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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Hey, that's pretty cool. So they ARE down there Joey
  2. There, I changed it to beige/brown. I think I like that one better. Joey
  3. Well, its definately not a horse. You can tell just by the nose, but also the neck and back. Looks like a moose to me. Its just the antlers look so close to the head. Neat for sure tho. Surprised a moose would take the bit like that. Joey
  4. Dang, I just got used to the old one I get up to cook dinner, come back and its allllll changed Looks good tho. Joey
  5. Good Job guys, WOW!!! What a day. Thanks for the report. Joey
  6. Ya, what Tybo said, HAHAHAHAHA Oops, posted logged in under Paul. Joey
  7. You could do a poll Maureen, then you'll have a better idea of who from this board is going. Joey
  8. Well that's just wonderful news. YAY!!! Joey
  9. If you have electric windows and the vehicle shuts off on impact or by being overcome by water, then how do you roll down the window? Joey
  10. Way to go Carol, Rich and Fishindevil. Great job!!! Joey
  11. Great report Paul. How many of those little suckers did it take to make one sandwich We just bought that Fin Bore and it is so much faster than the Swede Bore. Money well spent for sure. Joey
  12. Ya, that's the one I was looking for Cliff. Hahahaha, perfect. Gotta love it. Joey
  13. Well that hasn't happened to me yet. What a bummer. But I bet it was exciting nonetheless! Joey
  14. That's awesome. We're always on the hunt for a box for our musky baits. I'll put my order in now Lew Seriously!!! Joey
  15. Congrats Kirk, that's great news. At least we know why you couldn't catch any fish last November ...too busy Joey
  16. Well that's just horrible. That guy will get his tho, they always do. Try to keep positive bud. What field of expertise are you in again, just so we can keep our ears open for any opportunities we might hear of Cliff? Joey
  17. Thanks DouG, I looked for that all day . Made me chuckle. Joey
  18. Found this on Youtube while trying to find an article about a camera crew going through the ice that I saw on Breakfast Television this morning. Nobody was hurt in that incident and couldn't find it anyhow, but this was pretty funny so thought I'd share. Joey
  19. Thanks Rick, I've never seen that before. Good stuff to know. Joey
  20. Woohoo, good for you gals Although I don't recognize the names either,..... anyone? Joey
  21. Holy Moly, that is a beauty crappie. Well done. Joey
  22. What a milestone!!! Joey
  23. No worries Gerritt. We all have bad days and stress factors that make us act out without us even realizing what we're doing. Hope you can de-stress and get out fishing soon. How's this weekend looking bud? Joey
  24. I feel your pain Stan, maybe it was those ribs . We had no luck again today. Chuck had a big whitie on before we got there, but lost it at the hole. You'll get em next time. And I'm sure the wife will forgive you, one of these days Joey
  25. Nice fish. Hmmm, maybe a winter trip to the cottage in Minden is in order Joey
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