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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. I'm in...now if we could all just get together with the gas thing...
  2. aaaahhhhhh, such a sweet kitten...beautiful eyes...sorry can't help you with any info.
  3. lol...stupid fish er man. lol Nice fish, beauty fish...stupid snow.
  4. What a great day you two had together!! Very much enjoyed reading about it. Are your nails fake? lol I was not expecting that...good stuff.
  5. Nice spot you have there to fish...great pics. Love the comment on the cows lol Nekkkid is good....Come onnnnn!!!! I think ya should consider a belly button piercing.
  6. lol...good for you. I don't recognize the man...guess I better start watching more tv. Loved your report...kinda hungry for some fish now..can I be one of your girlfirends?
  7. Candle is lit...willing Chris to fight...strong healthy thoughts for you little man.
  8. Thanks for the tips guys...basically ya'll are saying I am SOL.
  9. I am more curious as to where on a plane would be the most assured area for survival...ya I know when I plane goes down there are few survivors...but just in case...
  10. Yep...I liked that...a keeper for sure.
  11. Have a great holiday..relax, wear sunscreen...take off the rings before going into the ocean. I was there 18 years ago...if you see something shiny, well you will see lots of that on the ocean floor...could be a wedding band we lost...and if you see skin dangling off a low hanging branch, that would be from my ex's forehead. hahaha And if you run into Katherine and Joe, please say hello from Nancy. And if you take a horseback ride into the mountains...wave to both the white and black witch. Enjoy
  12. Nice pics of everyone...but I wasn't able to see where the video was...anyhow, doesn't matter. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Nope...well maybe....uhhhh....actually....if I take that and give there, and do this after I do that...will it all even out?...not sure...gamble, gamble,...but...hang on...if I disbelieve what I know, pretend to not see, is that intentional or stupidity on my part....hmmmmm...check back again tomorrow. Or...since it happened to you....go again, to the same teller (the good looking one) and if it happens again...ask the sweetie out.
  14. Smelts...yyyyuuummmm, reminds me of my younger years, taking a bag of them to T-Lake (Rohphton, Ont) and frying them up with my friend...we were 14. Thanks for sharing Jen.
  15. Very nice Cliff...I'm playing it again and dabbing at my eyes.
  16. Curious...did your friend run out of the store...yelling "start the car, start the car!" hahaha
  17. Like anything...line up people and half will tell you nay, and half will tell you yay. I just know that "Karma" is nasty...just nasty. It matters none if you believe in it...she's there. This is a little different from walking down the street and finding $5.00. Years ago when I worked as a server, if someone walked out...I paid. Integrity goes a long way.
  18. I was kinda hopping that there would have been more bids...anyway...no need to make arrangements for my items, please keep them and donate them for next year. I will be forwarding my payment to you.
  19. Love the little trophy fish. Ya...a man's meal with the remote to boot.
  20. Congratulations...excellent report. I'm not sure how long it took me to read this...I am guessing a good 30 minutes if not more, I only know that I went through one and a half cups of coffee and a smoke. I so enjoyed reading this, the pics were excellent, the videos were cool as well, but your ability to convey yourself made this an entertaining and interesting read. I laughed out loud , frowned , smiled , eyebrows lifted , it quite simply was a great read to start my morning. Keep writing...keep fishing...just keep on!!
  21. That is special...and she is a little sweetie.
  22. Congrats...you look so darn happy Hope you get it.
  23. I have two St.Croix rods coming to me ...ya baby!!
  24. what did ya get the missus....ah never mind....she's probably going shopping tomorrow right. lol
  25. Me joining ya...having some vino..therefore I am brave to ask you what the heck is your fascination with dem dere Clampits?
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