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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. I'm gonna start dropping Santa hints right away
  2. Great report! Some huge pike there and a solid ski!
  3. Second set of seats in white would look sharp. Sweet ride! Congrats
  4. That's a long fish! The current record pic is way bigger because the guy is holding it away from his body for the camera but a giant still. This fish is three grown men long and the guy on the left is using his forearm to brunt the wieght. It says on the other board that it was verified by a co at 58 plus pounds breaking the current record by around 8lbs. The scale needs to be tested now for the books. Congrats to the angler!!!!! Beast of a fish!!!!!!
  5. Solid fish man congrats!
  6. 8lb test and two hour fight while fishing for bass? I'm guessing no learder if bass fishing. Sounds like quite the tale. Cant wait to hear more
  7. I was thinking the same thing. Like I said "rumor"
  8. I pulled this off another board posted yesterday. Again this is not from me If true it would be a state record Thought I would share what I saw today. I went down to the Ellsworth Farmers Exchange to get some gas around 1:30 this afternoon and saw several people gathered around the back of a truck. I figured somebody shot a nice buck, but after fueling I walked over and saw one monster of a fish. I wish I would have had my phone so I could have gotten a pic. I talked to the fisherman who ran the fish to the Farmers Exchange to be weighed on a certified scale and he said it was 59 lbs. He said they caught it in Lake Bellaire which is just up the chain from the previous record which came from Torch Lake about four or five years ago. It was on the tailgate of a Toyota Tundra and darn near filled the whole tailgate! I think he said it was 54" long, but I wasn't paying to close attention to the length. The lady working at the farmers xchange said they were from down state. I wish I had pics to share, but thought I would pass it along anyway. Looked like a freshwater shark!
  9. LTE will work on most new phones but you need to get a sim card that can handle it. $10-$15
  10. My iphone 4s on the Fido/Rogers 3G network gets 5.9 mbps down 1.8 up. My buddys iphone 5 on Rogers LTE network gets 25-35mbps down!! Crazy fast. LTE network is expanding but mainly GTA and Barie for now
  11. Wow, wow, wow! You have a great set up there. Ive done wood steps like that and a little less remote im sure and its heavy, hard work. Looks good. Surprised planes can fall out of the sky and land in the bush like that and people can walk away from it.
  12. Might be too windy to be in a canoe tomorrow. 8-22kts according to windfinder in orillia
  13. Very cool'
  14. Good luck on your trip!
  15. Wow! How small is the guy in the pic?
  16. Solid fish! Love the 50/50 markings
  17. Whats your budget? Haliburton fishing has been good to me. Find a cottage and then reaserch the lake. Try http://www.redstonerentals.com/ or cottagelink.com
  18. I always like to read the when, where and how. Nice Tiger!
  19. Stunning pics! Well done
  20. Late start to the day because we stopped at a few places to find reels. Ended at a tackle shop in London and grabed a shimano 301te and had them put a power handle on and also picked up a Cardiff, bulldawg, kickin minnow and some handlebars. 0 for 3 but a great day on the water still. Trolled the hump and lost one 40s fish. The rest came on bulldawgs around the mouth of the Bell in a short window. Detroit river in the morning
  21. I was up till 2am trying to fix the problem with no luck. Going to try a few tackle shops on the way. Thanks for the offer Garry very generous!
  22. Roy you might have saved me some big $$$. Both my Muskie reels had the problem. Is soon as I saw your post I turned the car around. Worst case I hit a tackle shop around bell river in the morning
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