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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Badgers are butt kickers. Imagine wolverines.
  2. Officer's discretion is what it is. Try the "Well the other CO said he'd never give me a ticket for this" it might work. Many drivers speed 10kph over and don't get a speeding ticket, doesn't mean it's not illegal. "Hey, buddy the last cop let me off, and surely you're not a big enough fool to give me one are you?" Slot fish need to be measured to determine if they are in/out. Just this weekend my son caught one of the bigger smallmouths I've seen the last few years, 5-6lbs. It was at least 3 times bigger any bass he's caught. He had no issues with it going back in the water right away. He did want me to remember the spot so we could come back when the season opened. "Ok, one more your eye's were closed. Oh crap, I cropped the tail out. Wait, did the flash go off? Shoot, the fish's eyes were closed.
  3. Page 12. It's even highlighted in red. Very clear..... for some. http://www.ontario.ca/document/2015-ontario-fishing-regulations-summary
  4. There are too many whiners. Grow a set and release oos fish immediately as the law has always stated. The wording was added because people doing exactly what you do were too confused and "whining" about getting tickets for taking photos of oos fish. Love those hero shots of your 2lb oos fish. Pulling bass off of beds does impact the fishery. Proved wrong. Ticket is in the mail.
  5. Now if we could just get the wind to stay the same the whole day...
  6. Don't forget depth. Shallow lakes/bays can really build up waves. Sometimes you can fish the lee of the islands or the west side of the lake.
  7. Forgot to mention that we were using husky jerks for the most part when trolling and at the end of the day when I told him he could keep the one that he caught his fish on his eyes lit up. Hope he remembers it as well as I do.
  8. No specific technique. Just some patience and luck. Much easier sitting in the living room rather then the boat while fish are being caught.
  9. Took me a little less than an hour but it has been fixed. Breakthrough Ready for next week.
  10. Nope, the fish were biting and that one was not likely untangle-able. I caught someone's line on my back cast and that one might go all the way to the middle. Not sure if I've had one that bad before. Reminds me that I need to go get it and see what I can do.
  11. Nice. What were you getting them on? This time of year husky jerks are our go to lure although spoons and spooks also hooked some as well.
  12. Pretty lousy scenery and the fishing isn't very good either.
  13. He's six. A few weeks ago I posted a video of him casting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyZJBsvOKE It wasn't text book but it worked for him so I let it be. When he saw the video he said "What am I doing?" Yesterday he asked to see how I did it and that was it. He then started to ask lots of questions about the baitcasters that my brother and I were using. For now he just gets to use the baitcaster for trolling.
  14. There was. More than I remember from last year at the same time.
  15. Beautiful day. Back out today with my son. He had his first pike on while casting a rapala minnow, lost it at the boat but it sure got him excited. Two trips in a row my brother lands the first fish and on a spook again. My day didn't start as well as I would have hoped. But it improved a little later. My son had a hit while trolling and as I reeled in my line I had a hit as well. Two pike landed and his first pike ever. I was more keen on the double header for his first pike then he was but I guess that what dads are for. No bigger ones today, but no one in the boat was complaining. He was also proud to bring home food that the whole family ate. One little tip and the "jazz hands" were no more and his casting really improved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSCjVj-D9zc&feature=youtu.be
  16. Sounds like NY's law is similar to Ontario's. Immediate release is too ambiguous for some.
  17. Nope. I'd either had to have got it for free and/or received payment it lieu of.
  18. Could get you a ticket specifically for doing so in NY state. http://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2015/05/new_law_photographing_fish_caught_out_of_season_a_ticketable_offense.html Due to the increasing trend of fishermen catching "out-of-season" fish and posting pictures of their catches on Facebook and other social media, the state Department of Environmental Conservation has put a new fishing regulation in effect that makes the practice a "ticketable offense." The new regulation, which took effect April 1, is listed in the new DEC fishing guide that one gets when he or she buys a fishing license. It's listed on page 52 under the "General Take and Possession" heading. According to the fishing guide: "A person may not fish for a species (even if immediately released) during the closed season for that species on a given water. Fish caught during the closed season must be unhooked and released immediately. They may not be handled for any other purpose, including taking a picture." Taking a picture of an out-of-season fish can result in a ticket from an environmental conservation officer. The resulting penalty can be a fine of up to $250 fine, and/or 15 days in jail. "It's a ticketable offense. It's all because of the social media thing and people posing with the fish for pictures. They often spend too much time dilly- dallying and don't return the fish immediately to the water," according to Lori Severino, a DEC spokeswoman. "This was designed to protect the fish species." Bottom line: one can't take an out-of-season fish out of the water for any reason other than to take the hook out and release it. The penalty for holding that fish up quickly or leisurely (it doesn't matter) for a picture is no longer allowed. Situations where new law would apply include: *Catching and photographing an out-of-season bass on the St. Lawrence River or on a Lake Ontario tributary in Jefferson County, where unlike the most of the state there is no off-season catch and release fishing allowed outside of the regular bass fishing season. *Photographing an out-of season walleye caught on Oneida Lake or elsewhere. *Catching and photographing an angler holding up a sturgeon he or she "accidentally" landed. (Sturgeon are endangered species and there is no open season in this state to fish for them.) And needless to say, Severino added, "intentionally angling for threatened or endangered fish, or for fish during the closed season for that species" is also prohibited. In situations where "catch and release" angling is allowed (such as for bass during the off-season in most parts of the state, or for trout in a stream designated as a no-kill waterway), the DEC fishing regulations state: "Measuring, weighing and photographing the fish are permitted as long as the fish is not removed from the water for an extended period or handled in a manner that could cause harm. Fish may not be held on a string, or placed in a bucket, tub, livewell, or any other holding device."
  19. My brother got a few on zaras and I got some on a syclops both in fire tiger. Husky jerks in natural colours produced the rest including a real beauty that was lost at the boat that might haunt us both all season. That's fishin'.
  20. Nothing fancy just 2 guys in a boat fishing. My brother had one in the boat before I had even decided what lure to use. Most of them today were that size unfortunately. Only in focus photo of me with a fish today. Big fish of the day casting a suspending husky jerk. 36-37 inches
  21. Easy to say yes when it's not my money. I guess the counter side would ask what type of boat and/or how do you use the boat? If this a cottage boat then I could see an argument for not having power trim, but I'd rather have it.
  22. Anybody have experience with this procedure? Send me a PM. Thanks
  23. I think what it means is that for a year you can get any other updates that are made.
  24. This no island thing was a surprise to me. I had also found one on Georgian bay that had everything but it was clear that staying on an island had never even crossed their minds. I'm hoping that they will come around after a bit.
  25. Thanks. At this point our goal is a private cottage but lodge/resortsavn't been ruled out. I might also go a little more nutts as well. For now island/boat access cottages have been vetoed. Thanks anyway Wayne. Maybe if it is on the market I could buy it since the inlaws won't come via boat.
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