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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. As the sole hunter of a family of 4 grouse eaters I have to eat my bits right out of the fry pan as is.
  2. Yes, big difference between northern and southern birds in Ontario. I hunt grouse in southern Ontario because it's where I live and it is a real challenge. I make the occasional trip north to eat some birds and remind myself why it is worth it in the south. I like to cut the breast into strips and soak them in buttermilk with a little kosher salt added (iodized salt is not good for this, I've been told). Drain and roll in panko or regular bread crumbs (sometimes I use crushed cornflake just like we did when I was a kid). Fry in a cast iron pan with a little oil.
  3. I was in your neck of the woods but I'm pretty sure none of them were your pets.
  4. Check the settings on your monitor. I didn't see any of those 6 cheeks with any hint of violet.
  5. Larry, Curly and Moe? Larry, Darryl and his other brother named Darryl? Larry, Curly and Shemp?
  6. My brother and I were on the road extra early and made the drive north for some birds. All along it was likely going to be too hot, too green and too thick, but a day off is a day off and this way if the trip was a bust we had 3 easy excuses. The area we tried first is closed to all vehicles which is great... later in the year when much of the growth has died back, but this early it was silly with growth over our heads in many spots. It was a tough go and really hot. We weren't seeing or hearing any birds. The decision to head back was made and maybe take a chance on one of the atv trails instead. On the way back I did get a single and maybe things would get better. Back at the truck while we had our lunch the weather started to cool a little. Off to another trail and we're having an easier go of things but still not seeing any birds. Then, the day changed in a wingbeat. We are surrounded by birds and they are flying everywhere. We get some, miss some, find some more, get some more, miss some more and after it's all over we had five birds, I've got one shell left and we're not sure how many birds there were in total. Back at the truck for more shells and to put the birds on ice. We'd used up all of our luck as the last 3 birds we see are still in the woods and only one of them even heard a shot and a jack pine was the only thing hit. Great start to the season and the hunger has been satiated for now but the colours will come, the air will turn cold and I will hear the frost under my boots.
  7. It also looks like a smallish engine for the boat. Although without seeing all of the boat can't say for sure.
  8. Only Lew could take a photo with a straight face and an egg heater around his neck.
  9. http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/2015/09/15/barrie-police-looking-for-help A collision between two boats on Kempenfelt Bay has Barrie police looking for a vessel that left the scene of the crash. The collision took place just after 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 5 and two people received non-life-threatening injuries. They were taken to Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre. City police arrived just after 9:30 p.m. and officers were told about a vessel that failed to remain at the crash scene. Police have identified several witnesses with information about the collision. Anyone who was in the area or has information about this incident is asked to call Const. Langdon from the traffic unit at 705-725-7025, extension 2912 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or leave an anonymous tip at www.tipsubmit.com, occurrence #BA1504403.
  10. "Sign of guilt maybe when you have nothing to say after being accused?" No, they just needed to go to the store for some bass, fish, lunch.
  11. Not sure if redhanded is accurate, but these are serious allegations: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1467992596863405&id=100009580354844
  12. Ours was rated for exactly what the stickers on the cowling said it was rated for.
  13. Ya some of the hairiest rides I've had were in a little aluminum with a way too big motor on the back. Likely felt way faster than it actually was but still that thing would just up and go then skip along, one hand on the tiller the other on the gunwale.
  14. 2003? Princecraft 164 Pro Series with a 2004 50hp 4 stroke Johnson Loaded with gear, me and my brother 42kph easy. Without my brother 50kph. all based on the gps.
  15. http://www.nugget.ca/2015/09/11/nip-first-nation-to-hold-fishery-meetings Nipissing First Nation is in discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry over a Memorandum of Understanding that would have NFN's Fisheries Law recognized by the Ontario government. “This is a first for this province and is a trailblazing activity for all Anishinaabe people,” stated Chief Scott McLeod. “It will provide enhanced capacity for NFN to better manage our resources and will establish firm protocols that prevent the ministry from acting without knowledge and consent,” he said. “This is a huge step forward, not back, and in no way revokes our treaty rights, but rather reaffirms them.” That is one of the issues on the agenda at next week's community meetings. Council's recent decision to close the commercial fishery will also be discussed. McLeod was asked if all his members are abiding by council's decision to shorten the commercial fishery season. He said no figures have been released from the NFN's fishery department, but expects to receive an update at next week's meetings. “I would assume we would have some issues. Just like every community there are some who believe they are above the law and Nipissing First Nation is no different than any other community.” Fishing nets associated with the Nipissing First Nation commercial fishery were expected to be removed from Lake Nipissing as Aug. 22. McLeod informed local fishermen that council was going to put a stop to gill netting to ensure the health and long-term sustainability of the walleye fishery. “When council was voted into office they knew there was some tough decisions that had to be made. The community was also aware,” he said, adding council is trying to come up with ways to lessen the burden. Since the decision was made there has been some backlash. “Some have said that we are attacking treaty rights by closing the commercial fishery,” McLeod said in a letter addressed to community members. “Some feel that we are relinquishing our authority to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Nothing could be further from the truth.” The meetings are slated for Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the administration office in Garden Village and Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Nbisiing Secondary School in Duchesnay. [email protected]
  16. My brother and I are heading up a week tomorrow for some grouse. It's been a long 8 months.
  17. How would the CO's deal with this? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/08/woman-pistol-vagina-charged-unlawful-carry/71899282/ I hate cleaning the inside of my guns.
  18. At least to this North American's eyes. The Swiss sport of Hornussen was just shown on Daily Planet. Anybody got room for a Hornussen field?
  19. Good, don't want to favour one side too much.
  20. How do you get the impressions out of it? Or do you leave them in for "character"?
  21. I work with a gentleman, and he often tells me to "Take your time getting old."
  22. Not the first time I've been a day late and a dollar short.
  23. Guess I didn't refresh my page before posting.
  24. Three more: http://www.cp24.com/news/three-more-asian-grass-carp-found-in-toronto-waters-1.2547065
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