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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. I have avoided this topic but enough.I was raised that you treat others the way you wish to be treated and as a father of 3 I am forcing this line of thinking onto my kids.Poaching by any race is wrong and should be dealt with,by the law not some lynch mob.To say they deserve a harsh beating if they don't like Ontario laws just blows my mind since in one part you mention the laws yet you are guilty of assault for the beating.Where is the logic?If you don't like the laws or feel like they are not enforced do something to correct them.Maybe educate or talk to people,but to resort to violence makes you no better then them as you are breaking laws as well.I know racism happens but in this day and age there is no reason it should.If you see poaching or what not happening would it not be better to do something productive about it than non-productive? Violence solves nothing and only blows situations out of control.Sorry for the rant but with all these violent topics lately and the trouble in Jena in the states it really makes me worry for my children growing up in a society where violence is so easily thought of as a first reaction.There, I am done and am going fishing.
  2. sorry for your loss,my thoughts go out to you.That was a nice,touching report
  3. good report and that last one looks wild
  4. gotta love the Grand,nice fish
  5. wow! That is one nice fish,congrats
  6. reminds me why I have not bothered to go down there
  7. good to see you had a better time,congrats
  8. good stuff,congrats to your dad
  9. really nice surprise,congrats
  10. sounds like a tough outing but at least the skunk didn't show up
  11. great shots,that last one is really nice
  12. congrats on a couple nice ones,love the first scenery shot
  13. wtg! couple nice fish and congrats on your new pb
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