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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Sweet fish Cliff. Right on! Joey
  2. That's great Rick. Very nice of you to help her out. Reminds me of that time the old lady walked into my house and couldn't remember her name, address or anything, if anyone remembers. She was from the old folks home down the road. Good for you for helping her and making sure things got taken care of. Joey
  3. Great report Chris. They sure are purdy. Nice to see you get out there. With your busy schedule I know its hard Joey
  4. These ones give a pretty good fight if your that bored Snady Joey
  5. Paul and I will be there from Friday, June 22 through to July 1st. We will be camping, hopefully in our regular spot. I can't wait now. Its nice to look forward to something as we all toil away at work I'll start packin now Joey
  6. What a great report. Thanks. Joey
  7. Wow, what a great report. You two never cease to amaze me. Its nice to see another couple that fishes together. Congrats on the fish and a big congrats on your anniversary. May there be many more. As they say, the couple that plays together, stays together Joey
  8. Well that's a bummer Gerritt. Can't find good help these days eh I think you should have a few beers tonight to drown you sorrows Joey
  9. Hahaha, those are good. Here's a couple more. Joey
  10. Thanks Fang, that's not a bad price. Joey
  11. How much were they charging for them Fang? Joey
  12. Well ya learn something new every day eh!!! A trout perch, now I've seen everything. Nice goin you two. Joey
  13. Beauty pics Solopaddler. Thanks for shareing them. I am concerned about the goslings that hatch tho, hope they don't fall off the edge Joey
  14. Are you just adding it to your homeowners or renters insurance? Joey
  15. Quote: "The only way for a relationship to work between a man and a woman is if, on a fundamental level, the man is scared s__tess by his wife." DUSTIN HOFFMAN
  16. Hmmm, that's interesting. There is vermicullite insulation in the rental home we are moving out of this weekend. I did not know it had asbestos in it. All I know is that it is a pain in the *bleep* because it leaks through cracks and openings all the time and is a pain to clean up. Yet one more reason I'm glad I'm leaving. I would ask the seller to adjust the price to reflect the clean up and removal and replacement insulation if I were you Tony. Joey
  17. Looks like an awesome boat. Congrats. Joey
  18. Great report you two. Nice to see for sure. I don't think that red nailpolish suits you tho Dave. Joey
  19. Dem newfies are so silly Thanks for the morning laugh. Joey
  20. Wow Brian, Great news and Sad news all at the same time. Congrats on 25 years, Betty must really be a trooper (nuf said). And so sorry to hear of the passing of your grandfather. Very sad news, but as you said, he has joined his wife and is waiting for you. Joey
  21. Ah, its so calming to look at those pics TJ. I love the one with you standing in the boat on the ice. Joey
  22. You're right Rich, this is a timely reminder! Sorry to hear about this and that fact that you knew the people involved. Joey
  23. Hahahaha, me too Terry, but figured since nobody else did, nobodywas having the problem. Joey
  24. Terry, I have been having this problem also, for over a week now. I can whip from hotmail to google to tons of sites in my favorites, then I hit OFC and I might as well go make a coffee or something because it's going to be awhile before I can read or post anything. I have to keep hitting the back button or I get stuck in green screen land, even though it says done at the bottom. Glad its not just me. Joey
  25. Joey

    Free Ice Hut

    Wow, is that ever nice. I'm surprised Tarpus Erectus is not all over this We just got our clam so we're good, otherwise I'd have taken you up on your generosity Jim. Joey
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