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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. My god that was filthy, Nathan MacKinnon has some smooth silky mitts wooowwww
  2. Team NA is Canada and US players that are under 24, huge amount of talent and speed on that team
  3. A bit of a snoozer, very meticulous on team Canadas part and just grinded out the win after getting the lead, but hey bye bye USA!
  4. What a game that was! Crazy finish I was jumping and yelling at the TV lol... I felt like this was Todd McLellan from the second period on... Haha!
  5. I'd have been in in a heartbeat... Haven't done an evening fish just early morning
  6. That's why I ask the question, 15 years later who harbours hatred for the USA still and if so is it a widely shared ideal in another bubble of the world. A guy I went to school with went over and joined up isis and ended up getting his head blown off in 2014 at age 19 so I definitely know they are here (if you want to read here's a link) http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/hamilton/news/mohamud-mohamed-mohamud-hamilton-youth-reported-killed-as-isis-fighter-not-the-son-they-knew-1.2776246 But it really seems from Sept 11 forward, the fear mongering and scapegoating towards them is abundant and widely accepted which is sad.
  7. Aside from North America, obviously being such a widespread effect on Canada and US, it made me think. What does the rest of the world do on September 11 do they run any news on tv about it in Europe? What about the middle East? It would be interesting to gain the perspective from others not on this continent, I'll have to ask my relatives in the Netherlands next time we speak for sure
  8. Grade 6, class was just getting in and my teacher turned on the radio after hearing about it from another teacher, don't really remember what the rest of the day was like, but an interesting fact I heard the other day is the current grade 9 students are learning of 9/11 as a history lesson in school now as they were either just born, or not born yet
  9. Personally I'd try and try and find a 15'and spend my time on something a little larger for more comfort, and space to add more. plus it likely would be wider and more stable
  10. Yup! 6.5lbs on the biggie and a touch under 1.5 on the small guy. Dinner last night!
  11. Went out Sunday morning from Maitland, 6am with a slight chop on the water, we got 2 right as we were setting up, had some knockoffs on the down riggers afterwards and then it was silent after 8:00 so we fished for some bass and got a few smallies
  12. Out east it's a different type of life eh.... Hahah
  13. That would be quite the surprise if you've never gotten one on a figure 8 before lol
  14. Shameless is amazing... William H Macy is phenomenal in it... A lot of good young actors we will see on the big screen in a few years on that show
  15. Congrats, can't complain about that!
  16. Maybe they didn't feel like spending on some deep swim baits? Lol seems odd...
  17. They really do make some great stuff, I'll see if I can find a picture of it, but the girlfriends dad did a bathroom in the basement and it turned out phenomenal with the linear drain... Those are sharp
  18. You really should bring a fishing partner with you at all times lol, glad to hear you're ok
  19. Thanks! I'm really happy with the finished product from a complete gut job lol... No more Reno's on the go here anymore for now ? Oh and also tb4me it was the girlfriends uncle who did the tiling, him and I did all the work, and yeah I love the schluter look on those steps... Rondec is what it's called
  20. Went from this... To this! Happy it's all done finally!
  21. Sunday my girlfriend purchased 30 bottles from no frills, $1.94
  22. I don't disagree with that at all, I think the west harbour was probably the best option for the stadium, we definitely do need a large fix for all highways in and out,and go train access from the downtown core would be huge, just need to figure out the parking, or lack thereof. But I definitely agree that a lot of choices made by city council make you scratch your head, and a lot of it seems to be the if it ain't broke don't fix it approach where even if it's an outdated idea they'll move ahead with it anyway. Steve for Mayor! Lol
  23. Cheap, and an option to protect the kiddos?
  24. So true... Hamilton is getting a large grant for an LRT in the lower city that will go far east to west end and recently I've started to see "stop the LRT in Hamilton signs" lol
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