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Everything posted by wolfville

  1. I would work as an employee in the business you're interested in becoming an owner. This way, you really get a chance to learn everything about the business, and most importantly, figure out if you like it or not. A lot of times people rushing into owning a business just to find out their previous impression about the business was way off. Without getting your hands dirty, you only see the part of the business that is attractive (to you) but not the whole picture. Good luck and wish you find something you will enjoy.
  2. I used to keep a fish or two years ago when I mainly fished for bass, crappie, ... etc. Then I switched to mainly fishing for carp 4 years, and have not kept any fish of any species since (except two bass for my newbie friend in 4 years). Keeping fish is not wrong, not keeping fish isn't wrong either. Do everything by the regulation and if someone has anything to say to that then just pray for that person.
  3. You had a good year, and hope to be on your list next year..... I have to meet those Erie trib carp one day...
  4. The carp might be ugly in some eyes (not mine), but think about what the fish thinks when it sees you
  5. Even though you got 0/2, it still sounds very fun to me.... my last few outings have been 0/0 LOL
  6. Way to go, carp fishing is addictive. In UK some call Salmon the poor man's carp ;-) Mind share where about you do your fishing (not the exact spot)? Read BBR's post, he catches them year round, winter carping is about the location and if you find them, you can get them any time of the year. Keep the carp porn coming....
  7. Hmm... almost 1 am now, I am going to try your hot spot soon....
  8. I find that at this time of the year, the best place to find them is in my dreams You can still fish for them if you find some deeper water where they usually hold when it's cold. But nothing is set in stone and you'll always hear different things from different people. Go to the fish-in if you want to see how others do it, catching is really just part of carp fishing.
  9. Congrats on the fish and quality time spent with the kid. That all it matters. I've also been using the fresh corn prepared like what you did but I don't cut them off the cob. Instead I sort of "peel" them off so I get the whole kernels. This way, when I fish one kernel on a size 10 hook it stays on the hook much better. Also, they stay on the hair rig better when I do ledgering. Most carp in our water haven't been fished enough to be finicky of the rigs so I think it doesn't make too much a difference if you use fresh corn or canned. Chumming and feeding properly are more important than the minor details about the actual hook bait. BTW, when most carpers refer to maize, they mean the hard feed corn you get from local feed store for like $10 per 50lb bag. These are much harder and can't be used directly without boiling and softening first.
  10. At least the temperature won't be as low this weekend so I'll say you won't catch a cold if you dress properly. (it can still be cold in the morning/night even with 20 degree daytime high)
  11. Some nice fish there, thanks for sharing.
  12. I have an older seahawk 400 (4 years old), about 12'. It makes fishing back bays or water that can't be accessed by a 'real boat". The most important thing to keep in mind with these inflatable boat is knowing its limit. It's not designed for big water or windy condition. Then you should have something that is very enjoyable. Safety first.
  13. Thanks for the report, Mike. Been waiting for it since last Friday ;-) Theonlinekeepsack did a fantastic job to keep people like me updated. You guys rock !!
  14. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm excited to share the news that the Canadian team just won the first Can-Am Carp Cup during the weekend. MJL and others on this forum participated in the great event ... http://theonlinekeepsack.com/Tournament_Results1_Third.asp The Canadian participant at peg 4 is our own MJL, he caught the most and with the heaviest weight in Canadian team. Congrats !!
  15. Hmm.....are canned corn and boilies artificial or live baits?
  16. If you see them cruising around, most likely they aren't feeding. Throw two or three softball size chum balls (bread crumb, corn meals, with some canned corn (whole kernel or cream style)) in a spot. If they don't stop and show you their tails then forget about bottom fishing for them. Throw pieces of bread about 1" in size and see if they would take them on the surface (if geese or ducks are around then it will be impossible to do so), if they do, hook one piece with no weight and try to get them to take it on the surface. Watch it carefully, it's not an easy task to unhook an angry bird... BTW, try fishing two hours before dark or after day break. At this time of year with the temperature we're having, there is no point fishing for them if they are seen close to the surface especially when sun is up. Also, if you see them, they see you too. They aren't that stupid ...
  17. I respect his will. I'm sure he is happy now.
  18. They are making me suffer (and most of us would agree it's a lot of pain) by trying to convince people that fishing is cruel. So their action is no different than what they are trying to stop.
  19. Rich, three years ago you asked about the top water pattern for carp...and now you got it :D
  20. The problem with crayfish is that other non-favourable (to me) species may get to it before carp. Same thing applies to worm. People have also caught carp with live and dead minnows. I've also caught smallies, rock bass, brown trout, rainbow trout, sunfish, creek chub ... etc when bottom fishing with sweet corn. Like Victor says, they eat anything. The hard part is to find them and get them to feed on what you offer to them.
  21. Let me try to watch the video at work... always enjoy your "work" at work ;-)
  22. Guess Whirlpool is the place to go in this tough time for carping. Very nice write up and thanks for sharing.
  23. Way to go... haven't tried bottom fishing for carp for a few weeks now, can't wait to do it again and glad to see the action is back on. Thanks for sharing.
  24. So the action is back, so should I be ;-) Thanks for sharing your success and congrats on the new PB.
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