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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Maybe I should have haggled a little with you and I could have got one of those sledges thrown in on the deal for the boat. Good luck Roger.
  2. Bathroom scale, level ground and the trailer at the same angle as it is when on your hitch. And you then need to know how much the whole shamozal weights.
  3. Hard to say definitively, an inch or 2 can make all the difference. Some of the newer houses have very small garages. Measure your door width. Measure the depth of the garage and you've got something to work with.
  4. Beauty, good to see you around still junkie.
  5. We had a member from the deep south who had a hat that would also some up one of those days:
  6. Yep. Back and forth game 4-5 lead changes. Ah, the onion ring.
  7. The burgers are good, and it is highway pricing but $34/35 for a kid's combo and 2 adult combos was steeper than I expected. In all fairness I paid $7 for a bottled water and a steamed hotdog today at a Rugby game so maybe I need to complain more about how much I make instead of how much things cost. Drop that ring?
  8. My son had Friday as a PA day as well and I wanted to do something a little different for him. Decided on a trip to Georgian Bay to an area that we've never been to before but had heard good things. Up before day light and off we go. Drove through some rain and launch with-out actually being carried away but mosquitos. New water and much of it isn't marked well by my navi card (Time to check for an up-date) Rocks everywhere and grey skies meant I spent as much time watching my deapthfinder as I did for propbusters. We didn't do very well but it will be a trip we will do again but either earlier in the season or later when musky and bass are open. It was a little like looking for a needle in a needle stack. Everywhere looked like a good spot but since it was all good there wasn't any concentrations of fish, or at least that's what we did to explain away our lack of fish. Little pike after a follow that wasn't quite a textbook figure 8 but he's getting the hang of it. It pored like-a-son-of-a-gun for about 15 minutes so he experienced his first donning/doffing of rain gear - 3 man routine while holding 3 trolling rods. "Big" fish of the day Caught it on the replacement for this one that gave it's life so that I might enjoy a tug. The 3 of us all had different days. I caught most of the pike and I was only one to get fish trolling. My brother only caught bass while casting (2 were real pigs). While Ryan had the lead in follows and hits right at the boat that made him more excited then when we actually had a fish in the boat. Finished an 18 hour day with a burger, fries and onion rings eaten in the boat and he slept the sleep of an angler. That meal cost more than the gasoline used in the boat and tow vehicle on the day. And I wrote this this morning while sitting outside as he rode his bike like only a 6 year old can. Would have been nice to head out for musky opener but what can you do?
  9. I did the same with my son. Brand new water on G.B.... we had a great day, but did not do as well as yous guys.
  10. He's 6 and thinks a few 38 inch pike and a dozen 30 inchers is a great day. Love to do a full blown fish fest. We'll see how he progresses this summer.
  11. Wow. Thirty years ago now. I know there were a series of tornados across Ontario and the northern states but the one that went through the city I was living in, obviously, was the most significant to me. I was home from school with the chickenpox and my most vivid memory is the eerily green sky after the power went out.
  12. Yay! Something to read with Sunday coffee. Next best thing to being on the water.
  13. Don't know, the current owner is cheap.
  14. Custom built 25 years ago. Our "old" home was a typical modern subdivision home and it had shut off valves.
  15. It does add up and with twin sinks it is a bit of a kick in the pills when it was only supposed to cost the price of two faucets but it is too little of a job for a pro as well.
  16. Thanks for the replies. Good to know that it's something I can do myself.
  17. So the faucets in the kids bathroom need to be replaced (I'm told) and that was my job today. No big deal I've swapped out faucets before and besides the blue air, I manage. Clean out the crap from underneath the sink and notice there is no shut-off, pita but fine. Then I notice there are no threads connecting the hot and cold water to the faucet. The small copper pipe runs right up into the existing faucet. This is above my pay grade, so my question is: What is this going to cost to cut and solder threads on 2 bathroom sinks that work fine but don't meet someone's standards?
  18. I replaced it this week and only bought 2 extras. Although I just about bought a 16 gauge SxS. I'm ready again for those fish moving deep.
  19. No fishing this weekend. P.A. day on Friday may call for an epic fishing adventure (epic for a 6 year old). Forgot about a little scene that played out while we were casting in a bay. A boat came around the point and the guy was casting the shoreline. Didn't think too much about it because it's a steep shoreline and I'm on the electric and fishing, but after we passed each other my son asks "Is bass season is open?" I say "No". After a little while he asks me again and says that it looked like the other boat was fishing for bass. As I start saying that the shore is steep and there are lots of ways to blah blah blah my brother says the guy was casting a senko. Instead I explain why some people don't follow the rules. So if you can't fool a 6 year old I'm not sure who you think you're fooling. No word on if he took any photos.
  20. It feels like 30 degrees here before 9am and thunderstorms are in the forecast so I think I'll manage.
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