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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Hi, thanks Pete. If you have any other shirts you'd like me to model But a great product is a great product right Cheers. Joey
  2. Here's a couple of my fav's And this last one always makes me laugh. We went ice fishing with Tapout (tony) and we were lost out there, what a day. Joey
  3. Ahahahaha, love the background shot in the second pic. Great!!! Joey
  4. Well they say things come in threes, so that's it, your three are over. It can only get better from here on in, and think of the days off as a positive. Its nice to have days off. Do something around the house you've been putting off. You'll have a sense of accomplishment when you're done. Joey
  5. Not much else to do on a cold windy day so we took advantage of the BPS sale on the two man Clam today ($199). I think it's a little big for the kitchen tho. This will be nice in the upcoming hard water season as we usually grin and bear it in the wind and snow. Our first clam We got the Little Buddy heater too ($99). Cheers. Joey
  6. Chris, you're such a wuss We planned on either BOQ or the Lower this weekend, but I guess I'll just stay home and bake cookies So if you and Steve want cookies Chris, drop by Joey
  7. Ya, what Corn Nug said. My boss averages a speeding ticket a month. He always shows up at court and the cop doesn't and he gets off scott free (I did not say I condone his actions!!!). Just an FYI Gerritt, good luck. Joey
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good one TJ I don't drink caffiene and haven't for years. If I do I can really tell now in my heart rate and general feeling. I drink decaf tea and coffee and can't even tell the difference now. Get over the first few weeks, but it won't be easy and I honestly can't remeber how I coped (probably vodka ), and you'll never go back. You can do it. Joey
  9. I know you can get online quotes from two companies that are fairly reasonable. Belair Direct and President's Choice now has insurance too. I found both were pretty good at reasonable rates when I put my information in. It's easy and you just fill in the info they ask and you get a quote within minutes. I didn't end up going with either one yet as my son, who recently moved back home, is 24 . A licenced male driver under 25 in the house hurts But next year I may switch over after his birthday. Right now Pilot Insurance has given me a half decent deal that includes him as a primary driver to one vehicle and a occasional driver of the other two. I also get my tentants and boat insurance through them, but I've been with them for many, many years, so not sure what a first time quote would be. Just some info FYI. Hope this hleps Joey
  10. That's great Peter. Any chance we can get a link to the pic/article? Joey
  11. Truely awesome pictures guys. Except for that third one Ron, Thanks Now I'll have nightmares for a week I guess I'll have to break down and seriously think about upgrading my camera. No way I could take pictures like that with my old beater. Joey
  12. Looks like the fish in the first picture was caught in a ditch And a ditch in Ireland at that! Joey
  13. Well that's not the best of news. Hope things work out in that regard for you. Take care. Joey
  14. Great work Pam. True talent. Joey
  15. The cheque's in the mail Ron. Thanks Joey
  16. Hey, that's cool. I didn't know that about Rocket Richard. Joey
  17. Sounds like a great day Chris. Can't wait to see this monster bass. Simcoe's got em, I've seen em Joey
  18. Great report Bill. I'm surprised there was that much ice on the bog already. Joey
  19. Joey


    Hahahahaha, funny! Joey
  20. Thanks Tony. I've heard of and wanted to fish Devil's Hole but can't bring myself to do it. The whirlpools are bad enough at the drift. I'll pass for now thanks. Maybe when we get a bigger boat. Joey
  21. Is that the Queenston/Lewiston bridge behind you and if so you must be upstream from it. How is the whirlpool up there? Great fish BTW. Joey
  22. It all started with this: My Webpage And as a result this is what happened: Jen from Pete Maina's office called me last week. She asked for my address and told me I had a secret Santa. We were as giddy as little school girls and it made both of our days. So to my secret Santa - THANK YOU!!!!!! You are an awesome individual and I will wear my shirt with pride Joey
  23. Hahaha, that's hilarious. Milk eh Uncle Buck Joey
  24. Nope, this is our favorite time of year. We'll fish til the iceburgs bang the side of the boat Probably do another Quinte trip and a lower Niagara or two Joey
  25. Well Snag, many more days like that and I'm gonna dye my hair with a white streak right down the middle
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