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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. Just wondering.
  2. I have to stay away from stores like that. Bass Pro in Vaughn is hard on my bank account.
  3. In patent pending all the boat did was pull the lure out real far and drop it. As long as the line is still connected to a rod and reel I think its totally legal.
  4. lol
  5. Not the smartest creatures, those pike
  6. A portable sonar unit would be a great help in locating underwater structure and depth. This will help you locate the fish. Sorry I have minimal experience in this area but thats the best advice I can give you.
  7. gotta love those rock bass
  8. My father has acres of land that makes more money contracting it to worm pickers than he does cropping it. Its incredible how many large earthworms are out there at night, you go out there with a flashlight and you can litteraly see hundreds just darting everywhere. and they dont seem to be bothered by the light its vibrations of your footsteps that cause them to flee. free bait is right.
  9. link dosent work. what model were you talking about?
  10. Nothing wrong with being educated on the subject.
  11. lol. Thats all I can do.
  12. That doesnt look real. How can a pig grow that size? Maybe im mistaken, but dosent that look a little fishy to anybody?
  13. Are you refering to Lake Simcoe? If you are I wouldn't expect to be fishing lake trout or whitefish grounds with safe ice under me for a few weeks yet.
  14. what about the people who dont live near the lake and 99% of their time is spent off the water? Staying off dangerous ice, taking precautions saves more lives than wearing a float suit. I agree with wearing a float suit while on the ice, but some of you are ignoring the other side of the argument. Its also been mentioned twice now that everyone's sled cost 10 grand. most cost a fraction of that and its getting harder to justifiy paying the insurance and trail permits every year for 8 weeks of use. why arent ATV's being brought into the equation? because atv operators arent bombing 10 km stretches at 100kmh on the ice. Which just goes to show, its not the safety gear you have bought and paid for, but how you avoid danger in the first place.
  15. buying a float suit for your snowmobile would only make sense if you lived by a lake and drove on it regularly. They also cost quite a bit of cash. The main concern for most snowmobilers is warmth. Wind chill is a major factor here. If its -10 and you are traveling at 70kph, that equates to a potential -30 or -40 wind chill. Any cracks in your suit or helmet, or thin material will devistate exposed skin. Im not sure if floatation suits are even designed for snowmobile use.
  16. I think physiotherapy may help as well? Hope its not your casting arm
  17. I just read an article in the latest In-Fisherman about this. They are my favourite pike bait.
  18. Missed it. Got caught up in christmas and ice fishing.
  19. Nice report, Thanks. Did you see many sleds or atv's out there?
  20. Thats a pike
  21. Riparian


    I'll bet that got the ol' heart pumping.
  22. Was the car a white ford escort?
  23. The best way is to watch first hand from someone who has the knack or you could study youtube. Eventually, after practicing on a few buckets, you will develop your own style that is quickest, and the least labour intensive for YOU. Dont believe anyone that claims that their way is the best because ive found that the "best" way to fillet fish is the way that allows you to complete the task with the least amount of frustration. And having 30+ perch in front of you with a fillet knife in your hand can be frustrating.
  24. I belive your local yokels fish the fanshawe conservation area in the winter for pike and panfish.
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