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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Haven't tried yet. I'm left handed. So far typing (I never was very good anyway) and throwing a baseball (open to some debate) have been the toughest.
  2. Warning: The last 2 photos are of my finger that was semi-crushed while putting the boat back on the trailer. It's not too gruesome, but I figured a heads up was called for. Jayden turned 2 a few months ago and is very aware of everything her big brother does, in particular fishing. A father can only listen to his daughter say: "I want to go fishing too!" so often before acquiescing. Calm Kempenfelt waters made for a smooth launch and boat ride. The action was slow but the little ones had some fish and some snacks. "The fish are over there daddy." And home before 11am Somehow while winching the boat onto the trailer I caught my ring finger between the nose roller and the bow of the boat. At least that's what I think happened. I just felt a slight pinch and did even notice until later when I saw the blood that a first I thought was from a fish. Disbelief that I had put my finger(s) in harms way and being preoccupied with getting boat off the launch didn't really allow me to piece together what had happened. Didn't break, or crush, any bones. No apparent muscle injury, just a flap of skin torn off. I cut most of the skin off with scissors and the bag the bag of ice has numbed the pain. A couple of mildly bloody finger photos:
  3. I say pumpkinseed. We used to call them sunfish but that can be confusing. Bluegills, I think, don't have the red on the gill or at least it isn't as prominent.
  4. Ya, he was a dynasty before the duck.
  5. Not sure about the speed thing but sperm whales and orcas are really the only species big enough to eat a 9 foot shark, or at least part of it.
  6. If the tag data isn't defective all that can be said for sure is that it appears that the tag was "eaten". Whether or not the shark was.
  7. Panfish on the menu today for my son who had the day off school. The grip 'n grin needs some work, but so does mine so what are you gonna do?
  8. How about when he marks his territory from the wolves?
  9. No horse in this race and both teams have more warts then the budget but that intro in L.A. was awesome. Dream On! Here is the intro from the start of the play-offs: Tonight's had highlights from the first 3 rounds spliced in.
  10. John Gierach has a bunch of books that I've enjoyed reading. They're mostly from a fly fishermen's perspective but I don't think someone need's to have fly fished to enjoy them. Easy reading, sort of journal like.
  11. But considering where they put the battery their nutts are likely under their armpits.
  12. Imagine if 50 years ago if someone said everybody could have a combined tv (in colour), phone, camera (with no film), stereo all contained in a computer that fit in your pocket for less then $50 a month (or less then $10 in 1964 $). You'd have to first try to explain what a computer is, if they let you finish before putting you in the looney bin. I'm reluctant to ever say something like this is not possible anymore. It many not role out exactly like what was shown, but only time will tell.
  13. You. Really. Make. It. Hard. To. Like. You.
  14. Don'tcha hate it when it's nothin' but minnows all weekend?
  15. Diameter??? I'm not good at math, I'd have to cut it halfway through to measure.
  16. That flat footed bear needs to see a podiatrist. Are those approved safety shoes? Who needs a gym membership eh?
  17. Thanks Lew. I'd head over if it was a little closer
  18. I wouldn't have thought that there would be bears in Daytona beach.
  19. My brother cleaned them while I was getting the kids. I've only cleaned a handful of pike and the last one would have been over 20 years ago. Back when we we're younger the fish cleaning was done by the youngest. Jim was the last grandchild so he ended up with the most experience. Now it's self fulfilling: He's better then me, he cleans them. I don't clean them, I don't get better. We've got our system down. I get the boat buttoned up, refill the gas, retie the rods, dry out the gear etc. and prep/cook the food... open the beer. With my kids loving fish and fishing I'll have get some practice soon... at least until Ryan's uncle teaches him how to clean fish.
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