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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Rest in Peace....

  2. Watched thursday's episode and all since the beginning of the season, and this show is awesome!!! Great job on it!! each episode has gotten better and better!!! Kudos!! Denis
  3. those have been in the stores here in kanata for quite some time too, picked a bunch of those up and some Strom lures
  4. Thought this was needed. The FIRE FIGHTER'S PRAYER When I am called to duty, God Where ever flames may rage, Give me the strength to save some life Whatever be its age. Help me embrace a little child Before it is to late Or save an older person from The horror of that fate. Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout And quickly and efficiently To put the fire out I want to fill my calling and To give the best in me, To guard my every neighbor and Protect his property. And if according to my fate I am to lose my life Please bless with your protecting hand My children and my wife.
  5. My condolences to the Toronto Firefighter who lost his life today doing what he does best. Rest in Peace brother Denis OFD
  6. Great report!!! Lots of nice fish!
  7. Congrats!! enjoy the new toy!
  8. Great mike! where you camping and fishing out of?
  9. Thanks Folks! I'm addicted to them fishing now! The look on their faces i priceless!
  10. The poor family!!! Very good tact on their P3TA's part!
  11. My uncle did this with an old matress when we were kids on the big rideau! worked like a charm! lol I agree with this all together, when i was a kid swimming at the cottage, during the old OV pro bass days. I had a fisherman cast and hook the back of my leg while i was out in front of my dock snorkeling, thanks to him i ended up with a few stitches and a tetanus shot. And yes he must have know i was there there were around 8 other kids in the water near me. If you are respectful of the cottagers then i'm sure there would be no problem. As for BITE ME, your calling this guy a pot stirrer with a name like that?
  12. clear ones with the specks in them
  13. i never ask a girl ANY weight! lol
  14. So we got out on Monday with the kids. We met up with their grandpa and Uncle Dave on the boat at Black Rapid Locks. The weather turned out great! We decided that we would go down to Hurst Marina and fuel up then head to Kelley's to get fed and on to fishing!! Along the way we saw plenty of great houses. And some really cool boats. This last one was full of old people on tour, they were cleaning it when we got there. I asked my daughter what she thought of the scenery and this is what i got in return So we looked on the fishfinder for some spots and I asked Cole what his opinion of the spot was. We finally found a spot to fish. and my proud moment, Thea finally lipping a bass! We headed back as we were all tired and ready to head home All and all a great day on the water!!! Denis
  15. Will do tomorrow for sure! heading out on the rideau with the kids on my dad's boat.
  16. hijacked thread! lol
  17. this stuff works really well!
  18. Hopefullt we will be out again on There Grampy's boat on monday to fish
  19. A newfie speed bump!
  20. nope, no braid lol
  21. OUCH!!!
  22. My daughter had a dora the exploere rod and it had no drag, she caught a sunfish one day and a pike grabbed it pulled out a whack of line. i had to bring it in hand over fist! lol
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