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Everything posted by Seaweed

  1. Good ole White BigO Catchs fish like no other bait.
  2. Well I got my Son and Grandson out on the Bay of Quinte on Saturday for some Bassin. We got blown around a lot by a real stiff South-Easterly wind but managed to put some fish in the boat. Highlight of the day was my Grandson getting his first Largie... on a tube bait. It was well worth the trip. My Son got this nice fish Nice little Largie for Gramps My Grandson's Largie - ok you have to hold it for the photo I say "No Way" Grandson's first Lip Grip He's hooked now. Great Day.
  3. Just be sure they are trailer tires guys. Trailer tires have tougher sidewalls and they carry a heavy load. Car tires don't hold up well trailering. Better safe than sorry. Do some research... I did and I am happy I did.
  4. Stripers are good boats for sure but check out the Nitro center-console and the Triumph also... they are the same type of boat and might be a bit less $$? Only downside to this type of boat is that you have limited space for guests to sit on the boat.
  5. Good luck this weekend. The area offers some great fishing. The bridges have produced fish for years so don't be afraid to try from shore too.
  6. Seaweed


    Nice shoulders on that fish for sure.
  7. You will be staying very close to one of the best shore fishing spots in the area. Just take your bike and ride down past the Brittiania Boat Club and head for the water works plant. As you get to the City of Ottawa water works. Just walk your bike over to the edge of the water. Start casting. Enjoy. Lots of Smallmouth, pike, walleye, trout are caught there every year. There is a real honey hole but I will let you find that on your own.
  8. Another big fish was caught in the Ottawa River this week. The guys was Walleye fishing using spincast outfit. The fish was released and still swims.
  9. I'm going to chime in on this one....although I usually try to avoid topics like this due to the way people sometimes twist what you say into something it isn't. Basically Lew I think we all have had those days with too many wild boaters and jet sking freaks. What I want to add to the conversation is something I witnessed on the weekend on Mississippi Lake near Ottawa. I was fishing a tournament there and well the traffic during the morning was slim ... most were still sleeping. Things changed quickly though and before long boats and tubes and skiers and jet skis were soon zipping all over the place. The prevailing winds drove everyone to sheltered bays where the fishermen were retreating to for shelter to fish but also the boaters wanted to run due to the lack of choppy water. Long story short it made for some interesting fishing. It wasn't until the event of the afternoon though that I noticed what I think is right along the "Have all boaters lost their minds" kind of behaviour. A motor boat was drifting along on the other side of some islands we were fishing. At first I didn't notice them thinking it was just another boat because I was concentrating on the fishing. Then their voices and waving of paddles made me think ... hmmm is there a problem over there or were they just trying to signal someone? The wind was pushing the boat towards the island so I didn't think much of it because there were plenty of boats on the other side of the island that I assumed would be closer and be able to help them out if they needed it. My partner had moved the boat so we were never really sure if anyone came to the rescue of these boaters or not. Long story short though .... Everyone has to help a boater in trouble... that is the law of the water. My partner rationalized not going to see if we could help because we needed to get to the other end of the lake for the weigh-in and we still didn't have a limit of fish on board and we were catching fish finally... so we didn't help but it left me feeling... well not good. So just hope that the person with the boat trouble got things sorted out and got home safely. Anyway I guess my point would be... it wasn't too long ago that people would jump at the chance to help another boater if they saw the chance to do so. Today things are a bit ... well less driven to do so.
  10. Beam me up Captain! Congrats
  11. Just search for the guy's name on any fishing discussion board in Ontario and ..... well you will see what I mean. He is probably one of if not the best guide for your buck you could find in this part of the world. Very knowledgable and his client's always look like they are having the best fishing days of their lives. I would give anything to spend a day on Simcoe with this guy.... be it on the ice or chasing smallies in the summertime.
  12. Just keep casting they will find you.
  13. Ahhh but the tunes keep us young. Man can I relate. With the amount of great shows coming through Ottawa this year... I am getting flashbacks from my youth.
  14. Now that is a good days bassin for sure. Nice haul Johnny
  15. Man I wish I would have thought of this last year. I caught the Walleye of my life and had a couple of great shots of her.... until I tried messing with the file delete function at two in the morning as I was drooling over the pictures. I will try to see if I can still get the deleted shots off of my photo card though... you just never know. Thanks to everyone for posting this info.
  16. Wow That unit is in amazingly good shape. I think I would put it back in a safe place and break it out in another twenty years and sell it on Ebay. You are correct it would be a great ice fishing tool for sure. Awesome find thanks for sharing it with all of us. I bought my first flasher for ice fishing this past winter. It gave ice fishing a brand new dimension for me. And my catch rate picked up substantially also.
  17. As per usual Justin... you slayed them again. Awesome and I always look forward to your reports. Keep em coming.
  18. Funny this same subject was brought up on another Fishing Discussion Board that I frequent. Check out www.fish-hawk.net I am sure you will find a ton of info relating to the Ottawa river
  19. Great spots to fish from shore around the West End of Ottawa would be.... Britannia Water Works.... park at the end of the road from Britannia Marina near the water plant and just walk out to the edge of the water and cast. Try using something that doesn't sink because it isn't that awful deep but does hold fish in the current. If you don't mind a little drive I would recommend getting to Arnprior and fishing the bank of the Madawaska River . You never know what you will get into there, pike, walleye, muskie, big cats. Basically you want to get to the downtown core and watch for signs to the boat launch and then just park and fish off the shore there .... the water will fluctuate there due to them releasing water from the dam upstream and when the flow increases over the falls there the fish really turn on. Good luck.
  20. He's a real keeper Rich Congrats to you and the little missus Tell me you are not doing a video on the birth please....
  21. Try all of those methods but don't forget about a minnow on a light jighead works wonders on those walleye too especially at night.
  22. You could do a lot worse than trying Newboro Lake, Dog Lake or Clayton Lake. They are all out of Ottawa a bit but within a fifty mile radius for sure. The bugs... well depends on when the rains hit and the hatch happens.
  23. Wow awesome report. Looks like smallmouth heaven.
  24. The fish was caught and released around Petrie Island. There are a few beach goers that might not be swimming there anymore now that they have seen that fish. I would gladly hook up with anyone who would like to fish the area if you are around just let me know. It would be a great place for a get-together too.
  25. I'm still vibrating. Freaking hard to believe still. I don't know how Pete Mania does those shots holding big muskie I couldn't control this fish enough to hold her up out of the water and as you can tell I'm no slouch and a big ole boy.
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