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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. try contacting the heritage department, i think that they are responsible for overseeing flags canadian department of heritage
  2. remember the anger canadians had when our flag was flown upside down during the world series in the 90's
  3. it is sad, but all too often you see this now adays, my grandfather, a war veteran, replaces his a few times a year, whenever they get tattered or faded. My wife once worked in a flag store here in ottawa, and flags are not all that expensive to replace, i think the government will actually send one to you if you email the heritage minister. Thats pretty sad when you see a public building with a flag like that.
  4. i much prefer to go to the little guy, most of the time he knows you by name and what you are after, and if he doesn' have it he will die trying to get it for you. I refuse to shope at Lebaron here in Ottawa now!
  5. i have that one and have had to use it, its blue and a lot less bulkier to carry, no more plastic cracking on you
  6. those epipens are expensive if you don't have benfits! And they expire every year! I have mine for my allergy to tree nuts
  7. great report! not too sure about the eggs though......
  8. I do! It takes a little while to get used to the mask being on your face. and for your wife to get used to darth vader sleeping beside her. It different thats for sure! Mine packs up in a little bag for when i go away. The pump isn't too noisy, its a constant, low volume hissing noise, you get used to it as well, i sleep like a log, i don't twist and turn like a used to, u can't or u get tangled. All in all, its been life changing in terms of me being refreshed when i wake up, is used to be ready to take a nap by a bout 2pm, now i can go a little longer. The only downfall is getting acustomed to using the machine and wearing it. They fit them really well when you leave, and if you unfit it, take it back and they can fit again for you, usually at no charge. Any other questions let me know. P.s don't wear it when you are planning a romantic evening, its a mood killer!!!!
  9. camped there last summer was not a bad place, boat launch is good, we stayed on site 93, lots of room, privacy, we had 3 tents including a dining tent, Burrits rapids locks are just down the rd, and the smallies are good from shore there!
  10. I did stuff like that playing junior lacrosse back in the day, i would play with a cast on or a seperated shoulder, worst mistake in my life, my shoulder is stiff and sore in the damp weather among other lacrosse war wounds. Just remember, it may not hurt so much now, but when you get older, oh boy!
  11. Great report! i enjoyed that!
  12. i can read it fine too, just playing with ya!
  13. does it count if you sign melts? lol
  14. My Daughter and her tournament winning bass on the Mississippi lake. She was 3 at the time. and caught it on a worm and bobber.
  15. There is a trout farm, just outside of ottawa called thistle spring trout farm, that lets you fish their ponds that are fully stocked. Not sure on pricing for it hough and i haven't been there in about 20 years so not sure what to expect either
  16. thats was some great footage!
  17. We used the treats and it works, dogs are creatures of habit, you feed it each time you come out, they eat and are good with ya
  18. Do you have any small kids that are just picking up language? Would you like to have them repeat what the guy said? Then maybe you may see my point. If it was just me, then i would have gotten mad, and told him about keeping comment to himself.
  19. i got a call from the district manager, he is going to check with the store manager.
  20. alright, my brother in law is a cop in Durham and all he eats is bagles, is there a connection?
  21. try donuts, lol
  22. I called the 1-800 number today and the service lady was absolutely appalled at what had happened and that the district manager would be calling me in a day or 2 and if not to call the 1-800 number back. and by the way guys, steeped tea is not being discontinued. apparently there was a stocking problem in the warehouse and all should be rectified by mid-week!
  23. So because he was ignorant enough to not turn off his head set and still swear about me, that makes it ok?
  24. thanks Joe! Thats great!
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