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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. http://www.country600.com/2014/06/19/mnr-surveying-35-area-lakes/#.U6LKD1FGYNk.twitter Fishing is a big business in Ontario and locally. The MNR says 1.3 million people fish in Ontario each year, spending more than $2.5-billion annually on fisheries-related products and services. And to that end MNR Senior Media Relations Officer Jolanta Kowalski says they’re undertaking surveys on 143 lakes in Ontario, including 35 in the North Bay area. She says officials are monitoring fish populations, taking water samples and checking for invasive species. Kowalski says the information gathered is used to help make decisions about managing fisheries, including setting seasons and size limits for anglers. Meantime, she says all nets will be clearly marked and anglers are asked not to lift the nets or buoys and avoid recreational activities between and around the buoys.
  2. After the Barrie tornado in '85 black clouds/skies don't concern me as much as green ones do.
  3. As Ron White says: It's not that the wind is blowin'. It's what the wind is blowin'. Not safe for work video (language): http://shelby.tv/video/vimeo/28271386/ron-white-hurricane
  4. Must have been your smile. If I lived closer I'd take some of mine in. I've got a TE that's not as smooth as a B and a Curado that could use some professional tlc.
  5. Hope the power doesn't go out. I'm watching footy.
  6. An opinion cannot be fact. That is a fact, not an opinion.
  7. I fished all the time as a teenager from a small tiller with no lifejacket. My dad aways said his number one job as a parent was that he raise me to be better then him by learning from his mistakes. I hope when my kids are older they always wear their lifejackets when I'm not around. http://www.nugget.ca/2014/06/16/widdifield-in-mourning Christopher Stanley will be remembered for his mischievous grin, his love for football and the outdoors and his wardrobe consisting of mostly camo and plaid. The Widdifield Secondary School family is grieving the loss of one of their own. Flags at Widdifield were flown at half-mast Monday as a tribute to Christopher, a Grade 12 student who was involved in a boating accident on Lake Nosbonsing Sunday around 8:45 a.m. Details about the incident remain unclear, however police said an unmanned fishing boat with its motor running was circling two young men while they called for help. Citizens in the area managed to rescue the second teen in the boat who was identified by Ontario Provincial Police as 17-year-old Nicholas Watson of Bonfield. Nicholas was transported to hospital by ambulance for an assessment. The OPP Underwater Search and Recovery Unit spent Sunday searching for Christopher. His body was located and recovered almost 12 hours later. A post mortem was scheduled to take place today. Lisa O'Kane, principal at Widdifield said the entire school's thoughts and prayers are with the Stanley family as they go through the loss of their son. “As a wildcat family we too grieve. Once a wildcat always a wildcat.” O'Kane said this year's graduating class, which Stanley was to be a part of, will honour their fellow student. She details haven't been finalized, however the football team has signed his white home football jersey. “Christopher just returned from a five-day outdoor canoe trip as part of his outdoor education class. He just loved the outdoors,”O'Kane said. “He was also highly regarded at JS Redpath where he worked as a cooperative student.” Critical Emergency Response Teams were deployed to Widdifield before students arrived Monday. Emergency Response Teams are comprised of school board staff who have received special training to work with people during a crisis. Board chairman David Thompson issued a statement on behalf of the school board, “Today the Near North District School Board family is saddened by the tragic boating accident involving two of our Grade 12 students that has unfortunately claimed the life of one of them who attended Widdifield Secondary.” “On behalf of the entire board, I would like to extend our sympathies and thoughts to both families, their classmates and staff at both schools as today is not a day that matters what school you go too,” he stated. The Widdifield Student Council also posted a message on its website, “Our hearts and souls go out to the Stanley and Watson families right now. Their loss is also our loss. Chris' smile will forever be remembered in the halls of Widdifield.” “We will all get through this together. RIP Chris.” Christopher's friends and classmates went to Facebook and Twitter to express their feelings. A Facebook page, RIP Chris Stanley, has been set-up for people to offer their condolences and share pictures. “There is not one dry eye at Widdifield today. You were and are well loved Chris,” posted Holly Macie. Students used the hash tag #RIPChrisStanley on Twitter to pay tribute. @mackenzie_vh posted “Our school praying together for Chris' family and friends was beautiful and warmed my heart. @kerry_ksmith posted “The only time goodbye is painful is when you know you will never say hello again. #RIPChrisStanley. Nugget.ca will update story
  8. http://www.nugget.ca/2014/06/15/opp-searching-for-missing-boater Ontario Provincial Police are still looking for 17-year-old Christopher Stanley following a boating incident this morning on Lake Nosbonsing around 8:45 a.m. North Bay OPP said the unmanned fishing boat with its motor running circled the two young men while they called for help. Citizens in the area managed to rescue one of the boaters, Nicholas Watson, 17 of Bonfield, prior to police arrival. Nicholas was transported to hospital by ambulance for an assessment. An extensive search for the other boater is still being conducted by the North Bay OPP, North Bay Marine Unity, North East Region Snowmobile, All Terrain and Vessel Enforcement (SAVE) Team, OPP Helicopter Unit and Underwater Search and Recovery Unit.
  9. My stick/C-clamp/transducer worked so well that for most small boat applications I'm not sure if I'd ever bother making it "more permanent". I even used it on the back of my uncle's fibreglass cruising boat with zero issues.
  10. Well, what to say? The story about the trapper's cabin I remember, but none of the fish trips or photos look familiar. Must be getting old. Great to have a traditions like that. Not sure about your brother's choice of shoes, but that's a nit that shouldn't be picked.
  11. That vermiculation is amazing. Thanks, Mike. When you mention that you're going on a trip I get almost as excited about your reports as I would for an actual trip of my own.
  12. Again, thanks for taking the time to gather and post.
  13. Given the vast amount of time I spend here how is it this is the first I've seen of this 4 year trip report? Now going back to 2011 to read it more thoroughly.
  14. Aw heck, now even Lew is promoting products. btw if Lew Said you had to stand on your head to catch musky I'd do it.
  15. Runs excitedly to check mailbox. Walks slowly back with head down.
  16. Not the biggest footbol fan but I watch the big games, both club and international. At its best, it is great spectacle and I love it. At its worst, it is mind numbingly dull and frustrating with the diving, grimacing, writhing and atrocious calls.
  17. Do not come between a man and his Barbie.
  18. Thank goodness we have the conservatives in power federally. Just imagine what the prices would be.
  19. People can ask whatever they want. A buyer can offer whatever they want. If the two can't come to an agreement then one of them didn't want/need the item, or the money, enough.
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