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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. i still don't trust him with anything that doesn't float lol We'll be out again this weekend for sure!
  2. went out again today. same place not as good luck as last time, but hte weather was awesome!! Caught some huge sunfish!!
  3. certainly not! lol going to head out again today!
  4. thanks all! he will be moving out of the tigger rod this weekend i hope! lol
  5. Got a chance last Saturday to get out with my kids fishing. We went to The Rapids and had a great morning fishing till the rain came! Cole my three year old, lipped his first fish!!! I was proud! Hopefully heading out again this weekend! Weather is supposed to be great! Here is a pic of the little guy. Looks like a pro!
  6. He was always a strong pick for those hockey pools!
  7. got the link to it? i am about to lose my marbles!
  8. Sorry to hear about your loss Jaques. Keep your head up bud. Denis
  9. Its that time of year again to begin thinking of baseball! So, once again this year I am running a Yahoo pool. You will need a yahoo account to get in to it. It is free as always, with bragging rights on the line!! Here is the info to log in. http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b2 League ID#: 125017 Password: lacrosse Good luck!!! Denis
  10. my boss told me this week that this was his friend and caught it up north, i kept my mouth shut, I just nodded and said wow.
  11. got the same one a few times, kept deleting,
  12. As a tradesman, i appreciate what he is trying to do to the building industry. I have worked in the new construction field, banging tin and putting in furnaces, in saying that. I would never buy a new home from certain builders. The way things are built to get them up in a hurry is shameful.That is one of the reasons i left, couldn't stand lowering my standards to meet theres! And theyare a huge company!! I recently went back to working in the re and re of old furnaces and find its 50/50 of the people who want to look over your shoulder while your working. I had one customer who ended with some stitches after watching me work. I was doing some gas piping on a water tank, i was bent over, the wrench slipped and the back of my head, made contact with his chin, i guarantee that he will never do that again!
  13. Thats pretty cool! An albino moose!! Hides better i would think!
  14. I have an older sears/Rca tv. the problem that i have is that the picture seems to big for the tv, I have tried to go through the settings to no avail, any ideas?
  15. 96 cents here in ottawa
  16. thanks guys! Appreciate the info, and i did send the pm Irish, thanks. Whats this about toxins though?
  17. anyone?
  18. Hey guys, may be taking a job out in Alberta, Drumheller to be exact, what's the fishing like there and what are the species around there?
  19. Thank goodness for fire department plates! ....... although the lecture is most of the time far worse than any fine i have ever gotten! That was 2 weeks ago for speeding 15km over
  20. awesome show, always watch it and never miss it!
  21. see ya all tonite!! draft is off the main league page http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/15666
  22. Keep her coming boys! Anyone know of anyone wanting to play is more tha welcome to have em join!
  23. Need some more spots filled!
  24. bump
  25. Hey Guys and gals! Here is your opportunity to show how well you know hockey. Join the the pool! Where the only thing on the line is your pride! It is a yahoo hockey pool. http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey 15666 League Name: The Classic Password: auto Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Thu Sep 18 7:30pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ] The baseball pool was a lot of fun, so come on out and try! Denis
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