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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. lol I was in Europe for 3 weeks during it never heard about it till I was home
  2. Went to Lake Ontario Sunday the smallest laker we got was 6 pounds and went up to 10, out of 8 fish 5 were 8-8.5
  3. Speaking from experience I have a 16' scanoe that I throw on my roof of a 03 protege 5, at first I did a bow and stern line but then it got too much of a pain and as stated above there was some rope burn so I did without and have been doing so for the past 2 years and I've had 0 issues. I have some ratchet straps 14' long and with a 1000lb SWW (safe working weight) so in reality they can withstand much more than they are rated, for safety insurance reasons. I run mine under my roof into the cabin area and strap them with the ratchet in my vehicle so if anything were to come loose I have the beginning and end in my car, as well as a way to tighten it up. Also I just use the foam blocks and some 1" armaflex insulation for spots to keep it from rubbing my roof
  4. yeah it's 1-5 but only the first half of the season since its the second half is now airing
  5. What a haul, I think my girlfriend would die hahaha, hopefully I can get one like this when I go to st Clair in September!
  6. Thanks, there are more, just not on my phone lol but the water out there today was amazingly calm just perfect
  7. Hey guys, hope everyone's weekends been good. Got out this morning with the father in law and youngest brother into Lake Ontario, got up around 5:30 headed out from binbrook by 6 and in the water around 6:30. Everything went quickly to get setup and we were off, it was slow for the first half hour and then I got one on, hoping for a salmon and after a minute or 2 up I pull, a trout solid first catch 8.5 pounds from then on it was consistent through to about noon at which time we were getting ready to head on in, the fish had other ideas we were pulling up and as we were, we thought we'd gotten tangled, instead there was a 10 pound laker and a 4 pounder on 2 lines? so we decided to stick around a little bit longer and ended up with... A 9 pounder for me! I also picked up a 6 pounder with a huge fight to it, didnt get a picture of it though, so all in all great day we ended up getting 9 fish on all to fight another day
  8. dahhhhhh, I'd totally be down if I was able to take the time off, hope you find someone!
  9. mmm smokes poutine is amazing; although I've always been under the influence whilst eating it as there's on in Hess village so the factor of delicious-ness increases exponentially haha. shawarma is also a staple drunk food mmm
  10. Congrats John! guess when I end up getting a musky setup I've been taught by the best! haha
  11. I don't think so, I read that they weren't in trouble for anything to do with that because they were talking about a few women in specific not all women and they weren't identified by name here's the link http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/2013/07/24/todd_shapiro_no_longer_on_the_dean_blundell_show.html
  12. Caught a bunch on some cotton Cordell shad lures while trolling Erie for smallmouth, make sure you have long pliers they like to take most of the lure in their mouths and the mouths are very small lol
  13. Dunno if anyone cares or listens to them, but I've been a long time listener and it seems so random and out of the blue. Everyone had assumed he was on vacation until it was a week and a half into it and people started asking where's Todd? then at the end of the show Dean broke it down and said he was no longer with them, and their producer got the boot too, from the sounds of it Corus is doing some re shuffing, first Jason now Todd makes me wonder when they're going to say cya later to Dean since Todd was such a huge part of the show. here's a blog that does explains a bit better http://www.torontomike.com/2013/07/todd_shapiro_leaves_dean_blund.html I for one am gonna miss Todd that's for sure, met him a few times great guy not actually the d0uche he portrays himself to be lol
  14. Out in binbrook the winds were crazy, we thought the back sliding door was coming into the house. my house backs out onto a pond that's beside binbrook road and the water level doubled maybe tripled, it was almost in my backyard. fletcher road was littered with huge branches all over it was crazy
  15. lmao after reading it again it would make sense... hahaha.
  16. by saying "either his music was too loud" would imply he had headphones on /earbuds in and wasn't paying attention where attention was due
  17. My friend does this thing called plasti dipping, it might work out well for you http://dubzdip.com/m/
  18. holy crap that thing is huge! on 17lb test none the less, what a catch
  19. yeah he was definitely a good guy to learn from and talk with he seemed to know everything haha valuable experience for a first time out - man are those rods sweet lol
  20. Hey everyone, got out with John last night for some musky fishing (I appreciate those of you who let him know I would be interested in going) We started off just outside of where I'm staying at for the weekend and I made the boat switch onto his and introductions were made, off we went. He told me there was one around where we were as I was running a bit behind and he had some time to fish that spot alone, not 5 minutes later does a nice 36 incher smash his lure and on it was, what a fight! this was the fish of 10 casts today lol caught and released after some pictures, the girlfriends family were trolling behind with us and I know they were all jealous I was in his boat not them lol. so we set off following his route all the while he was just a wealth of information helping me in every way possible (even letting me use his favourite lure haha) working our way around all the weed edges there was some activity but nothing came of it until about 8:25 or so. nabbed a 44 incher he made it look easy but I guess it comes easy when you know as much as this guy does the girlfriends father was amazed at how much he knew of the lake as was everyone else - better than the back of his hand. So all in all it was a fantastic evening and an excellent learning experience, thanks again to all of you who let him know I was looking to go for some musky it didn't disappoint one bit I will definitely be going to the musky meetings in Hamilton he told me about! Thanks again John I had an awesome time!
  21. Looks absolutely awesome and those fish were beauties nice write up !
  22. Hey all, got up to big bald lake yesterday just before the downpour got out at 5:30 for some fishing, largies were hitting hard and often, going to be trying for musky and walleye later on any suggestions/pointers that could help out?
  23. Grundy lake is a very nice provincial park right at your 4 hour mark, if you don't speed that is...
  24. If you can sign both of these guys to 4 year deals that arent way overpriced they'll win if it pans out and at the end of that 4 years they can pick from there or deal one before that time and pick up a new prospect and or veteran backup
  25. Why would you want to keep a lesser goalie as opposed to 2 budding goalies who you can use as trade bait once they develop a little more? Although I do see this tandem of Reimer and Bernier to be a wicked duo, and I'm sure there will be a rivalry between the two so that will only push them harder to play better
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