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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. nice report and fish
  2. Kennyman,yes I am just past the high level and the santuary is actually from the dam to the William street bridge which is the bridge closer to the dam.
  3. nice report,too bad your day ended badly but good for you.
  4. thanks Brandon,I have not seen a sky like that in a long time or since.Actually took more pics than fished that day
  5. Went down to my spot after school with Ethan for a few hours.He loved having a picinic supper by the water.Anway,the fishing was really slow for the first hour and a half with not even a single bite.Ethan was hoping I would catch something as I had told him he would be taking the pics.Here are a few pics of how my cameraman kept himself busy. He insisted on playing instead of fishing tonight which is fine with me,wouldn't want to force him to do it.Eventually he got his turn with the camera as the later it got the more the bite seemed to pick up.Here are the results of 3 hours fishing. The last fish decided to do one huge run at the start and actually came as close to spooling me as possible.He took off,went into the rapids and around the island in the middle of the river.By the time he stopped I only had a few wraps of line left on my reel but thankfully he then decided to sit in the faster water and force me to drag him in.On a side note I could not get over how much the river has dropped in the last couple of days.It is by far the lowest I have seen it.
  6. a safe and enjoyable thanksgiving to all on the board
  7. nice one,congrats
  8. Was sitting in front of the computer and started goofing around with some of my pics.Here is what I came up with.all pics were taken with a 6mp Kodak so nothing fancy.
  9. nice one
  10. sounds like a good birthday for sure,congrats
  11. very nice fish,congrats
  12. wow,concert of a lifetime for sure,wtg
  13. that is crazy,glad it had a good end result for ya
  14. good luck and have fun
  15. nice fish,congrats
  16. good one
  17. very nice,lol
  18. glad you made out ok and didn't get burnt
  19. I am so sorry for your loss and thoughts are with you.
  20. After not fishing for almost a week I had some free time this morning so I decided to head down to the river.In 2 hours I managed to catch 7 bass all around this size. I was trying for carp and finally hooked into this guy.I tried using the timer on the camera as I was alone but I guess he was camera shy.While I am holding him for the first pic he started flopping and was hard to hold as you can tell by my face. I was just getting ready to leave when this little guy hit. Not bad for a couple of hours I guess.Was good to get out and catch something again.
  21. nice one,wtg
  22. nice fish
  23. congrats
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