So after 2 weeks of City Marine dragging thier feet to get me a quote and dealing with the marine adjuster and RBC it seems to all be wrapping up. I got book value on the motor $2800, repairs and labour on boat $2200 and electronics $1000 minus deductable $500 and im getting a check for about $5500. It ended as a cash settlement due to city marine quoating on a motor that was a few years newer than the one I had. All in all im pretty happy with the settlement. RBC were good people to deal with. Ill be at City Marine bright and early tommorrow to talk to them.
Its been a long and painfull time being land locked. Thanks to the guys who offered to take me out even though schedules never worked out. Wendle, Glen, Skipper Sam, Workwear much appreciated
Another school of thought I have right now is blowing off the end of the season, selling the boat and trailer and upgrading in the spring........ It might be the smart thing to do but the thought of being on the water next week might be too much.