Hi Gang,
This is my first post to this great angling forum. Too bad it's about the joy of auto ownership.... but man can I relate to the pain in the butt these great rolling buckets of bolts can be at times.
I love my car don't get me wrong. The thing pulls my boat to the water that allows me to enjoy the serenity of being on the water doing what I cherish most in the world... fishing.
Last week was a bit much. I was heading home after a nice dinner out with the wife, you know that other person we live with who tolerates and even encourages me to fish, when the car just dies... not so much dead... just running like someone put water in the gas. As I suspected it was the gas pump. But we elect to let the Father-in-law take a look at it. He has saved me lots of money by tinkering with stuff I own so why not. My CAA gets it towed to his place. Next day he changes everything I didn't want to change, you see we were weeks from trading my car in, in fact we have the next vehicle picked out. But new plugs, wires, one ignition coil and a ton of trys and still the thing won't run right. So I get in to try... funny the battery is now dead. No problem out comes the battery from his riding mower... but the car still won't run. OK so now we decide to run it to a garage to have the fuel pump changed because the tank has to come out and we just don't have the capacity to do that properly. But CAA will only tow you once per problem. No problem we tie a rope to her and tug her ten miles away and phone on another membership and get her towed to the garage of choice... Gold Membership... ahhhh.
So during all this two days have transpired and the wife is running me to and from work... we are getting on each others nerves... I hate her County music she hates my Rock ... she is sticking me with the tab for the morning Timmies a bit too often. I miss my car..... Another two days go by and finally Friday afternoon we can go pick it up. Over five hundred dollars later... I am following the wife home.... she pulls up at a stop sign I push the pedal for my brake and .... Crap no brakes..... the pedal hits the floor almost... the front disks lock up... and I stop a half a car away from the wife.... the look of terror in her eyes was priceless. Ok now I'm a bit ticked.... but I just got the car back so I am taking it home. I check brake fluid it is empty. I buy a bottle and top it up ... but the brakes are still mushy. We make it home. Phone the Father-in-law.. he says can you see a leak... hmm didn't think to look... I get outside the wife watching and I hit the brake... yep big leak. Too late in the evening to do anything but the next morning the Father-in-law/mechanic shows up at 8 and swaps cars and heads to his brothers farm where there is a hoist. Long story short he gets it fixed. Turns out a clamp holding the brake line up had rusted out and worn a hole in the brake line.
Well I am ready to run this puppy in to a trade in value of whatever I can get for her. 96 Bonneville SSEi 230000K and I will miss her. Looking at a nice 2007 Chevy Trailblazer or Buick Rainer... rental returns with minimal mileage and being sold for more than ten grand off sales price. Bring it on!
Need new truck to tow my boat to more fishing opportunities so that I can share my results among the great folks of this site. Call me Seaweed.... and keep on fishing and sharing everyone.
I just wish I could make it all happen in time for the Lakair get-together. I hit the West-Arm every year... it is a great body of water.... that can sometimes be very gracious... and at other times be a real witch.