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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Not for the 100 Euro they charge for a ride.
  2. Not sure I see how any of that makes sense either and if the part about the straps did I'd still rather go through some of them at less then $50 a pop then a motor, boat or trailer.
  3. Married for 10 years and together for 16, my wife really wanted a big trip to celebrate. My suggestion of a remote fly-in for some fins and feathers was only half in jest but I don't even think it made the long list, let alone the short one. I knew our October wedding was going to cause some conflicts for me and the fall fishing and hunting but the thought of stewing in my own juices inside a tux for a summer wedding was even less attractive 10 years ago. AirMiles account cleaned out, kids off to the grandparents' and we're heading to Pearson for our 9 hour, 6 time zone flight to Rome. A few days there and then a <2 hour train ride (Trains are the cat's behind in Europe) to Florence. A few more days and then another train to Venice before flying home and some sleep before Ryan's first ever organized hockey practice this morning. 10 of the 2000 odd photos I took since any guide/tourist book will have better ones, but these are some I liked the first time through: Rome Florence Venice Ambulance. Things only move via boat, handcart or foot. The little fish market ^above^ is on the middle/bottom right and the we had a great seafood meal at the restaurant with the little oval yellow sign just above the market's tarp. The black and red boat in the middle of the canal is a bus. The trip was incredible. The food was awesome. The only real language issue was when I tried to use my very limited italian (One waiter actually turned is head like a dog and said "What?" in perfect English. Boy they smoke over there like it's an Olympic sport though. Now time to get some birds and fish of my own.
  4. No employer listed even though the story says that is who's denying her mat leave. In Canada the government pays you mat leave not your employer. Your employer is under obligation to hold your job for a year. Not pay you. That only happens if you've been paying EI. Self employed, sol
  5. Lots of good tips. All I can add is that as a long time Pentax slr user is that if you are looking to up grade via the used route you will have more options if you start with Nikon or cannon.
  6. Checking in from Florence.

  7. If you're doing a turkey Alton Brown has some tips: http://lifehacker.com/alton-browns-diy-turkey-fryer-is-the-safest-way-to-deep-1589937780 http://www.altonbrown.com/pdfs/AB_turkey_derrick.pdf
  8. Very nice. Put a ton of gasoline through it because this winter is going to seem like the coming of the next ice-age while you wait for spring.
  9. Glad to see you're able to get some recreation after all the hard work.
  10. .... So little time. 117 million lakes found in latest world count. Using satellite photos and computerized mapping technologies, an international research team counted all of the lakes on Earth. They found about 117 million lakes, covering almost four percent of the world’s land surface, not counting the glaciers on Greenland and Antarctica, according to a new study. It is the first time the world’s lakes have been counted using a reliable method, the study claims. Link to full story: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2014/09/15/117-million-lakes-found-in-latest-world-count/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_tw20140915ngnw-lakefound&utm_campaign=Content&sf4658837=1
  11. I can see it now.... Spiel with long hair and bellbottoms.
  12. Favourite time of the year. Beautiful colours, less people on the water, no bugs, comfortable temperatures, game in the woods and wetlands. I wish it could last for an extra couple of months.
  13. Sure that is an option. Just imagine it they had one on before they fell in. On or not, getting back into medium to small boats can bring the gunwales close to the water's edge and then maybe the boat swamps and 2 or more people are in the water. I've done white water canoe courses and lifeguard courses and survival courses. I've done the water rescues from shore, from canoes, kayaks, tin boats and great lakes sized ones. It's hard enough when you are in shape, young (and in a group that is more comfortable then the average person in the water to begin with) and in no real danger do to the controlled environment. In short, I guess I'm saying put as many things in your favour before things go sideways.
  14. Strong swimmers also die trying to save people drowning. A strong swimmer with a life jacket will likely survive. The likelihood of someone drowning while wearing a life jacket is almost nil (I stress lifejacket and not a pfd). I'd rather someone have a jacket on and deal with those "problems" then not have it on, because we know what those problems are. Strong swimmer or not if you see someone in the water that is in trouble you are likely to try to save them and rational thoughts are not high priorities. I feel like we are circling the bowl and I'm trying not to be argumentative.
  15. Talk of character from someone who was barely a year into a 5 year contract and walks.
  16. If someone isn't a strong swimmer shouldn't they be wearing a lifejacket then? Lifeguards are told to do everything possible before going into the water. The reality is watching your buddy drown or instinctively jumping into the water to save them. Or it's the 2 of you in the water trying to figure out how the bleep do we save ourselves. Every year there are news stories about someone jumping in to save someone only to drown themselves. After the fact, friends and family will say that the person didn't know how to swim.
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