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Everything posted by Joey

  1. There's a place in Richmond Hill coming available on May 1, huge garage, but slight racoon problem Joey
  2. Yes HH, I did my homework on them when I found racoon feces in the solarium. It's called encephalitis and it is not good for you. But according to who you ask, both mine and Paul's brain's are fine We did trap them at first and took them as far as we were allowed and let them go, but I imagine that only became someone else's problem. But every year they came back and just kept having babies, so you can't trap them after they have babies or the babies die in the attic. It was a hard battle and I got sick of it. I don't know why the landlord wouldn't just seal up the attic like I asked him too. A bit of chicken wire or even some plywood might have done the trick. Oh well, not my problem anymore. Joey
  3. Roy and Cliff Thanks for the laugh, just what I needed. DouG, yes, we found a place and confirmed it on the weekend. Just need to sign the lease and have them to the renovations they wanted to do before we move in and we're good to go. It's not too far from where we are now, but is racoon free. I'll have to make sure not to leave a trail for our old residents. Should have charged them rent, maybe they would have left then Joey
  4. Awesome as usual MB. I think we should have a Summer G2G at Moosebunk's place How many tents can we fit in you yard bud!!! We'll bring the beer Joey
  5. Well I just need to vent here for a moment. The only upside is that we are moving on May 1, out of this racoon inhabited home that we have struggled to keep racoon free for 7 years now, to no avail. The landlord was no help at all, aside from giving us a homemade trap made from a small grocery cart. Paul was getting the boat ready in the garage today and the *#@%^& Racoons somehow got underneath the tarp and chewed our GPS unit. They also knocked it off the dash which in turn hit the key into the on position and the battery is sucked dry and may be screwed. I can't believe a homeowner would let them just stay put and not worry about the destruction they must be doing to his attic and possibly electrical wires. All I can say is good riddance to the old place and old landlord. Okay, rant over. Whew!!! I feel a bit better now. Joey
  6. Wow, what a super report. Wish I was there. Joey
  7. Found a couple more. Check out the guy's shirt in the second pic (their wedding announcement ) Joey
  8. Hardy, hardy, har, har!!! Probably a good trade for her too Joey
  9. I agree Wayne ! Beam me up scotty, I can't take this debate any longer Joey
  10. Woohoo, open water. Thanks for those pics. Can't wait. Joey
  11. Awesome Tony, I missed it so I'll watch that when I get a free moment today. Thanks Joey
  12. Well that's too bad about being skunked, but as you said, you got out and bonded, which is nice. Better weather is on the way Thanks for the report. Joey
  13. Hmmm, very interesting. Thanks for that little tidbit of info. I'll have to choose more carefully from now on. Thanks Joey
  14. Oh well, my other pick was Kyle Busch, so I'm good Joey
  15. Some beauty crappie there Mr. Twister. Good stuff. When's dinner Joey
  16. For all that picked Tony for the win today, all I can say is Dang (well that's not what I said, but close ) Joey
  17. WOW, there were some pretty busy parents in July. Must have been the summers of love with all these birthdays. Have a great one Shawn. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Joey
  18. Happy Birthday Norm. Hope Maribeth is treating you extra special today. Joey
  19. I had that too yesterday Bookoobeast. It disappeared the next day and went back to 0 new messages Joey
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! These are hilarious. Thanks for the laughs. Keep them coming if anyone has any more. Joey
  21. Ya, you're living a fairy tale alright Ken, but I think its more along the lines of Alice in Wonderland Joey
  22. Cool!! I'll be there in a minute, I'll bring this. Joey
  23. Your very perceptive Joey
  24. Have a wonderful day Wayne Happy Birthday. Doing anything special? Joey
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