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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Another point to consider is that in Northwestern Ontario they may just slip over the border and be fishing in Minnesota waters. That might change the regs as well. As stated though... interpretation.
  2. Now you're the fourth best hunter in your house.
  3. I always knew you were a tough son of a gun Lew but deer hunting with an axe??? That's just showing off! Love those vintage photos.
  4. Thanks Glen. My brother is springing for a hut. Sort of a new daddy celebration gift (or maybe he thinks I'm getting old).
  5. Ice Fishing Lake Simcoe for lakers and whitefish. Does anybody have any experience with the operators out of Oro or Oro Station? Thanks
  6. I can take a bunch, providing the weather isn't too wet. I was hoping to catch some of those man-eating sized perch though.
  7. I decided to replace the original liners from my sorel boots. I went to one store that sells sorel boots and the liners are $50! The new boots that the liners go in are only $110 at the same store! I tried a few other stores but had no luck. I have hard time bringing myself to replace a perfectly solid pare of boots, but $50 liners for a $110 pair of boots burns my onions as well. Suggestions?
  8. I've had more luck with my jiggin' line over the set line on Nipissing for eyes. My go-to jiggin' lure now is a 1/2oz Swedish pimple tipped with a gulp alive minnow.
  9. I've caught bigger perch than that... on a surface lure... 2lb test line.... in a "dead" lake.
  10. So that's how you maintain your svelte physique, emailed plates of food.
  11. LMAO - Laugh(ing) my off ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my off Took me months to figure some of these out.
  12. But you never run out of film, they are always in focus, the exposrure is perfect and the fish are all personal bests.
  13. Great photos Cliff! Any ideas on where the first ones were taken?
  14. Neat photos, although when I saw albino in the subject line I had a horrible vision of TJ streaking, and yet I still clicked on it.
  15. Fishin' Canada crew are at Kesagami and Pete is fishin' for pike with Dave from the board. Global channels in Alberta right now if you have time shifting, should be on again tomorrow morning.
  16. Forget all of our old debates: Tiller v console; Walleye v pickerel; bait cast v spin; canoe v kayak It is now about who has the longer skating rink. Nothin' like some men arguing about who's is bigger. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...l_gam_mostemail PATRICK WHITE From Thursday's Globe and Mail January 8, 2009 at 4:35 AM EST WINNIPEG — Work with what you got, they say. And in Winnipeg, they "got" ice. Acres of it. That's why, for the second year in a row, Winnipeg is breaking Guinness records and jabbing its mittened thumb in Ottawa's eye by scraping out the world's longest skating trail. Just call it Ice War II. "Nobody can beat us," says Paul Jordan, the Winnipeg River Trail's chief cheerleader and organizer. "We'll keep pushing this thing through to Norway House and Portage la Prairie if we have to." The River Trail has become more than a skating surface; it's an act of national defiance. Last year, it ran 8.54 kilometres along the Assiniboine and Red rivers, eclipsing Ottawa's famed Rideau Canal and earning the city a Guinness record for the world's longest naturally frozen skating trail. This year, mother nature threw a wrench in plans to make the trail even longer, littering the Red River with uneven frazil ice. But in Mr. Jordan's zeal to thump Ottawa again, he had workers push the surface in the opposite direction, up the Assiniboine. When the entire trail opens this month, Mr. Jordan expects it to measure 9.32 kilometres, smashing last year's record and putting Rideau Canal's paltry 7.8 kilometres to shame. "The Rideau people get all fussed up about it," says Mr. Jordan, chief operating officer of the Forks, a community development organization. "They are now claiming they are the widest. Well, they can be wide. I'd rather be long." The Ice War became so heated last year that it sparked a rare bit of intra-party heckling in the House of Commons. When Winnipeg North Centre MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis stood to tout the River Trail's length, Ottawa Centre MP - and fellow NDPer - Paul Dewar couldn't help but pipe up. "I just had to take issue with my colleague when she said that Winnipeg has the longest and best skating surface in the world," says Mr. Dewar, who visited the River Trail with skates around Christmas only to find it closed. "From my reports it's more of a cow path than a skating rink." Compared with the Rideau Canal - with its floodlights, warm-up shacks and huts selling Beaver Tail pastries - the River Trail is relatively sparse. The Winnipeg surface narrows to the width of a car in spots and is hand-shovelled by eight university students. Last year, several weary skaters had to flag down cabs after becoming worn out by the trail's length. "They hopped into taxis with their skates still on," says Mr. Jordan. But those are just signs that the trail is true to its hardy Manitoba roots, say locals. "[Ottawans] can keep their Beaver Tails," says Jim Maloway, another local MP, standing along an Assiniboine riverbank in -31 wind chill. "They'd all be frozen Popsicles out here this time of year." Despite such fighting words, some Ottawans won't deign to speak of a rivalry. "We don't feel there is a competition," says Alain Nantel, the National Capital Commission official responsible for the Rideau Canal Skateway, who says he has no plans to challenge Winnipeg by dynamiting the locks that hem in the Rideau skating surface. Despite claims to conciliation, Mr. Nantel is quick to point out that the Rideau is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and holds the Guinness record for the world's largest skating rink by surface area. In this most Canadian of battles, perhaps a most Canadian sentiment is the solution. "In the good spirit of Canadian compromise, maybe they can have the longest and we can have the largest," says Mr. Dewar. "If that doesn't work, we need a skate-off. An independent third party can skate our canal and then attempt to skate on the Winnipeg path. It's not just quantity but quality that matters in good ice." He should watch his tongue, warns Mr. Maloway. "The only thing separating me from Paul is a very small aisle."
  17. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ry/Science/home The Canadian Press January 8, 2009 at 11:00 AM EST WINDSOR, Ont. — The levels of some of the Great Lakes are expected to be higher in the first half of 2009 than they were last year. And that is good news for the boating and shipping industry. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers predicts that Lake Michigan and Huron should be up at least 15 centimetres from very low levels in 2007. And Lake St. Clair could rise by five centimetres. Lake Superior is expected to be up 30 centimetres by June. The levels of Lakes Erie and Ontario are predicted to be higher than in 2007 although slightly lower than last year. Windsor's harbour master Bill Marshall said higher levels allow ships to get into more ports, and when the ships are able to load more goods it becomes cheaper per tonne to move.
  18. I guess I'm in the minority, I tie mine with 8lb XT, sometimes or 8XL. Works for me. I've tried some Floro but I didn't like it.
  19. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewabugarciarecord.html
  20. Well I became a father on New Years morning at 5:34am. 3rd baby born at the Barrie Hospital that morning. 3 weeks early. Ryan Michael and mom are doing great, dad's a little stunned. All should be home in 3 days or so. I am going to try hard not to crash the site with endless photos, but I'll put up 3 and try to stop. new aunt Dad! The bass was this big! This was the second photo I took of him.
  21. No idea about ice conditions, but getting there is easy. Just past Casino Rama in Longford Mills there is a road that takes you right to the Lake. Google maps with the satellite feature works great too.
  22. Have you seen Roy??? I say that those are the 1 3/4 lb lobsters.
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