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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. those that suck in bed - fish! I dont fish very often.....
  2. I needed to see a report like that. You do have a nice place (furniture does look great) and your family is your heart, nice to see that you get it.
  3. Kinda sad that your wife and kids could be so selfish. Bunch of loud mouth squawkers - tell them all to hit the road - you dont need them, all they do is complain and eat your fish.
  4. I believe it depends on where you are going to settle down. Take Ottawa for example...you had better be billingual if you expect to climb the ladder. In the government, you had better have a University Degree if you expect to climb the ladder. Sorry....but times are changing and education is beating out experience. Making a good dollar is definitely a plus. Being able to enjoy it and keeping your sanity is yet another bonus. Maintain a good balance in your life....sometimes a little easier said than done. But hey....there is something for everyone, if it cant be Mon - Fri 9 - 5 then add to your life the things that truly make you happy on your free time. Good Luck to You.
  5. Great advise...check under your bed ladies...take the money and run! Can you imagine the beer gut on that guy!
  6. I love seeing kids fish in their jammies
  7. Great pics...awesome fish. Your mother-in-law is preparing.....I cant imagine how difficult that must be for her. When my girlfriends mother was battling cancer (terminal) my girlfriend had many special moments with her Mom waiting those 9 months out in the hospital(originally given 4 weeks to live) and this one day my friend silently was crying while sitting beside her Moms bed. Moms do not miss much and asked her daughter why she was upset. My friend said...because it hurts so bad to say good-bye. Her Mom responded by telling my friend to think how she felt, she had everyone to say good bye to, not just one person. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
  8. Too FUNNY! Reminds me a bit of the time that I was in the United States going through a museum or fun house, memory is not that good....anyhow I came up to this mirror with a note attached asking if you are able to touch your nose with your tongue, there was a picture attached as well. I stood there and tried and tried....and I thought I could hear distant laughter ...shrugged it off and kept trying. The laughter got louder and it suddenly dawned on me that it was a two-way mirror. Yes...blondes do have more fun!
  9. Nice opportunity....say hello to Holdfast...look forward to your fishing report with him.
  10. Happy Birthday Roy.....enjoy your special day.
  11. Congrats....they certainly are a thrill. Great pics and I did like the video....that was some fancy feet work.
  12. Nice Cliff....and great to see a report from you. But....you have lost a few pounds eh!!! Looks like you have a body of an 18 year old.
  13. Lucky kids....Lucky you. there will be loads of invites coming your way after that to take them fishing....great stuff.
  14. aaahhhhh....I so want to hold one. Congrats
  15. I'm sitting here with my sweater on and another one around my legs.....sorry
  16. I can think of a few things.....eating it for one....and watching you cook it for two. :-) I'll have a black coffee with that please and my eggs over easy with white toast and no beans. Enjoy!
  17. Well Done Nick You sure did fish your Dad's off Great report.
  18. Do ya need a little TLC...koochee koochee koo. Or are you trying to tell us something....are congratulations in order????
  19. You could also try advertising on Grapevine. Lots of real estate agents frequent that site and like to get in on the action especially when there is little work for them. Often....you can avoid paying out big $$$ by doing a bit of leg work and research. I would think that you will have more luck next year and I know from experience that people like to start looking early. The cottage I will be renting was from an add put up in a Government Office Building....it costs nothing here to advertise on our internal site and when you are ready to advertise it, I would be willing to post it here for you.
  20. I don't own a cottage but will be renting one in a few weeks. Paying $900.00 for one week for a two-bedroom which sleeps 8 and comes fully equipped. I thought it was a bit too much but then we are splitting with another couple. Can you imagine the $$$ that would come in and help pay for the mortgage etc at $900.00 a week. Looks like a nice cozy little place - should have no problem renting it or selling. It's always nice though to give it a shot and see if you all can't hang onto it. All the best,
  21. What a great time you all had. I see Mom
  22. The Barber or the customer???? It's just a most frustrating time for some of us. It bothers me when I don't tip and yet it hurts my pocket book when I do. A dollar here, two there, it all adds up and has become tricky in balancing that ever decreasing little pocket pook....again, for some of us.
  23. Well done Jade!!!
  24. Pretty Special for sure! On my answering machine at work there is a message from my youngest son that I have saved from 9 years ago. Mind you every 21 days I need to archive it again but I just can't bring myself to deleting it. All he is doing is telling me about seeing two robins in the back yard and their bellies being big and full....and then he says "I love you Mom" in that little Angel voice...and then makes a kissing sound. I'm going to wait a few more years and let him listen to it - or maybe sooner if he keeps giving me attitude. I am blessed with two great sons.
  25. I made that mistake once and ended up with a car I didn't need nor want....I'm still paying for it and regret is a hard thing to live with especially when it affects the pocket book. Sorry doesn't make the pain nor struggle go away.
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