltimore. I can't wait to cry a river for those poor Yankees too. I hope all the Jays "make rain" in New York. Yeah, I'll feel real sorry of them. HA! Just about time for another 11 game streak, but I'll take 2 out of 3 any day. Been a jay's fan since day 1 and a Rapport's fan since day 1. Both teams have a work ethic that the Loafs wish they had, regardless of the season record or the current score of the game. Both these clubs are showing Toronto what a real pro team does every season and sooner or later they will rise to the top. It's the Jay's turn right now, The Raps are not far behind, just watch!
  5. I use different types of trolling sinkers. Banana, minnow and bullet types. All have a snap at the end of the sinker. Simply adding another sinker fir a quick fix will do it. I modify the banana type by adding a cross lock type snap. Once I find the right weight I'll retie using only one sinker of the correct size for the area. I carry 1/2, 1,2 and 3 oz sinkers. That way I can quickly customize the weights to fish any depth up to 30+ feet. I troll with 50 lb braided line and add a 6 ft (or so) 12lb l mono leader on a ball bearing swivel. Works like a charm. Muddler
  6. Wow. What I find now is a common attitude that is the total lack of good manners. The old saying, "you get more bees with honey, than vinegar" holds true. It is not a matter of you doing anything wrong (IMHO I don't think you did) but rather the stupidity of the verbal abuse that is questionable. I find that as I grow older that the behaviour of a lot of people in public is , "it's all about me and I'm gonna let you know it", attitude. Your story has been repeated countless of times in many different forms and it is now accepted as a norm. Intimidation and entitlement to intimidation is common place. Good on ya for setting a fine example for for your bud and his son and keeping your cool. If you want to see this behaviour again watch the steelhead season go into full chaos in October. Your incident will look minor. The post "Am I close enough" as just another example as is yours of the me,me,me,me attitude. You can't fix stupid. muddler
  7. Boy that sure explains a lot of things. Personally, I'm all against drinking water. Fish, pee, poop and perform sex in it, and now drugs. Ain't no way I'm drinking it. Where's my beer?
  8. Lou made it very clear that there will be a "change in culture" with the Leafs. "What's in front of the Jersey will be more important that what's on the back". Players like Kadri better watch out because this guy and the rest of the front office will shuffle players in and out until there is a real team that plays Toronto hockey rather than hockey in Toronto. Then and only then will anybody take the Leafs seriously. It's about time, Toronto.
  9. It's a warning not a sentence. That's what my neighbour says. He had a stroke 17 years ago and made ALL the life style changes that he had too. At 68 he still walks a good 45 minutes every day (even at -30C). I know I go with him. His wife says we're nuts, but healthy nuts. All the best Gerrit. This is only the start of a new beginning. Lots of fish to catch yet.
  10. Good riddance Fat boy. Yup the Leafs will miss all those goals that your +/- allowed. Maybe now I start to cheer the Leafs. Excellent trade, excellent. Pittsburgh will have an awesome power play though Leafs rebuild is serious now. Gimme a bunch of guys that play 100% both ways and the heck with the score, that's real hockey. Good article in the Sun today. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/07/01/leafs-were-sick-and-tired-of-kessel
  11. Ouch. Today's loss hurt, but I'll take 7-3 in the last ten games any time.
  12. Been saying that for a couple of years. I'm not a Leaf basher just hate lazy players. I love good hockey anywhere. Well said Oggie.,
  13. I think my channel changer is worn out. What a night. Jays almost yanked out win 12 in a row, Women's soccer team dominate their third game and only got a tie, and the Cup finals went to the Hawks. Awesome hockey, awesome sports night. All that was missing was the NBA finals. I love this time of the year. The best of the best is there to watch and cheer. Congrats to Chicago. What a great playoff for both teams.
  14. Yup, gotta admit this is a LOT of fun. It's not going to last all season but each game is an daventure (except today). Love those Jays.
  15. Boy, sure is quiet over here. Best hockey all year and ................... Wow. Go Bolts!. I wanna game 7.
  16. Another well informed Laffs fan!
  17. Buck Perry, George Pazik and Al Linder said it all, structure, structure structure. All fish relate to structure but all structure doesn't always have fish. That's what a depth sounder is for, Structure Hunting. Maps help a lot too to find structure. I catch ALL my fish in relation to structure. muddler
  18. Yup. can't wait. I hope it';s a totally assault on the goalies with a wack of goals. Go Bolt!
  19. Holy mackerel, 4-0 Chicago. Anaheim better get its act together quick. Opps 4-1 as I type.
  20. Yeah, only one person voted. We know who you are..........
  21. Awesome playoffs. Two game 7's series. It doesn't get any better than this.
  22. Nothing to do with picking a winner. I just like to watch a GOOD hockey game. My Avatar is my 4 favorite teams that I watch and follow all season. I cheer for what is left at this point....it is a hockey thread .....isn't it. Toronto ....
  23. Wow, Playoffs in full gear and this thread has died. Great hockey. Go Bolts!
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