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Everything posted by wolfville

  1. Rich, those are some nice fish. Wish to come join you some time next Spring ... (scary thought, that's like 6 months away)
  2. Congrates on the purchase.... I'm sure you'll put it in good use and many reports will be coming. Maybe because of the boat, the reports would be coming at a better time of the day so I don't need to stay up for them anymore ;-)
  3. Great pics. But they are not baby carp....ask Victor if you want to see a baby carp.
  4. It takes me and others next to no effort to reply and express whatever view point one may have, but it takes a real hero to actually do things like what you have done. I thank you for doing the right thing.
  5. Cliff, let me know if you are sure about that......
  6. Thanks for the treat at 1:20am in the morning. Nice to know someone was out fishing and I am working ;-) I think those carp miss you too much ;-)
  7. Great story. Glad you are still catching. I caught carp until Jan 05 last year (well, that would be Jan this year ;-) so it's never too late. I do stop when the lake is frozen, that would be the worse few months in the year...
  8. Cliff, the way you and Bly catch fish, I think you can catch them in your bath tub ;-) Sorry, have never caught one myself but I'm someone will jump in to help.
  9. Congrates, Cliff. One question though...I've always wondered whenever I see those release shot. Has anyone ever had the fish turned around and bit your hand/arm when release a muskie/pike that way?
  10. Congrats Bly, I knew it was just a matter of time when this happens. That's a nice fish in any standard.
  11. My back has been bothering me for the last month or so too. Although it didn't hurt to the point I have to stay in bed but its presense has been with me and reminding me everytime I landed a carp. But again, if I don't fish, why do I need my back?? So, what about a visit to Peterborough tomorrow? You missed it last time, want to make it up to those carp? I'll do almost all what MJL said for you although I need double lunch for that ;-)
  12. There are things logic can't explain. Like you there's no way to explain to an ant how a jumbo 747 can fly. But if I really want to get an answer I can understand, I'd ask God.
  13. Prayers with Kareen, his family and friends. Pray that our prayers stacked to heaven and God's mercy upon him to heal his mind and body with His almighty power.
  14. Cliff, I never had a doubt about that...it's just a matter of time ;-)
  15. How old is he? Those were a few pictures that would be priceless few years later when he looks back on how he landed his first big one. I'll have to show my son (7 years old) this thread so he gets more confidence next time he is landing a carp.
  16. First of all, I PM'd Corey for this message, and normally I wouldn't reply to things based on assumption in the forum, but this has something to do with my employer. I have to let everyone else know that the core database engine of DB2 is written in IBM Toronto lab in Markham. What Corey said only shows that he didn't know the fact. Not sure why he thinks he knows what I do there either since he doesn't know me. I guess not everyone needs facts to support what they say.
  17. If you have the choice you should consider IBM's DB2 as your backend database, if not for its performance and low cost of ownership, consider it's made here in Toronto (actually, Markham). And I'm proud to be part of the crew ;-)
  18. Good one.
  19. I am always FREE when someone asks me to go fishing.
  20. Hmmm....not to me though....went out for 2 hours and caught nothing....
  21. They are, you just have to wait until they are back from their outing.
  22. Nice read....but, what happened to that 'thing'? Did you get an extra for your motor? LOL
  23. In my first degree (aquaculture), a friend of mine was doing his master and a month before the 1 year long experiment someone stole all the shrimps he used for the experiment. His project ended just a few final data short ! All I want to say is keep your chin up. As previously suggested, talk to your advisor or see if someone else would take you at this point. Edison tried a few thousands matrials before he found the right one to invent the light bulb, he didn't take the failures as a defect. And he reached his goal at the end. Hope the same holds true for you too, eventually.
  24. Solid fish and report.....enjoyed it again, like I was there with you guys. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Cliff, you did make sure that's not a carp underneath that shinny cover, right? LOL Congrats on the fish. Now, for us readers it's another 24 hours for the next report ;-)
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