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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. Awesome pics! Nice fat fish.
  2. Sweet fish!! Congrats on the PB
  3. $8-900 a week would be my guess. I spend 40 plus hours every year serching for a cottage to rent. Go through a rental service like cottage link or cottages on the web to avoid the hassels of dealing with people. Cleaning services once a week and it's pretty hands free work.
  4. Congrats on the 2nd 50!!!!
  5. Fm transmitters suck! I've bought cheep ones and $148 Monster top quality ones with same result. If you love music you need an aux plug.
  6. Crap I missed the porn
  7. Good luck Aaron. Just saw my first show on Kash muskies. Got a good kick out of you guys. All the best
  8. Nice looking fish! That 43 looks thick!
  9. yeah those waters are on my list. Won't be my last prop.
  10. PM sent Anyone planing on hitting this lake should take real care. Ive fished this lake for two seasons and I still lost a prop on it last week.
  11. Yast year the boat would kick right up on the hole shot but in the spring I put a new 75lb trust Motor Guide trolling motor and 2 12v battaries up on the bow. I figured this would make for a better hole shot. Now she planes with no problem but not what I expected. I guess im best off going back and buying a new prop from the same marina that did the work in case I need to try a few pitches. Thanks for all the help.
  12. I replaced my 93 2 stroke 90hp Mec this year with a 2000 90hp 2 stroke Mec after getting my motor stolen last fall. My old motor would do 50 mph trimmed and the new motor only 38 mph. I tried going on a few sites to find the right prop but never got anywhere. Hope someone can help Specs 2000 2 stroke Merc 305 lbs 5500 rpm max 93 cobra bass boat 16' mod V fiber glass 50 L of gas on board 200lbs of equipment 3 guys on board 500lbs trimmed we hit 38 mph at 3800 rpms Also I was hoping to save some cash buying used. Any advise on buying a used prop or am I better off buying new?
  13. Head lake Norland or Haliburton? What are you fishing for?
  14. Ideal for me is two fingers but I rotate all day to lessen the stress of throwing big baits all day.
  15. Man that video was too funny!! Gotta love how pumped they get on every fish and the arguing between the two when a fish is on. Just like my boat minus the poor handling.
  16. Your set up is fine. Id suggest buying a power handle for the C3 it will only run you $15 and will make size 5 blades come in with ease.
  17. Sweet thanks!
  18. You gotta post some pics of the 25 inch frakinstien lure with your report on Monday. 1 am is pretty hard core. I'll be shaking a hang over around 6 or 7 am. Can't fish Sunday but I'll be back out on Monday.
  19. After Mondays success jigging in 6-8 fow for walleyes in the cabbage all I could think about was hitting the same spot with a suick
  20. Haven't seen nearly as many pre musky season posts as years past so I thought I'd start one. My buddy and I did some walleye fishing on Monday on our reg kawartha musky lake to scout it out for satuday. Weeds are up and full and water temps in the low 70's. Our traditional opener tactics will be out the window making way for summer tactics of big and fast. Anyone trying new baits this year? Trying new tactics? This year for the first time I wanna try speed trolling big blades over heavy cover and giant tubes on the niagra. Anything musky please post.
  21. Try Birch Cliff Lodge on Lake Baptiste near bancroft 1 613 332 3316. Nice 14 foot tinny style fiberglass boats with 9.9 or 15hp motors. Id recomend the 15hp. I rented on the reg a few years back and would spend around $100 a day with gas. Walleye have been stocked for many years now but im a real crappy walleye fisherman so I couldnt help you there but send me a pm and ill put you on the pike.
  22. There's a bar right at the begining of the down town strip in Bancroft if your heading north on the 28. I strolled in once after missing the beer store and it's pretty lame.
  23. Wow, had to get my thesaurus out for that one. Lot's of great word's wasted on a load of crap.
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