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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. We always do ours as an evening thing, I like the idea of a late lunch, but with kids hockey and family tradition I'm not sure if I could change it. Crappy camera phone but it did come out well, if a little hot on the left.
  2. Our big Thanksgiving Day dinner is today. The big bird is about half-way there: The little bird will be enjoyed later. Happy Thanksgiving. Cherish those around you, remember fondly those that are not.
  3. Someone I fish with a lot got a hook close to the brain as well.... ... When he sat down on his own lure. My job: 1. Stop laughing 2. Get camera and take picture 3. Remove hooks
  4. Could he smell burnt toast?
  5. Already did it. I've been an hour late twice this week and it's only Tuesday.
  6. Thanks. My intent was to give a heads up for anyone parking in the woods whether you're in that area or elsewhere. The nuts were tightened with a torque wrench and that was 13000 kms ago. The 4 remaining wheel studs were in perfect shape (threads are not worn) the 5th stud was snapped off. Each wheel used to have one keyed nut and 4 regular ones.
  7. ... and the MNR. Only so many regulars in the area. At this point the calls were only to let them know it had happened. Zero proof of course, and at this point a one-off for me, but you're right, it might be another reason for someone to ask a few questions. I'll be interested to see what the cameras produce.
  8. Just spent the afternoon going over it with a mechanic. Everything points to tampering. I've just decided on a new spot during the big game seasons. I'll also be bringing some game cameras as well. Haven't decided on whether or not my brother and I will be sitting in the woods watching with a couple more cameras.
  9. Just the wheel. It was dark so I couldn't see where it went. I was very worried that it would hit something.
  10. I was hunting the South river area on Friday for grouse and on the way home my front diver's side wheel came off on hwy 11. No injuries and thank goodness no other vehicles were involved. I had let of the throttle has soon as I heard something and we were going much slower than the speed limit when it came off. At this point i don't know how it happened. The last time that wheel had been off the vehicle was in the spring when the summers were put on. Don't know if it was tampered with. Just a heads up if you are out in the woods this fall.
  11. Thinking back to last time... Life sure changes in 22 years.
  12. And that might be the root of it. Who is blind and who has vision. The title is: Defending your property in Ontario.
  13. You're right some cultures are more prone. We however disagree on what that means.
  14. I thought this was an image of the panda twins at the Toronto Zoo. Congratulations.
  15. You do realize that your premise was population density?
  16. It's easier to list the first world countries (hopefully we don't have to debate that as well) with less pop density then the US. It's us, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
  17. Population density doesn't explain away this issue. There is a long list of countries that have higher density then the US that do not have the same issues. You are right, it is their issue, not ours and I don't want it here.
  18. That's not the reason things are different here and if you compare our density to the actual places we live the difference you are trying to pin this on isn't nearly as significant.
  19. We see what your liberty and freedom cost every week on the news. Someone should ask for a refund.
  20. Ya it's a Stevens 16 gauge that I picked up this summer from EPPS. First bird with it.
  21. Made it out for some fish today. It appeared that many other fishermen also had the same idea. My choice would have been to go hunting but Ryan asked to go fishing since he gets to more actively participate. Most of the areas we wanted to try already had someone else and I'd rather try a new water rather than crowd another boat. We bounced around looking for some topwater fish and only had few hits and a couple of hook-ups, but only a single bass in the boat. Made it home before the end of the Jay's game. Did get a bird the other day as well. I was really hoping to have some fish to go with it.
  22. Canadian storage laws also make guns less then ideal for home defence.
  23. My guns are useless, and never intended, for home defence. They are locked in a safe and each is also trigger locked. Ammo is locked separate. I'm guessing it would take me 5 minutes in daylight (with no duress) to unlock and load something.
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