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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. What kind of ice fishing gear can pull up a 500lb fish?
  2. Cool site but I could not get the vids to work?
  3. Thats funny Roy. I was counting the floors in the other apartment in the picture. Too bad I used up my guess.
  4. Big fan!!!! Would love to see them live. Pm me if the offer still stands. Steve.
  5. 17th last guess
  6. 23rd?
  7. 22nd?
  8. 21st?
  9. I did alot of reserch last month looking for a musky reel between $100-$350 and decided on the Abu C3 65001 It seemed the best for the price at $125 and all the hard core musky guys i have talked to say its a work horse. Maina only has right handed reels or I would also consider them.
  10. Great deal at $149 to bad there is no lefty option
  11. I'm looking to buy a cheap 14 footer with a 9.9 and now is probably the best time to find one. I have lots of experience breaking and fixing rentals over the years but all has been in the water. When buying a boat in the winter what should I be looking out for? Hull and trailer? Can you start a motor out of water? If not how do you know if the motor works? Assuming it floats what should I expect $ wise to drop into it the first year? I have storage. I know its always buyer beware but its so easy when your so excited to over look things. Any tips would be great.
  12. The C3 6501 is a lefty. $125 at LB
  13. The first hook I put in my arm past the barb I ripped out and almost passed out. The second time in my hand I did the push through method and it was much better but I never pre cut my hand and I think its better that way. Less broken skin and less beer needed.
  14. $100 dollar lure wow I bring a snorkal and goggles fishing and my most expensive is $30. Id imagine a $100 bait swims around freely serching out fish biting them and bringing them back to the boat. Lol
  15. Lake of the woods and I have never been there.
  16. How is the weight on them? Every cheap lure I have ever bought has been light which sucks for casting.
  17. From my time on the lake id agree with smokey, lakers and bass. Its a pretty small lake so you probably wont take long to get into some fish. If you dont have much luck on dimond take a 5 min drive to Baptiste Lake where you will find a good mix of spices.
  18. Ive been using a back pack full of trays for years now and its been great but ive got my eye out for that perfect big box.
  19. I hit LBS on the way home from work yesterday and as we all know now there are none of Petes reals there. Like a kid in a candy store I could not resist and picked up the C3 6501 and with all the money I saved I grabed a bunch of bucktails, bull dawgs and crank baits. Now the waiting game begins.
  20. Thanks Roy, ill keep an eye out for petes reel at LBS tomorrow. I have seen his show and read some of his stuff but never knew he had his own reel line. Love that guy.
  21. Thanks Lew that helps a lot
  22. I know this is a very simulair question to the last one but I have narrowed down my search and just need some assurence before i pull the trigger. The 6501 C3 seems to be well backed at a great price and is probably my #1 choice right now. I had a Shimano Cardiff 401-A in my hand today and felt nice at around the same price point 50/50. The real that makes me want to spend more money is the Abu Garcia Record RCN60 . Is it worth the extra 50-60 bucks or am i just getting up sold?
  23. The site was just updated. If you have used this site before its worth checking out again.
  24. With the look of the site I felt no reason to scroll to the bottom of the page. I got ripped
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