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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Interesting, though that much $$$ for an extra 8100 in a city of how many is a high dollar per person
  2. Wowza 43 pounds, isn't that about the size of the trout up that way? Did you lose one?
  3. Ouch, that sucks.very sorry to hear, tough way to lose a pet
  4. Spend a bit more on a unit like the broil king baron 440, just got one myself and I have relatives who have a similar older units that are going on the 7-10 year mark and have no signs of giving up anytime soon you'd be looking in the $600 range for a NG unit, $50 less for propane and there are some variances with the lid being stainless or cast (black) https://www.lowes.ca/gas-grills/broil-king-barontrade-440-4-burner-40000-btu-natural-gas-grill-with-side-burner-922167_g1773058.html?searchTerm=Broil+King+Baron&ProductSlot=4 Also built in Canada/North America
  5. In terms of the hookup, if there are spares already roughed in, its a walk in the park
  6. Dunno what it would cost for a company to do it, but if you can screw a pop bottle lid on, you can connect black malleable pipe together. Also I would rather have a regular hot water tank as opposed to instant hot as the instant hots depending on brand can be a pain to get parts, leaving you without hot water for days
  7. Crazy no ones brought up Patrick Kane yet. Seems weird how much attention it gets with so little reported. yet it seems as if its being approached differently than other cases with different celebs. I really hope its not true and in all reality (my mind) if he was that hard up could he not just get a hooker lol I mean he made 6.3million last year, and is going to be making 10.5 for the next 8... The one guy who wrote the "Patrick Kane is not your friend piece" is really painting a bad picture IMO. Hope its just a bad judgement call on the girls part
  8. Crazy! Nice job so far. Hurrying to finish up the roof before you're back to work?
  9. A 20 would be overkill IMO girlfriends dad has a 9.9 on his 1850 tyee and it moves it along with ease
  10. Love lake Erie for the multitude of species in near proximity to each other, went out a couple weeks back went for walleye in the morning bass at noon, and ended up with a walleye in 9 fow a couple smallies, silver bass and of course sheepshead haha. Nice day!
  11. Beats me I was surprised when I came across it too, to be honest. https://rideapart.com/articles/top-five-small-and-inexpensive-cars-that-can-towhaul
  12. The ranger is good, but you're looking at about 500km per tank at $80 give or take to fill, and that's without towing, I'd do what was just suggested and do something like the accord, lots of mid size cars have a towing capacity of 1500-2000 just have to look around A 2013 Volkswagen TDI would be a good option, 3300lbs would give you a nice buffer
  13. Brutal, coulda been worse though, good reminder for me too I was out this past weekend, had everything but the rope, which I'd left in the back of my vehicle, which I won't do next time
  14. Lol you're actually not far off! If you do go, and have a downrigger setup I would suggest bringing it as a couple of the seasonals pulled in a few trout trolling about the deepest basin, but its a great place to just relax; no cell service haha
  15. Terribly sorry to hear. My condolences to you and your family and may she find peace now.
  16. Very cool. I wonder if it has an auto inflate pfd setup? Imagine dumping that in the middle of a lake and the environmental aspect of oil/fuel etc would not be good!
  17. Got back into Hamilton yesterday around 7 just before the next downpour, ended up getting a bit of fishing done with just a couple 1lb bass to show for, should've brought my gas 4hp for the canoe as it was waaaayyy too windy to try and get up to the bass hole we found Friday that seemed to produce... But I also should've brought my anchor so we could stop there and cast in. The area was great and the staff/accommodations were top notch I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a full service campground especially those with kids as the swimming area was awesome! It had a jungle gym/slide/water trampoline setup that everyone had fun on
  18. Ouch makes me cringe looking at the second one lol
  19. Rigged up my seats... Cruising in comfort now haha
  20. Thanks for the links OhioFisherman! But I was referring to the fishing haha, hopefully we can catch a few eater trout for a lunch or dinner Also thanks for the map, hopefully I can find some deeper water if that's where they're marking at... Maybe I should bring my little down rigger haha
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