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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Yes the price on BPS is in US dollars. Cabela's does have a .ca site that is in CAN dollars. When I've ordered on-line from BPS I've been able to see the final cost (taxes, duty, etc) before paying.
  2. Awesome. Still haven't got one on top.
  3. I'm glad I've stuck with my policy of not lending my equipment to friends.
  4. Great photos. Never been to the Pacific Coast, but it is on The List.
  5. The green and yellow are the bomb but the purple sucks.
  6. I've had an Altima for 3 years and that's it for my experience with CVTs. I have only ever owned manual transmission cars and was loath to change but for the type of family car with the features I wanted just after the tsunami I had little choice (and there is even less now in 2014). It's super fuel efficient for a gasoline engine with some hp. No issues yet, but that's only 3 years though so take that for what it's worth.
  7. I only knew him as a comic actor until I saw Awakenings. I realized that his talent wasn't just being funny.
  8. http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/robin-williams-dead-in-apparent-suicide-1.2733770 Actor-comedian Robin Williams was found dead on Monday at his home in Northern California from an apparent suicide, the Marin County Sheriff's Office said. He was 63. The sheriff's coroner's division said it suspects the death was a suicide due to asphyxia, but said the cause of death is still under investigation. Williams shot to fame through his stand-up comedy and first starring role in the Happy Days spin-off, Mork & Mindy. He went on to a successful film career, winning the best supporting actor Oscar for Good Will Hunting in 1997.
  9. Some realize the narrative would be completely different if the kid had hit the pro under the exact same conditions.
  10. See post #12 and #13. Good to know now drivers on the track are fair game cause the herd needs some thinnin'.
  11. You mean the good ole boys who got to talk to a genuine racecar driver and made their conclusions before the morning papers were on the doorsteps. I'll take a wait and see stand.
  12. Ya, cause a mechanical is the exact same thing.
  13. Lots of Tiger fans at the dome this weekend as well.
  14. A professional driver under yellow can't control a his car? Only one word for what he did.
  15. I still tie all his leaders and choose what pound test to use for those leaders. This was his second Jay game. His first was five years ago and one of The Doc's last games as a Jay.
  16. And there they be. Thanks for the effort, I know how frustrating it can be when things don't go as planned.
  17. When I bought the tickets on Tuesday there were only single seats available except for the corners in the 500 level. The $8 ticket for kids was no doubt a big factor. My ticket was $17 and I think that's the cheapest they have. The Dome's current capacity is about 47 thousand down from 51 and change from the early 90's. Lots of factors at play. Baseball has twice as many games as b-ball/hockey and stadiums that are at least twice as big. The Jays haven't been competitive in the second half of the season very often in the last 20 years. MLB has expanded the play-offs to combat that but still not enough teams are in a race in September and the teams "pay" for it at the gate. The other huge factor that all sports, not just baseball, now face is the challenge that most of us can get a far better experience at home then in the stadium/arena. Teams/leagues have been slow to adapt to the reality of HD tv, on screen info, pausing live tv and the internet. The Jay's hardly showed any replays during the game and never show a close play for fear of inciting the crowd to boo the umpires (That's a league policy) but even regular plays were hardly ever shown on the giant screen. When the people at home, on the couch, know details that the ticket paying customers aren't allowed to see you've got a problem. That's not factoring in my 45-60 minute car trip and 25 minute subway ride since that's the same for Leafs and Raptors.
  18. Ryan's Papa had some BPS gift cards that he wasn't going to use so he gave them to Ryan with the intent that he get his very own rod and reel (Ryan has previously been using an old ultra light set-up of mine). With Cabela's right in town now my trips to BPS will be less frequent as well but with the Blue Jay's having discounted tickets for kids under 14 on some Saturdays I figured a 2 for 1 was a good bargain. The new hat cost more then both of our tickets. Good thing for the hat cause we were very close to the sun. Jays win in the 10th inning after tying the game in the 9th. Ice Cream after the game And the purchases. I tried to explain how many lures he could buy if he didn't get the shark pillow but his mind was made up. I guess a five year old has different priorities then an adult.
  19. For what it's worth when I first looked I was able to see small photos, but now there is no photos, only text.
  20. Nice job Rich. I like the shotgun hold, but you're right, it doesn't show the size of the fish well. Being a big guy doesn't help either.
  21. My dad gave me a folding buck when I was a teenager. Twenty-five years later and it's as solid as the day it was bought. Edit to add: Lousy camera phone shot, but it is engraved 1989. When my dad passed away 5 years later I inherited his buck. The knife looks the same, save for the engraving, but the case is much more worn. His must be over 35 years old.
  22. You do understand that your skin is water proof...
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